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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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From the Rangers Substandard

Following an email to a fan from Colin Kingsnorth of Laxey last night in which he reportedly stated that “if they want to offer the money cheaper go for it…no problem cancelling it”, George Letham, the Rangers fan and wealthy businessman who had previously tried to make contact to offer a loan, today approached the club through a third party and has complied with a request that he make any offer in writing to CEO Graham Wallace.

Speaking to the Rangers Standard, Mr Letham indicated that he was happy to stand by the terms he outlined in our article yesterday.

“Graham Wallace is now in receipt of written confirmation that I am happy to replace the Laxey loan, on condition that it is cancelled, with no penalty to the club, and that any security over property offered to Laxey is also cancelled. I have offered the loan on the same terms but with the interest payable reduced from £150,000 to £75,000. It is my intention to convert this interest into shares as I have no wish to take cash out of the club.”

“If the club are unable to convert the interest to shares, then any cash sum I received from the loan would be reinvested into the club via a future share issue to further the cause of fan ownership. My only motivation in this is to ensure that the club is secure, has as much involvement as possible from those who care about it and that its vital assets remain available to it at all times.”

“I am making this offer public in the hope that a degree of transparency can be brought to this process for the fans and hope that the board will give my offer due consideration.”

:D this will show the spivs to be spiffing spivs when they tell him to do one.

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This washing of laundry in public makes the great institution of RaPeepul look awfy, awfy amateurish and fuckwittish. One would expect business peepul of the calibre of...... err........let's see.........oh aye, "glib and shameless liar" Dave King and Sandy "Bluebell" Easdale to be a bit more circumspect whilst attempting to iron out their differences.


Dave King has agreed to meet the current Rangers board for showdown talks as the war of words between the two parties rumbles on.

Chairman David Somers summoned the former director to explain his recent public statements attacking the regime at Ibrox.

And the South African-based businessman has accepted the request for discussions but hit out at Somers for making the invitation in an open letter.

King is expected to meet supporters groups next week after calling on fans to withhold season-ticket cash for next term following concerns over the state of the club's finances.

After being accused of making "statements and innuendos are very damaging to the club" by Somers, King responded by issuing his own open letter.

King said: "Thank you for your email that I had sight of this morning. I also received a copy of your press release stating that I have been "summoned" to a meeting with the board to explain myself. I feel rather like the headmaster is looking to give me a caning.

"It is most unfortunate that you have sought wide media coverage of what should really be a private invitation. I feel compelled to respond in similar vein.

"I reviewed my two statements in light of your email and don't find anything astonishing in them whatsoever. They neatly and uncontroversially depict the present state of affairs at the club and the ongoing attitude of the board.

"Similarly, I can't detect any innuendos. It seems to me that my thoughts are stated pretty clearly and directly.

"Additionally, there seems nothing potentially damaging to the club. In fact, the opposite seems to be the case. I accept however that my comments could be perceived as damaging to certain interests that are represented on the board. I don't equate that with damaging the club. The club is much bigger than the present board.

"I am delighted to meet with the board to discuss the present funding crisis and can do this on my forthcoming visit. I am not clear what "allegations" you wish me to explain as I can't find any in my statement. It will assist in my preparation if you provide me with a list of specific "allegations" that you want me to address.

"Incidentally, the irony of a board that has steadfastly refused to enlighten fans now demanding clarity from others has not been lost on me."

King, 58, intervened after the club were forced to accept a £1.5m loan from investors Sandy Easdale and Laxey Partners.

The loan is secured against the club's Edmiston House and Albion car park facilities, while Laxey stand to make a £150,000 profit in either cash or shares by the time their £1m is repaid according to terms criticised as "wildly generous" by supporters group the Union of Fans.

Rangers' accounts for the 13 months up to June 2013 showed a £14.4m loss, with monthly staff costs of around £1.38m.

Edited by Florentine_Pogen
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Genuine question to fans of clubs in the SPFL out there, apart from Celtic fans. Are you enjoying your season more? Less? Or no difference without rangers?

It's easy for me to say I'm loving it as my team (Dons) are doing well so perhaps other fans can share their thoughts.

Armageddon talk, as you all know, was a feckin nonsense but I'd be really interested to know if even the fans of teams who are having a poor season prefer the top league now with no rangers?

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So on Sunday there was not going to be a Board meetingthis week and it was business as usual. Now the board are asking to meet King at what only be defined as a Board meeting.

I thought Wallace had some brains but he is looking as daft as the rest.

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Genuine question to fans of clubs in the SPFL out there, apart from Celtic fans. Are you enjoying your season more? Less? Or no difference without rangers?

It's easy for me to say I'm loving it as my team (Dons) are doing well so perhaps other fans can share their thoughts.

Armageddon talk, as you all know, was a feckin nonsense but I'd be really interested to know if even the fans of teams who are having a poor season prefer the top league now with no rangers?

Rangers/The Rangers depending on which you prefer play in the SPFL.

Just sayin.

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Genuine question to fans of clubs in the SPFL out there, apart from Celtic fans. Are you enjoying your season more? Less? Or no difference without rangers?

It's easy for me to say I'm loving it as my team (Dons) are doing well so perhaps other fans can share their thoughts.

Armageddon talk, as you all know, was a feckin nonsense but I'd be really interested to know if even the fans of teams who are having a poor season prefer the top league now with no rangers?

No difference. My enjoyment of a St Mirren season has fcuk-all to do with Celtic or The Rangers.

The League Cup win was magnificent. Our league form has been pish, mostly. Hee-haw to do with an ugly sister being around or not.

My respect, concern, and interest outwith St Mirren, revolves around the supporters of clubs like Killie, Partick, Aberdeen or Morton. The guys who, like me, follow their team through thin, thin, thin, and the odd bit of thick, who also couldn't give a flying fcuk about the 'Old Firm'.

Diddies United. Absolutely. FTOF.

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No difference. My enjoyment of a St Mirren season has fcuk-all to do with Celtic or The Rangers.

The League Cup win was magnificent. Our league form has been pish, mostly. Hee-haw to do with an ugly sister being around or not.

My respect, concern, and interest outwith St Mirren, revolves around the supporters of clubs like Killie, Partick, Aberdeen or Morton. The guys who, like me, follow their team through thin, thin, thin, and the odd bit of thick, who also couldn't give a flying fcuk about the 'Old Firm'.

Diddies United. Absolutely. FTOF.

Very well said.

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No difference. My enjoyment of a St Mirren season has fcuk-all to do with Celtic or The Rangers.

Thank you sir. This is the sort of reply, if I received any, I thought I may get. All us diddy teams appreciate the wee, totty bits of success we get and most fans canna help but be pleased when, for example, St Mirren win a cup.

It is easy to say that you/we don't give a f**k but how good would our football be without them?

The League Cup win was magnificent. Our league form has been pish, mostly. Hee-haw to do with an ugly sister being around or not.

My respect, concern, and interest outwith St Mirren, revolves around the supporters of clubs like Killie, Partick, Aberdeen or Morton. The guys who, like me, follow their team through thin, thin, thin, and the odd bit of thick, who also couldn't give a flying fcuk about the 'Old Firm'.

Diddies United. Absolutely. FTOF.

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1, No, there really is only one Rangers.

2, If not why is the other one not busy with the business of being a football club?

3, Was it not because the SFA license was transferred over to the new company, same club of course just under different ownership?.

1, Actually you will find there is more than one Rangers !, Queen's Park Rangers and Berwick Rangers come to mind immediately and also a dead Rangers that plied it's trade of being in the business of football at Ibrox.

2, The other club you speak off is not in the business of football because the HMRC are in the business of winding up and liquidating the club because it became insolvent and lost everything it owned, ie it's assets, it's players, it's staff, it's replica trophy horde and it's relevant association licences it held.

3, You appear to have destroyed your own argument by quoting transferred over to a new company and is a first ever in the history of world football bub. Never ever has a club had to have it's company transferred over to a new company to be called the same club.Straw clutching at it's finest from the bears as usual. :lol:

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No difference. My enjoyment of a St Mirren season has fcuk-all to do with Celtic or The Rangers.

The League Cup win was magnificent. Our league form has been pish, mostly. Hee-haw to do with an ugly sister being around or not.

My respect, concern, and interest outwith St Mirren, revolves around the supporters of clubs like Killie, Partick, Aberdeen or Morton. The guys who, like me, follow their team through thin, thin, thin, and the odd bit of thick, who also couldn't give a flying fcuk about the 'Old Firm'.

Diddies United. Absolutely. FTOF.

Yeah Poz FTOF completely man :thumsup2 ??? erm wait a minute here I support one of the cheeks ffs :(

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Genuine question to fans of clubs in the SPFL out there, apart from Celtic fans. Are you enjoying your season more? Less? Or no difference without rangers?

It's easy for me to say I'm loving it as my team (Dons) are doing well so perhaps other fans can share their thoughts.

Armageddon talk, as you all know, was a feckin nonsense but I'd be really interested to know if even the fans of teams who are having a poor season prefer the top league now with no rangers?

Well evidently this has not been a great season for hearts fans and from that perspective I have not enjoyed the season but that has nothing to do with Rangers, past or Present.

Apart from Hearts though, I think the league has been pretty good to watch from a neutral point of view, the likes of Aberdeen and Dundee Utd playing some great football for example. I don't think the league misses Rangers at all.

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Yeah Poz FTOF completely man :thumsup2 ??? erm wait a minute here I support one of the cheeks ffs :(

... which is fine. People support Celtic and Rangers. I have friends and relations who do. Just don't expect me to give two hoots about their fortunes, or how their existence (or not) affects my support of my own club.

I have one interest in the 'Old Firm' - how many can the opposition put past them.

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... which is fine. People support Celtic and Rangers. I have friends and relations who do. Just don't expect me to give two hoots about their fortunes, or how their existence (or not) affects my support of my own club.

I have one interest in the 'Old Firm' - how many can the opposition put past them.

The drummer in the church band at the church I work in is a massive Buddies fan and he never ever let's up how much he will enjoy my misery should Celtic go tits up like the dead Rangers :lol: , although he is nearly blind if he knew that Celtic was about to fail completely he will buy a ticket for the last game at Parkhead just to listen to and enjoy the complete meltdown from the fans with a huge grin :lol:

He says I'm alright for being one of them since I laughed at Celtic losing the cup final.

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