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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"The sooner somebody jets over to South Africa to speak to Dave King the better.

"The most important thing at Rangers at the moment for me is bring in new investment to drive the club forward."

Surely the most important thing is to keep the bandwagon chugging along, flat tyres and knackered engine notwithstanding, until Season Ticket time? Or is there going to have to be money coming in for that to happen?

They just don't get it, do they? :lol:

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I've noticed this as well, aofjays. In fact, fans of Queen of the South and our Northern contingent seem to contribute a lot of decent stuff, as well. Interesting that those from the extremes, geographically, are the most balanced posters.

Fans of the team this thread is about seem to limit themselves to "naw it isnae", "youse ur jist jellus", and "aye, but look at THAME!".

Nothing at all cringey about that post lol

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One of the many problems with Scottish Football is that imbeciles like Johnstone are paid to provide their opinion.

I imagine more Rangers fans than not will agree with him :1eye

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Aye, of course you're not. Gies a wave when you remove your tongue from the WKR ring.

Weird thing, Bendarroch. I reckon the majority of the posters on here have disagreed with each other at some point over the past couple of years. Sometimes on here, sometimes on other threads. Yet you and yours slavishly circle the wagons every time - even when you must know you're defending the indefensible. What the fúck is wrong with you all?

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Weird thing, Bendarroch. I reckon the majority of the posters on here have disagreed with each other at some point over the past couple of years. Sometimes on here, sometimes on other threads. Yet you and yours slavishly circle the wagons every time - even when you must know you're defending the indefensible. What the fúck is wrong with you all?

Strange thing to say considering you and your 'chums' have organised a 'PM gang' to back each other up no matter what.

Only you were you stupid enough to try and get someone who thinks that you're a fanny to join it lol

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Aye, of course you're not. Gies a wave when you remove your tongue from the WKR ring.

That's the best you've got? Exactly what I said you'd come up with and what your partner in stupid has already said? If I was limited to such cretinous responses I don't think I'd bother posting. Pitiful.

Why are you so obsessed by WRK anyway? Say for example you could prove he is in fact the biggest 'tic fan in history, would it resurrect your dead club? Would it erase the last years of embarrassment? Or do you think everyone would just go on laughing at your excuse for a club and it's bigoted brain-dead knuckle-dragging support? I'll give you a clue:

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Bendy's back and he's angry. :lol:

Don't think project austerity is going to go down well with him. :(

Come now, little fhud, why on earth would you think that lobbing the latest stain re 'RA Sulk into view would indicate anger? I'm delighted to see their heroes turn on the plastic virus.

I wonder why you aren't.

Especially when 'Thommo' revealed it was new threats to your beloved Haggerty that inspired his ire towards Scotland's Millwall. That's right - even the plastics have turned on her.


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