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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What is the point of all these lies? Are you up for election to the newco board and trying to show transferable skills?

Yawn, no lies. It'd be great if you could prove me wrong though. I see your last made up post got a fair few green dots, ya never know buddy!

Every post you make on here gets misconstrued and distorted so badly i don't know why you bother "discussing" anything.

Edited by LunarC
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Is that a clever wordplay on the idea of records having been broken, or merely a careless use of the word 'literally'?

Either way it's unsuccessful as for any such records to be meaningful, the other teams would need to be relevant.

A record is simply a measurement that is unsurpassed, it knows nothing of being 'meaningful' or not.

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Never again will someone be able to answer 'rangers', to the question "what team do you support", without the knowing look/grin/smirk being exchanged whilst they stare at their shoes.

It's an embarrassing affliction and a toxic brand to be associated with, most people of sane and rational mind would do the decent thing and walk away.

Ask your Rangers supporting friends what they think.

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Personally, I'm prepared to take this wee Orc at face value. While he does show certain traits of the unlamented link-lover, he may well just be the latest one off the fúckwit production line. We've been a wee bit short of berrz telling us repeatedly that they don't care, on a forum which they reckon is irrelevant, to people whose opinions don't matter to them.

150 posts in a week isn't necessarily the work of an obsessed moron who has no relationships outside his Mum's spare room, so we should give him the benefit of the doubt. If nothing else, it's a wee bit point and laugh fodder to keep us going until the AGM.

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Yawn, no lies. It'd be great if you could prove me wrong though. I see your last made up post got a fair few green dots, ya never know buddy!

Every post you make on here gets misconstrued and distorted so badly i don't know why you bother "discussing" anything.

Just when I thought Sevco fans had reached the base of their delusion along comes YOU!!. Still, you provide more merry mirth to the joke of a club you follow for us diddies! :lol::lol:

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The one about Rangers being wasted on followers of Rangers was good.

He stole that from Terry Butcher's rant at ICT support though. The 'The great Protestant Nations of Northern Europe have a lot to answer for' one, was quite the eye opener.

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We are literally a broken record at showing how irrelevant these teams are.

A record is simply a measurement that is unsurpassed, it knows nothing of being 'meaningful' or not.

Evidently not, given the abuse you dished out to Plain English in the first quote here. :lol:

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Ask your Rangers supporting friends what they think.

It's so so funny. Lad in my work still thinks Sally is a good manager and an honest man. It's brill. Mind you , even he admits now that they are a laughing stock. Admittedly in his blinkered vision he only blames the currant board for this but to cut a long story short - yes he's aware that the team he used to support died because it cheated and the team he now supports is a laughing stock. TBF he's not as stupid as most of you guys. He's the only sevco fan I've met that thinks David King is at it.

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He stole that from Terry Butcher's rant at ICT support though. The 'The great Protestant Nations of Northern Europe have a lot to answer for' one, was quite the eye opener.

I've still got a shitload of Demographic data to throw at Kincardine if he ever comes back on that particular issue. From what I can see, the Northern European Protestant powerbase is, more or less, Scandinavia. A region which has a nice Socialist vibe to it. ;)

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Classic Tedi ... cannot place commas ... tries hard but fails miserably in punctuation. Commas in the wrong place ... fails to capitalise .,. tries to sound smart ... ends up looking like a horse's ass .... Classic Tedster.

Dhense, your post is possibly the finest example of an idiot at work on this thread.


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Ask your Rangers supporting friends what they think.

I have, they don't really like talking about Scottish Football anymore for some reason? :unsure2:

A couple of them have done the decent thing and walked away and now spend all their time and money following Scotland. But tbf, that preceded the death of the oldco and was related to being attacked by his own fans at a cup final.

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It's so so funny. Lad in my work still thinks Sally is a good manager and an honest man. It's brill. Mind you , even he admits now that they are a laughing stock. Admittedly in his blinkered vision he only blames the currant board for this but to cut a long story short - yes he's aware that the team he used to support died because it cheated and the team he now supports is a laughing stock. TBF he's not as stupid as most of you guys. He's the only sevco fan I've met that thinks David King is at it.

It's not as funny as that made up garbage.

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Youngsy, I would like to question your assertion that Rangers were killed by £100m + of potential debt.

I have heard from many Rangers fans on countless occasions that the club was liquidated due to the actions of 1 man, Craig Whyte. They say that his refusal to pay tax during his time in charge was the sole reason for liquidation. Nothing to do with BTC or any other historic debts. Do you agree with this? Or do you think that any Rangers fan who says this is wrong?

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I've still got a shitload of Demographic data to throw at Kincardine if he ever comes back on that particular issue. From what I can see, the Northern European Protestant powerbase is, more or less, Scandinavia. A region which has a nice Socialist vibe to it. ;)

Just stick to flinging your regular shit please.

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Never again will someone be able to answer 'rangers', to the question "what team do you support", without the knowing look/grin/smirk being exchanged whilst they stare at their shoes.

It's an embarrassing affliction and a toxic brand to be associated with, most people of sane and rational mind would do the decent thing and walk away.


On the contrary - your fanciful invention is unlike any experience I've had. Can't say I've spoken to other Rangers supporters troubled by it either - and I've yet to meet one like aofjays created.

And still you persist with the fantasy :lol:

Diddies - bless. I guess it's the price of following a serial no-mark of a club like snmrn.

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