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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Fitbawmad do you honestly believe that a football club owner such as David Murray who had such a substantial shareholding of a club the size of Rangers would have seriously listened to the support groups over EBTs, which were legal, irrespective of HMRCs opinion of them. Utter nonsense, the man had a dictator like attitude during his tenure of the club, no way would he have listened to the support.

I read all this nonsense about the Rangers support could have done this and that on here, all well and good in hindsight but the reality is the support couldn't do anything of any real substance where the debt was concerned. That is the bottom line. Now all leave you all to your nonsense.

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Fitbawmad do you honestly believe that a football club owner such as David Murray who had such a substantial shareholding of a club the size of Rangers would have seriously listened to the support groups over EBTs, which were legal, irrespective of HMRCs opinion of them.   Utter nonsense, the man had a dictator like attitude during his tenure of the club, no way would he have listened to the support.  


I read all this nonsense about the Rangers support could have done this and that on here, all well and good in hindsight but the reality is the support couldn't do anything of any real substance where the debt was concerned.  That is the bottom line.  Now all leave you all to your nonsense.

You could um...... not support it?

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Fitbawmad do you honestly believe that a football club owner such as David Murray who had such a substantial shareholding of a club the size of Rangers would have seriously listened to the support groups over EBTs, which were legal, irrespective of HMRCs opinion of them. Utter nonsense, the man had a dictator like attitude during his tenure of the club, no way would he have listened to the support.

I read all this nonsense about the Rangers support could have done this and that on here, all well and good in hindsight but the reality is the support couldn't do anything of any real substance where the debt was concerned. That is the bottom line. Now all leave you all to your nonsense.

I'll tell you exactly what your fellow fans did when faced with the prospect of pulling in the purse strings and Rangers fielding a mediocre side when the MSM published it in their news years ago !, they drag out a pish stained bed sheet and then wrote on the rag "WE DESERVE BETTER".

Rangers for them and most others especially those under 30 spend big to get wan up the tic and pulverise all the over opposition and get pumped in Europe every year. What Rangers don't do is make drastic cost cutting programs to put the club into financial safety but they did rely on European money to plug the financial canyon.

Last season proved what Rangers fans want !, to spend more money on players to pump the opposition and run away with the league or they won't show up or buy season tickets. What your fans want Super Salary to do in January is to bring in better players so they can or could win one of the major cups.

The fans show they don't actually care about the club because instead of wanting the clubs costs to come down they want someone to come in and then pump even more money down the drain, and your club is expected to lose as much money last year this year with all those one off costs mounting up.

The Rangers fans don't actually care about the club but care more about victories over their rivals at any cost and boasting and bragging at how successful they think their club is or they won't show up eventually.

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Fitbawmad do you honestly believe that a football club owner such as David Murray who had such a substantial shareholding of a club the size of Rangers would have seriously listened to the support groups over EBTs, which were legal, irrespective of HMRCs opinion of them. Utter nonsense, the man had a dictator like attitude during his tenure of the club, no way would he have listened to the support.

I read all this nonsense about the Rangers support could have done this and that on here, all well and good in hindsight but the reality is the support couldn't do anything of any real substance where the debt was concerned. That is the bottom line. Now all leave you all to your nonsense.

Oh Youngsy, you do make me laugh.

The man had a dictator like attitude, that's the bottom line!

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I'll tell you exactly what your fellow fans did when faced with the prospect of pulling in the purse strings and Rangers fielding a mediocre side when the MSM published it in their news years ago !, they drag out a pish stained bed sheet and then wrote on the rag "WE DESERVE BETTER".

Rangers for them and most others especially those under 30 spend big to get wan up the tic and pulverise all the over opposition and get pumped in Europe every year. What Rangers don't do is make drastic cost cutting programs to put the club into financial safety but they did rely on European money to plug the financial canyon.

Last season proved what Rangers fans want !, to spend more money on players to pump the opposition and run away with the league or they won't show up or buy season tickets. What your fans want Super Salary to do in January is to bring in better players so they can or could win one of the major cups.

The fans show they don't actually care about the club because instead of wanting the clubs costs to come down they want someone to come in and then pump even more money down the drain, and your club is expected to lose as much money last year this year with all those one off costs mounting up.

The Rangers fans don't actually care about the club but care more about victories over their rivals at any cost and boasting and bragging at how successful they think their club is or they won't show up eventually.

If the time comes to close the thread, I hope the last post, is the above, quoted. Spot on.

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Hell of a rant, Hellboy. If I'm correct that ' we deserve better ' stance took place v Falkirk at Ibrox in 2008/09. It was organised by the RST, an organisation that has and had at that time comparatively few members than the other support groups. The ' we deserve better' stance was shouted down by many of the support that day so please before you start a rant get it correct, the media showing a few photos of that wasn't telling the full picture of that day. Also perhaps you weren't aware that in 2004 Murray floated a rights issue of £51 million for all shareholders to take up, it failed leaving M.I.H. to underwrite to the tune of £50 million, so much for Rangers fans being led by Murray.

As to stating that Rangers fans just want to spend money, you're very much deluded there, the vast majority are looking to see such vast amounts being paid out by the present and previous boards, spivs if you like,stopped. Hence the reason the vast majority want this board removed and replaced by some who hopefully will be more prudent with the finances. Although, you being the person you are no doubt you'll argue that one as well. Anyway, rant over.

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Youngsy, there's thread after thread in the OF forum going back years telling you guys Rangers were about to implode. Have a look at what you and others replied.

You just could not believe you were all being conned, your superiority complexes made you try to belittle tye warnings and warnees. You still can't accept your club were killed off to dump debt and you wil all pump more money into the coffers of opportunisits through vanity.


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The Easdales are Rangers only chance. Whether people like them or not they are very good businessmen and a much better and safer option than the Rangers men Look at comparative monetary strength and success, They are the ones that put up the finance, Jolly Jim and co talked a lot.

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Good ol' Brian Stockbridge; hands back his measley £220k bonus to stay on "The Board".

He knows he'll treble that bonus this year when they win League 1.

It's just like putting it in a savings fund while collecting his wages by staying on "The Board".

Waiting another 6 months is a small price to pay.

"Honour amongst thieves" :lol:

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Good ol' Brian Stockbridge; hands back his measley £220k bonus to stay on "The Board".

He knows he'll treble that bonus this year when they win League 1.

It's just like putting it in a savings fund while collecting his wages by staying on "The Board".

Waiting another 6 months is a small price to pay.

"Honour amongst thieves" :lol:

Dunno about that - you'd have to be a bit of a gambler considering the money is due to run out - possibly before the season concludes. Risky gamble

Edited by NotfromFifehonest
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Dunno about that - you'd have to be a bit of a gambler considering the money is due to run out - possibly before the season concludes. Risky gamble

I must admit I never took into consideration the 'gers going into admin, getting docked enough points to lose the league and the "fans" going into complete meltdown.

Marvellous :thumsup2

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It's a common affliction within their echelons. It's also why they are so easily duped. Sad really.

See Youngsy's post from 2011... Apparently 2 seasons of champions league money was going to right all the wrongs.

Head in the sand, til it was all too late.

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11 December 2013

Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", "RIFC" or the "Company")

Board Committees

The Board of RIFC has appointed members of its three committees which will assist the board with its responsibilities, in line with the standards expected of an AIM Company. The members of each committee will review the terms of reference which will be published following approval of the Board by the end of January 2014. It is envisaged that Executive Directors will attend, but not be members of, certain committees.

The committees comprise the following members:

Audit Committee:

David Somers (Chairman)

Norman Crighton

Brian Stockbridge (attendee)

Graham Wallace (attendee)

Remuneration and Nominations Committee

James Easdale (Chairman)

Norman Crighton

David Somers

Graham Wallace (attendee)

Investment Committee

Norman Crighton (Chairman)
James Easdale
David Somers

Graham Wallace (attendee)

For further information please contact:

Rangers International Football Club plc

Graham Wallace

Brian Stockbridge

Tel: 0141 580 8647

Daniel Stewart & Company plc

Tel: 020 7776 6550

Paul Shackleton / James Thomas

Newgate Threadneedle

Tel: 020 7148 6143

Graham Herring / Roddy Watt / John Coles

Media House International Ltd

Tel: 020 7710 0020

Jack Irvine

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Jesus, did you read his post, and thats what you took from it? :unsure2:

Did you read it or just green dot it because of the lovely hyperbole? It's a load of pish with no factual basis, just a warped internet persona ranting to the like minded.

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Did you read it or just green dot it because of the lovely hyperbole. It's a load of pish with no factual basis, just a warped internet persona ranting to the like minded.

I read it, agreed with it, green dotted it as it deserved merit as an accurate analysis.

Don't let your blue tinted glasses or your own admittance that you don't give a shit what the rest of Scottish football thinks, get in the way tho.

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11 December 2013

Rangers International Football Club plc

("Rangers", "RIFC" or the "Company")

Board Committees

Audit Committee:

David Somers (Chairman)

Norman Crighton

Brian Stockbridge (attendee)

Graham Wallace (attendee)

'Brian Stockbridge probably signed up for that one as he thought it said the "Audi Committee"


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Oh they are. If not all, them the vast majority are.

Your 'club' is a joke. And from here to eternity will be looked upon as a joke club.

They're not. A few people on here are. Most people in the world who have heard of Rangers don't see us as a joke, just a few on P&B.

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