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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Hold on - the wee Hibs investors paid off a bank loan last week and it was fabulous news.

Rangers investors do it and it's 'a dubious last minute loan'?

Desperate, fantasy stuff over recent months from the plastics and diddies - I can well understand your pain at this most recent failure of your mystic meg wishes.

It's a cracking news day - not as good as the title stripping outcome I know - but decent enough.

Worry about where this loan has come from and what are the interest rates??

Are Rangers dealing with loan sharks now??

Same sensitive souls that threatened the Son's of Struth with legal action and made them remove comments from their facebook page.

Goodfellas. ;)

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Nae luck, DJ - you made an absolute c**t of yourself on here of late with your mystic meggery. Some faceless entity no getting paid again wasn't it?


I know you're not alone mind you - so I'm sure that other fhannies will have their moment in the sun as the day rolls on.

Oh poor Bendy!

Is the stereotypical Orc a character you play on here, or are you this ignorant in real life?

Tick tock Bendy.

Take a guess, bendy what do you think the 1.5m is needed for, define running costs.

Players wages?

Management wages?


Edited by dave.j
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Bendy gloating dancing about his living room at the fact his clumpany needs a payday loan from gangsters to survive another few weeks :

Well wonga turned them down.

Say they only give to unemployed and poor people who are in deep shit finacially, people that are a safer bet than Rangers.

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Did honest Phil not blog the other day about rangers receiving a loan from shareholders, and it already being spent?

Would be interesting to know what the club define as "running costs", first team player and management wages, or if will make it down to the contractors currently not getting paid? and how long they project this 1.5m to last.

There seems to be a line getting fed that the season ticket money is the big pot of gold, a target to aim for. make it til then and they'll be ok. but they've already set aside season ticket money to pay this season's bonuses.

So how will they survive next season?

Dave King? :lol::lol::lol:

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Hearing that this loan is for 12 months and will be paid back in shares rather than cash.

So...I gather more shares will be made available and the current investors are happy about having their share of the club diluted.

But really how long will 1.5m last?

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Did honest Phil not blog the other day about rangers receiving a loan from shareholders, and it already being spent?

Would be interesting to know what the club define as "running costs", first team player and management wages, or if will make it down to the contractors currently not getting paid? and how long they project this 1.5m to last.

There seems to be a line getting fed that the season ticket money is the big pot of gold, a target to aim for. make it til then and they'll be ok. but they've already set aside season ticket money to pay this season's bonuses.

So how will they survive next season?

Dave King? :lol::lol::lol:


Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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About 40 days at the current burn rate ... but if they are struggling now .. the new season ticket money will not last long after this season's bonuses are dished out .... :thumsup2

What was it they had in the bank last June, 11.2 million?

Going to have a read of the Easdales and Laxey's Loan thread on Rangers Media see what's happening and how they are getting their heads around this bombshell.


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Hold on - the wee Hibs investors paid off a bank loan last week and it was fabulous news.

Rangers investors do it and it's 'a dubious last minute loan'?

Desperate, fantasy stuff over recent months from the plastics and diddies - I can well understand your pain at this most recent failure of your mystic meg wishes.

It's a cracking news day - not as good as the title stripping outcome I know - but decent enough.

Aye, this is exactly the same. :lol:

f**k me, you're a thick auld c**t. No wonder the old rangers died if this is the average bears line of "thinking".

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What was it they had in the bank last June, 11.2 million?

Going to have a read of the Easdales and Laxey's Loan thread on Rangers Media see what's happening and how they are getting their heads around this bombshell.




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Posted Yesterday, 10:52 PM

snapback.pngForeverBlue1872, on 19 February 2014 - 10:51 PM, said:

You don't? It's basically us getting into debt. It's a fucking shambles.

I'd rather have deals like this than be in heavy debt to a bank again.


You're saying that now.

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Going by DR spin, this is something similar to a debt for equity swap.

What does the article actually say..

Is it £1.5m operating money in return for £1.5m of shares or along the lines of them getting their 'investment' doubled or trebled in return?

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They don't have the money yet though..... The RNS says....

" The Board of Rangers notes the press articles this morning and confirms that it is holding discussions with two major shareholders with a view to arranging a loan of up to £1.5m to provide working capital for the Company. Documentation and terms have not been finalised, and a further announcement will be made when appropriate. "

Working Capital - Offt ! Not looking good :o

There's a rumor as well that IF the loan goes ahead, it might be paid back in shares ? ( probably at a substantial discount IMO - As is standard ) I'm sure investors won't be happy to see their losses in this dog of an investment further diluted !! :(

Tick Tock :whistle

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What does the article actually say..

Is it £1.5m operating money in return for £1.5m of shares or along the lines of them getting their 'investment' doubled or trebled in return?

Emergency loans can't be classed as an investment Benny.

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Emergency loans can't be classed as an investment Benny.

This and what I read on RM there does seem to be some confusion whether its an investment or a loan. How much did Lloyds Bank invest in Rangers up to the summer of 2011?. :lol:

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