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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Keep them in League Two? Or what about the Highland/Lowland league? I thought there are plans to have promotion/relegation from/to non-league?

You relegate them from the division they've been playing in. They've used financial doping to gain promotion, FFS.

I find it incredible what the people in charge find complicated.

Does this announcement make a The Rangers insolvency event a certainty?

Well said my good man and I don't have enough greenies to give that post the greenies it deserved.

It's a guaranteed stick on that if The Clone Rangers ever become financially solvent in the top tier they will then severely punish the smaller clubs for lesser crimes than the newco Rangers by changing their rules.

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Quite clearly a 15 or even 25 point deduction, isn't going to derail the mission of getting an Ibrox based club into the top division. The two examples they gave as being problematic to setting the proposed automatic relegation proposal, are just laughable. Totally ridiculous decision, effectively giving green light to another Ibrox admin event with no effective punishment.

If it is so hard to sort out the complicated issues, then lets make it simple.

The team entering administration are deducted points equal to the maximum points available in the season. If the administration event happens in the off-season the the deduction is based on the last division the club played in. Simple and would result in the team either finishing bottom of the league (if there was no demotion from League 2) or being relegated if there is.

Where do I apply for a job on the SPFL board?

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Diddy Revolt #2 required

These w@nkers are needing tellt!

rules for all clubs, except the one club who seriously need the rules applying to.

Ken ?, I see Tedi has been busy with his aliases on your post ffs.

Tedi you are really so fucking tragic and should seek psychiatric help for your obvious mental problems and multiple personality disorder.

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Your post stating 'some fan you are' basically implies this.

Rules should be created on the basis that there is a need to keep control of the game to make it fair, and to keep it that way. You don't either like them or dislike them depending on what the outcome of them is for your club. Wanting rules which keep our game fair; even if it hurts Hearts, doesn't make me a bad fan nor sjc, it simply makes us people that want a fair game.

Hope this is not misrepresenting you sjc.

Bang on mate.

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So you would punish your own club? Some fan you are.

Aw fcuk it,

So what in your opinion should be the punishment to your new club if it ? when it goes into it's preplanned amin event ?, bear in mind that this was a preplanned strategy from the start by Green to help the club evade any potential debt accumulation as it progresses through the leagues.

Do you think it fair that your club has vastly overspent to the tune of well over £25 million over two seasons totally eclipsing 41 other senior clubs projected debt for the two seasons, and then be allowed to continue on a financial model that will see another admin event in the near future because the club does not have the finances to be completely solvent for years to come ?.

Do you think the associations should create a department to oversee all the senior clubs finances to ensure all clubs work within their actual finances and help the clubs not to go into insolvency events protecting the whole game from what your old club did back in 2012 ?.

Or more likely you don't give a flying fcuk as long as your new club wins the diddy treble and you get to boast n brag until your club goes tits up from a high height and then ask those questions above "why didn't they do something to help your club stay solvent" ?.

Rules are supposed to be there or in place to stop clubs from effectively cheating by financial doping and then removing the debt by using admin to carry on as before and there is no fucking integrity in what you propose ?, "why punish your own club" and also shows your stupidity if you think your club should be allowed to do anything it fucking likes without any sort of punitive measure but at the same time you want all the other 41 to be punished into submission should they go into admin.

You truly are a stupid fucker AWRA :1eye

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Non of this is new fellas.

The fucktards 'running' the game in this country have proven time and time again that they see nothing beyond the Bigot-fest. The inconvenient fact that one of them completely imploded in it's own greed is of no concern to them other than concocting ways to put Humpty Numpty back on the wall.

The majority of us outside this bubble saw how the SFA did as much as they could to soften the blow and we all laughed endlessley at the blue cretins who perceived that they were being "kicked when they were down".

Doncaster and Reagan, are plainly doing everything feaseable to perpetuate something the majority of genuine Scottish football fans want to see the back of. They do this because they have no vision, no desire and no ability to reposition Scottish Football outwith the wholly undesireable stereo-type that is the Bigot derbies.

What I, and hopefully others throughout the Scottish game, will take from this is that neither SevCo or Celtic will not have any respect or admiration from outwith their own fanbase precisely because of their 'Protected Species' status afforded them by the likes of Doncaster and Reagan.

They can lie and bleat all they like about 'protecting the Scottish Game and it's revenues'....and the slavering MSM will help them tow that line of course... but WE KNOW now,the unequivocal truth that they, NOT SCOTLAND, needs a "strong celtic and SevCo"

They are, frankly, guilty of the worst type of match fixing possible.

Little wonder then, that if that's their way of running the game, that it sends 'signals' to match officials who make some of their more bizarre decisions in favour of this septic continuence.

NOTHING SevCo win, NOTHING Celtic win.....has ANY credibility to it now. Not one shred.


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Prosecution would like to call Vicky the Viking to the witness box....

(or maybe 'witless' box)

I would like to also call to the stand Tedi's "HBQC" account that he for 3 nights at around 3AM gave me all his red bullets from his Tedi account and minutes later from his "HBQC" account.

The prosecution argues that Tedi was so mad at me he actually stayed up at night till his red dot quota was replenished so the fanny could give me all his Tedi red dots and his aliases red dots because I took the pish right out of him and it hurt. :lol:

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They don't have aliases, HB is just a paranoid mess.

Serious question Chris ?, have you actually looked at Bennett's rep received ?. Tedi and his aliases have been battling hard to get him a positive rep and is losing the battle. :lol:

Go on and have a look at all the non posting rep giving fud aliases that keep giving Bennett green dots along with most of Tedi's green dots.

It's so fucking sad and pathetic that grown men have been reduced to such a level of bawbaggery they will make bogus accounts to give rep only. :lol:

The proof is in the evidence chump.

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