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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Wouldn, they be made redundant Redundancy Statutory Minimum entitlement either from company or tax payer?

Yep, they're employees, not creditors (or assets, as Charlie Boy found out to his chagrin, and our (yes, especially mine, Amigos ;)) amusement).

Oh, just listen to all those chickens coming home to roost. Fúcking lovely. :thumsup2

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Welcome back to your thread Poz. :thumsup2

Ah, smell that? I love the smell of administration in the morning. Smells like... The Rangers.

Beggars belief doesn't it? Could have re-built from the ground up in a sensible fashion and romped through the divisions with a half-decent team made up of their better youngsters and a few old heads still around the place. Not The Sevco though. No Siree... We are the people, etc, etc.

Could go on all day discussing the way they didn't take their medicine and lay the foundations for a sustainable future, but really, the only thing truly worth saying is - Hell mend them.

Someone give Soccerball Bill a call!

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Good questions.

Tha SFA have a lot to answer for here, it was fairly obvious to your average punter that this wasn't sustainable so why couldn't the authorities see it.

They tried to bend the rules to accommodate them, for the good of the game Regan and Ogilvie should go too.

I'd say the now defunct organisation known as the SFL has the most to answer for. The new club should never have been admitted to the league. They had no audited accounts, no history, no proven track record, nothing. Spartans should have been admitted. Now a few months down the line, surprise surprise, the new club is going to the wall.

As for the players not taking a pay cut, does anyone blame them? is anyone surprised? These players clearly don't give a hoot about the club, they're only there for the money. If/when this new club goes belly up every single one of these players will walk into a new club pretty much right away. Just like players of the last club in Scotland to be liquidated did (Rangers in 2012). They were given these contracts and they are absolutely correct to expect them to be honoured. If this results in the club they are currently playing for going bust i'm sure mercenaries like Black, Shiels, Bell and Moshni won't lose a minutes sleep over it.

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I hope this one doesn't get banned, looking forward to his meltdown.

Especially looking for to the last match of the season now. Falkirk's record of smallest number of supporters to East End Park is under threat.

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Don't know what all the fuss is about. CEO announced at AGM that there would have to be cost cutting this season and now he's attempting to implement those cuts. There will be no admin, he is just being prudent whilst seeking out the levels of investment/sponsorship that a club of Rangers' size needs to progress to the level it should be at. Everyone I know agrees we don't need to be paying out the wages we are for the level we are at. If we had had a half decent manager, it would have made a massive difference.

So the players have not immediately agreed to a pay cut, don't believe it has been rejected out of hand btw. Something will be negotiated with the players. FWIF I don't think an across the board per cent cut is fair on the young boys as they are not on the huge wages. The big earners take a bigger cut. Anyway a solution will be found to balance the books and get the club through, no worries.

We have a big lead and will easily finish top this season. Even after the necessary and temporary cost cutting, the team will be too strong for The Championship next season, although it may be wise to bring a new 'assistant' in to 'help' Ally (don't think binning him an option). I'm sure by this time next year, our commercial side will be doing a lot better and I don't see crowds dipping dangerously even with a price hike.

With the bunch of slabering dafties on here last night, you'd think there was something seriously wrong. Fkg mentalists. :shutup

ETA seriously instead of serious for the pedantic fkwits.

Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I don't know what's going to hit you hardest - the death of another club based at ibrox, or puberty.

ETA: Far be it from me to categorise you as a slabbering fúckwit, but when you can't even spell an initialism, I'd suggest spending more time at school and less time either on here or overseeing your Traditional Print Media empire....

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Yeah. the non homophobic, anit racist non bigot version makes some sense.

Still a complete knob though.

Cheers Danny Bhoy...Still not been accepted into the Scottish Republican movement...The latest slogan seems apt here...YOU SEEM UPSET!

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Especially looking for to the last match of the season now. Falkirk's record of smallest number of supporters to East End Park is under threat.

What's the magic number?

FYI I'm not 1 of them as it's the only Pars game I've missed in my FFC lifetime.

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No worries, mate. Its your party, and you can cry if you want to.

Hiya Drooper! It's good to see some old faces coming back now things are getting uncomfortable for ra peepul.

And No.8, well done for showing face on here this morning. I realise you had serious walking issues to discuss last night.... ;)

Also well done to youngsy for tipping up to take his medicine last night. Both of you are presenting as so reasonable that I'm getting a wee bit concerned.

As for the rest of the P&B sleuth - what a cowardly set of cúnts. Billy Big Baws has left the building, and all they can do is skulk around, issuing negative reps to any of us they can find. Yes, there were a few around last night. Yes, they were active on here. No, they didn't have the arse to contribute.

It's almost as if they're a set of gloryhunting arseholes who throw the dolly as soon as something doesn't go right for them. Well, as Poz says above, Hell mend them, and their fake fúcking club.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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You're all welcome to our open top bus parade in Dunfermline to see that shiny League One trophy in May.

Can't see The Rangers making it past Stranraer in the playoffs if they get away with a points deduction (unless the rules are correctly enforced and league membership is withdrawn in the event of an insolvency event).

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I was a top 10 poster when this thread was in its 1st 6 months prime.

Need to get back to that level ASAP

"Part time poster, you're just a part-time poster"

"Where were you when it was shit? Where were you when it was shit?" :lol:

Welcome back, Gaz, and put some effort in, man. We need pics, gifs, witty banter. You know the drill.

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We have a big lead and will easily finish top this season. Even after the necessary and temporary cost cutting, the team will be too strong for The Championship next season, although it may be wise to bring a new 'assistant' in to 'help' Ally (don't think binning him an option). I'm sure by this time next year, our commercial side will be doing a lot better and I don't see crowds dipping dangerously even with a price hike.

With the bunch of slabering dafties on here last night, you'd think there was something seriously wrong. Fkg mentalists. :shutup

ETA seriously instead of serious for the pedantic fkwits.

Let get this right. We need to bring in another Assistant mananger to help out a guy taking £800,000 wages + bonus. He has already got 2 assistant managers who are taking £600,000 + bonus between them.

We will have to sell our better players or release them and we will still be too strong for the Championship that could include Dunfermline,Raith,Dundee , Falkirk, Hamilton, Hearts and another top division club such as St Mirren,Killie,Ross County,Thistle...FFS we lost games in the bottom tier never mind the Championship

You honestly don't see crowds dipping when we are selling our better players and being pumped on the park and yet we have to pay 30% more for the privilege?

And i am leaving the best to last...You don't think there is anything seriously wrong at the club? FFS and you call others fucking mentalists?

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Don't know what all the fuss is about. CEO announced at AGM that there would have to be cost cutting this season and now he's attempting to implement those cuts. There will be no admin, he is just being prudent whilst seeking out the levels of investment/sponsorship that a club of Rangers' size needs to progress to the level it should be at. Everyone I know agrees we don't need to be paying out the wages we are for the level we are at. If we had had a half decent manager, it would have made a massive difference.


So the players have not immediately agreed to a pay cut, don't believe it has been rejected out of hand btw. Something will be negotiated with the players. FWIF I don't think an across the board per cent cut is fair on the young boys as they are not on the huge wages. The big earners take a bigger cut. Anyway a solution will be found to balance the books and get the club through, no worries.



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Let get this right. We need to bring in another Assistant mananger to help out a guy taking £800,000 wages + bonus. He has already got 2 assistant managers who are taking £600,000 + bonus between them.

We will have to sell our better players or release them and we will still be too strong for the Championship that could include Dunfermline,Raith,Dundee , Falkirk, Hamilton, Hearts and another top division club such as St Mirren,Killie,Ross County,Thistle...FFS we lost games in the bottom tier never mind the Championship

You honestly don't see crowds dipping when we are selling our better players and being pumped on the park and yet we have to pay 30% more for the privilege?

And i am leaving the best to last...You don't think there is anything seriously wrong at the club? FFS and you call others fucking mentalists?

Who the hell are you, and why are you posting on No.8's account? ;)

ETA: In all fairness, No.8, this latest halfwit isn't any more detached from reality than some posters (from all sides) back in Feb 2012. The difference is, he appears to have been stranded on a desert island (or in Driffield) or in a coma for the last couple of years. Strange that he apparently sells papers - he just doesn't read them. :lol:

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Let get this right. We need to bring in another Assistant mananger to help out a guy taking £800,000 wages + bonus. He has already got 2 assistant managers who are taking £600,000 + bonus between them.

We will have to sell our better players or release them and we will still be too strong for the Championship that could include Dunfermline,Raith,Dundee , Falkirk, Hamilton, Hearts and another top division club such as St Mirren,Killie,Ross County,Thistle...FFS we lost games in the bottom tier never mind the Championship

You honestly don't see crowds dipping when we are selling our better players and being pumped on the park and yet we have to pay 30% more for the privilege?

And i am leaving the best to last...You don't think there is anything seriously wrong at the club? FFS and you call others fucking mentalists?

That is a truly outstanding post.

Ripped him apart better and more concisely than any 'P & D' could.

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