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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I very rarely see Oldco/Newco tops these days.

There has been a sharp decline :)

Same here actually, not being a resident of the finest city on the north east they used to be a fairly regular sight, down my way. But they are like wasps in October now. Only the really grumpy, big, fat ones left, for some reason still buzzing about, lost and just waiting to be put out of their misery :thumsup2

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Dave King needen't worry. The Sevco have already spent, spent, spent, to romp 'Div3 and Div2'. In some respects I understand what they did. Big club dies in liquidation, and their new clone club attempts to look and act just like the dead one - so not much in the way of humility, learning from old mistakes, or assembling a team on a budget more suited to the new club's actual situation. No Siree - the new club acts like they're still big shots... You can see the thought process in every director/manager/spiv's head... Must. Act. Like. Rangers... Must. Keep. Up. Appearances... Must. Get. It. Up. Celtic... Fcuk. The. Lot. Of. You...

Which brings me to the part I do understand. Signing guys like Daly, Kyle, Shields and Law etc. Undoubted 'SPL' players to play in Fizzy Pop 3? It was the only way to get 50,000 bums on seats, and my God, haven't the spivs needed to rape that 50,000 for their cash. The spivs would never have sold STs in the numbers needed if they'd signed (with all due respect) Gareth Wardlaw or Paddy Cregg types - who, allied to their old heads and kids would still have won Fizzy 3 mind you, but that wasn't Rangers style, so it sure as hell won't be The Sevco's style either. Anyway, bit harsh to have a pop at the Sevco when Gretna did exactly the same thing - threw cash at certainly Div1 standard players, and a couple of SPL standard players to rape the arse out of part time postmen and shop workers on their rampage through the leagues.

Look how that ended up for Gretna though, eh Sevco?

So, aye, I understand their thinking on that front - need to fill Ibrox or it is game over without even passing 'Go' and collecting £200 - but the rest of it? The manager's truly astounding salary? The spiv's truly astounding salaries? The hotel stays, the rest of it? Were there actually any staff compulsory redundancies anywhere in the organisation? Happy to stand corrected if there were.

The spivs are ripping the pish out of it. It really is tough on those decent, genuine Sevconians who supported the dead team, and are slapping on their make-up every day and cheering for the newbies like they're the old club. These guys actually DO deserve better - unfortunately, their idea of the 'better' they deserve is signing 12 million Tore Andre Flo's, signing Laudrups and Gascoignes, getting it up Celtic and rogering Barcelona in the Champions League.

They will never learn. It's not in their nature. Gretna Mk2 or whatever you want to call it. It's inevitable unless in reaching the top flight, some utter madman buys into them in a Vincent Tan style and they can go off on one all over again. Tick Tock!

Edited by pozbaird
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Dave King needen't worry. The Sevco have already spent, spent, spent, to romp 'Div3 and Div2'. In some respects I understand what they did. Big club dies in liquidation, and their new clone club attempts to look and act just like the dead one - so not much in the way of humility, learning from old mistakes, or assembling a team on a budget more suited to the new club's actual situation. No Siree - the new club acts like they're still big shots... You can see the thought process in every director/manager/spiv's head... Must. Act. Like. Rangers... Must. Keep. Up. Appearances... Must. Get. It. Up. Celtic... Fcuk. The. Lot. Of. You...

Which brings me to the part I do understand. Signing guys like Daly, Kyle, Shields and Law etc. Undoubted 'SPL' players to play in Fizzy Pop 3? It was the only way to get 50,000 bums on seats, and my God, haven't the spivs needed to rape that 50,000 for their cash. The spivs would never have sold STs in the numbers needed if they'd signed (with all due respect) Gareth Wardlaw or Paddy Cregg types - who, allied to their old heads and kids would still have won Fizzy 3 mind you, but that wasn't Rangers style, so it sure as hell won't be The Sevco's style either. Anyway, bit harsh to have a pop at the Sevco when Gretna did exactly the same thing - threw cash at certainly Div1 standard players, and a couple of SPL standard players to rape the arse out of part time postmen and shop workers on their rampage through the leagues.

Look how that ended up for Gretna though, eh Sevco?

So, aye, I understand their thinking on that front - need to fill Ibrox or it is game over without even passing 'Go' and collecting £200 - but the rest of it? The manager's truly astounding salary? The spiv's truly astounding salaries? The hotel stays, the rest of it? Were there actually any staff compulsory redundancies anywhere in the organisation? Happy to stand corrected if there were.

The spivs are ripping the pish out of it. It really is tough on those decent, genuine Sevconians who supported the dead team, and are slapping on their make-up every day and cheering for the newbies like they're the old club. These guys actually DO deserve better - unfortunately, their idea of the 'better' they deserve is signing 12 million Tore Andre Flo's, signing Laudrups and Gascoignes, getting it up Celtic and rogering Barcelona in the Champions League.

They will never learn. It's not in their nature. Gretna Mk2 or whatever you want to call it. It's inevitable unless in reaching the top flight, some utter madman buys into them in a Vincent Tan style and they can go off on one all over again. Tick Tock!

I think your Gretna analogy is wrong Poz. Gretna were the plaything of a rich dying old man determined to spunk away his kids' inheritance and have some fun doing it. Rangers are the plaything of preditors determined to squeeze as much out of the dying brand before all life drains from it.

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I think your Gretna analogy is wrong Poz. Gretna were the plaything of a rich dying old man determined to spunk away his kids' inheritance and have some fun doing it. Rangers are the plaything of preditors determined to squeeze as much out of the dying brand before all life drains from it.

Hmm. A football club living outwith its means, paying money it can't afford, signing players it doesn't need and 'living the dream' before disappearing up its arse.

Sounds the same to me. Does it matter if the people pulling the strings are crusty llama-loving, Woodbine puffing charlatans, or Aramis-reeking, cheap Ralph Slater suit wearing conmen?

End result and all that.

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Hmm. A football club living outwith its means, paying money it can't afford, signing players it doesn't need and 'living the dream' before disappearing up its arse.

Sounds the same to me. Does it matter if the people pulling the strings are crusty llama-loving, Woodbine puffing charlatans, or Aramis-reeking, cheap Ralph Slater suit wearing conmen?

End result and all that.

End results will be similar perhaps but the owners' motivations are at opposite ends of the spectrum, one was determined to empty their wallet to the benefit of the club's fans, the others are determined to empty the fans' wallets to the detriment of the club.

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End results will be similar perhaps but the owners' motivations are at opposite ends of the spectrum, one was determined to empty their wallet to the benefit of the club's fans, the others are determined to empty the fans' wallets to the detriment of the club.

Different path to the same destination - Fcuked Central.

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Another moron given access to the media .... :thumsup2 :thumsup2 :thumsup2

They must be so proud going in 'all square' at half time in that league ... world beaters ... worth every penny of their salary/bonuses .... :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Eight smilies, oor Densboy must want everyone to think that he's being witty lol

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I see Tom English is taking voluntary redundancy The Scotsman/Scotland on Sunday. No doubt Rangers fans will claim they have forced him out due to his anti-Rangers agenda, just as they did when Spiers left the Herald and ended up at the Times.

The Scotsman management have encouraged him to leave as they do not think he is sufficiently "anti The Rangers" :)

edited for too many nots

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Fair and reasonable for a company that spunked circa £34 mill(£15mil losses) to win sfl3 to keep on spend, spend, spending?

I take it the terms, "balancing the books" or "sustainable football club", are not present in your lexicon?

Utterly astounding that you can still be so ignorant and idiotic after what happened to the old RFC.

Aye, fair and reasonable that we should have people on the board who are willing/able to provide or at least source investment and not take ridiculous salary/bonus payments.

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Aye, fair and reasonable that we should have people on the board who are willing/able to provide or at least source investment and not take ridiculous salary/bonus payments.

What would you expect someone to get in return for their investment?

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What would you expect someone to get in return for their investment?

Club tie, seat in Director's box, unlimited food & drink hospitality, marketing and PR benefits to their other business interests by association to such a worldwide respected brand. :rolleyes: Ah, good point.

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I see Tom English is taking voluntary redundancy The Scotsman/Scotland on Sunday. No doubt Rangers fans will claim they have forced him out due to his anti-Rangers agenda, just as they did when Spiers left the Herald and ended up at the Times.

Tom English is very-much one of the good guys and writes intelligently and articulately abut rugby too.

Sure, some Rangers fans have issues with him (but then some Rangers fans have issues with everyone) but I think he writes well and cogently.

Tom (seeing as you're bound to have an account here) take a trip to Buckinghamshire and allow me to buy you a pint.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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Club tie, seat in Director's box, unlimited food & drink hospitality, marketing and PR benefits to their other business interests by association to such a worldwide respected brand. :rolleyes: Ah, good point.

Shocking use of the apostrophe. We methadone-ridden benefit junkies favour, "seat in Directors' box" seeing as we have more than one director at the moment.

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I don't get this "people wouldn't have bought season tickets if they didn't sign Daly, Law, etc". The fans are forever complaining about how bad performances are, playing with these players. Would it really have made much difference, results wise, if they signed 1st division players and winning the bottom two divisions, whilst saving several million pounds in wages along the way?

Their own self importance and arrogance "we're Rangers, we deserve this level" is why I think they will never return to what they once were. You're starting from scratch, from the bottom tier, what an opportunity to learn from mistakes and build up the team from a soild foundation - the thousands of supporters they have - and to get back up the leagues. Graham Wallace should have been in from day one and gutted the place from top to bottom. Not fannying around with "Rangers men" like McCoist, blinkering the fans again and again from the shambles that is unfolding.

In most cases I would feel for the fans. But it's Rangers so i don't.

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Shocking use of the apostrophe. We methadone-ridden benefit junkies favour, "seat in Directors' box" seeing as we have more than one director at the moment.

Genuine Q here Kincardine.

The Directors Box houses Directors from the Club, or the Holding Company, or both?

Guessing both as the McKrays have been in it but I''m not sure if that was ''official policy''.

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I don't get this "people wouldn't have bought season tickets if they didn't sign Daly, Law, etc". The fans are forever complaining about how bad performances are, playing with these players. Would it really have made much difference, results wise, if they signed 1st division players and winning the bottom two divisions, whilst saving several million pounds in wages along the way?

Their own self importance and arrogance "we're Rangers, we deserve this level" is why I think they will never return to what they once were. You're starting from scratch, from the bottom tier, what an opportunity to learn from mistakes and build up the team from a soild foundation - the thousands of supporters they have - and to get back up the leagues. Graham Wallace should have been in from day one and gutted the place from top to bottom. Not fannying around with "Rangers men" like McCoist, blinkering the fans again and again from the shambles that is unfolding.

In most cases I would feel for the fans. But it's Rangers so i don't.

Thoroughly sane and well-thought through post which marks you as different to the usual brain-dead Ps&Ds on The Bralt.

I read and re-read your post and would comment on 2 things:

1. " Graham Wallace should have been in from day one and gutted the place from top to bottom."

On the money, chap. Everything I've read about Wallace places him as an honest broker and I find that refreshing. Moreover we've need a financial gutting for a year so it's a relief.

2. I do take issue with, "In most cases I would feel for the fans. But it's Rangers so i don't."

Really? We are just blokes who like football. Take a look at the match threads from both last season and now. You will see reports from normal guys who spend money to watch their team home and away.

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