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Manager 50% cut, the players refuse 15% cut.. Uh oh. Here they go again

Priceless, dowahdiddydiddy spending three pages telling us how Newco can afford the best players in the land then we hear that the shyte they cannot afford just now won't take a pay cut to save the company.

You just could not script it better.

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Nothing to see here, move along now. Just good business practice to ask your staff to take a big paycut when you've got oodles of cash in the bank :lol:

No doubt that thick fuckwit of a manager will be moaning about no money for players after this development.

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RANGERS chief executive Graham Wallace's shock demands for Ibrox stars to accept a 15% wage cut was booted out by stunned players after a dressing room crisis meeting today at Murray Park.

It's understood the Gers squad was called together by boss Ally McCoist before he bowed out and left the talking to skipper Lee McCulloch.


McCoist walked away.

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Rangers will attract and sign a better quality of player to that that would be available to any other club in Scotland and that will do for the next ten years or so, then who knows what will be happening re TV monies to the bigger leagues, the formats for Euro comps etc. It will be enough that we will once again dominate domestically and be Scotland's rep in CL more often than not. It's inevitable and the 'laughing and pointing' crew better get themselves prepared for it, for as sure as night follows day, the tables will be turned. WATP!

As Ally McCoist has recently stated, ''Our higher gate revenues allow us to pay higher wages''. This allows us to attract better players and having better players than the opposition, generally leads to being more successful than that opposition. We have no debt and are on the way back.

As for any 'second helpings' for you lot, with regard to our wee set-back, I think you'll find that the football authorities of Scotland have no appetite at all for any repeat and will not allow any such thing to happen. I know this makes you all want to explode in rage but them's the breaks.

Don't know how you can come to that conclusion, I was simply pointing out that you guys were clinging on to some hope of a re-run of events of 2012 that would in no circumstance be allowed to happen.

Like I said, dream on. It just is not going to happen, regardless of how badly the board run things.

Rangers players refuse pay cut as club makes attempt to cut costs

STV 16 January 2014 17:32 GMT
Sally McCoist's side have declined a proposal to take a 15% cut in their salaries across the board.SNS Group

Rangers players have refused to accept a 15% pay cut after an attempt by the club's board to slash costs.

STV understands the squad were asked to take the deduction in their salaries as new chief executive Graham Wallace tries to bring down outgoings.

Players met with their manager, Ally McCoist, on Thursday following their training session.

Chief executive Wallace admitted at the club's recent AGM that their cost base was too high.

A spokesman for Rangers told STV: "The chief executive and manager are continuing to look at ways as to how Rangers can live within their means."

Rangers announced a £14.4m loss within their first 13 months of trading as a new company up until July last year.

Manager McCoist recently accepted a 50% pay cut. His total playing budget currently stands at between £6m and £7m.



Edited by AberdeenBud
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