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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He's all talk.

And he isn't even good at that either, has ya noticed how the born again Polterfhud dismisses most of my posts only for them to come back and haunt the fhud ?

He hasn't got a fucking scooby really about what is going on, there's a fight over the assets and who will own them because that's where a fixed amount each season can be made out of the club. That's an investment right there and what the major investors will be raking it in on the PLC board.

Dave King will fcuk off into the sunset and leave the club fucked up completely if the assets get syphoned off into the Inter PLC's possession for sure.

The clubs fucked.

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A journo with a lot more respect than any other in SMSM.

Reducing bank debt, but not on the grand scale of things. Even then, I suspect much of that bank debt was moved onto Moonbeams company's carcass.






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He's a cowardly mouthpiece that will run away now he's been called out. He's not even man enough to reply to my posts he just abuses me via third part posts. Not that you expect much from the moron.

Edit: He stated he's a employer ... so a grand shouldn't be a problem for him. Me I'm happy to up the stakes because I'm telling the truth ... something he's only faintly familiar with.

watch out we have a (internet) hardman here.

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Question for the bears.

IF Newco have to go into administration would you prefer to lose your glorious season's haul of points in the painter and plumbers league with the unbeaten record or take the penalty hit next season .... ??

you will struggle to find a rangers fan genuinley excoted about the unbeaten run.

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So you believe Wallace that the Sevco board have not been discussing the option of administration between Dec and April?

Capital letters .. he must have pissed you off.

When did he threaten Neil Lennon ... does Lenny know?

What do you mean "when did he threaten Lennon" ?

There are guys on here, including yourself, who give interesting opinion which offers an enjoyable debate.

But noone attempts to make out they are some credible source of sevco info.

I could come on here every day and state the obvious and claim Sevco are going into admin, tomorrow, next week, next month. When it happens I'll say "told you so". Thats all PMG is doing. Its getting sontedious and boring now.

I see his agenda tonight is a conspiracy over Gerry Adams. This guy has a cheek accusing me of being a bigot. yes, he pisses me off.

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He lives in Wick, I caught his alias 'Equaliser' posting in the gambling forum admitting he was a celtic fan from Wick, the whole Goa shite is just nonsense made up to cover the reasons he stays up posting about Rangers till 5 in the morning.

He once tried to say that he was a pro poker player and thats why he was up all night posting.

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Those rules do not exist anymore.

It is 25 points for another (same club) insolvency event within 5 years

or 15 points for the 1st insolvency event (new club)

Take yer pick.

Poor Nolly, always getting it wrong lol.

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A rangers fan blogs....


Last blog for today and maybe for a few days as was simply getting a lot off my chest having got to breaking point.

There has been a lot of talk about why a review should take 120 days and many ill-informed people claiming that reviews in other businesses dont take that long. As a long standing Director of various companies I can assure you that the reason reviews dont normally take that long in businesses the size of Rangers is because normally external services are bought in and carried out by 2 or 3 or sometimes 10+ highly paid consultants whose only job is to look and look and look and look. Sure these guys can get it done in a week or 2 or a month.

However, Graham Wallace was pretty much on his own throughout this along with a little help from Philip Nash after he joined. The review was carried out in addition to his day to day job of running a £25m business and fighting his own customers and previous Directors week after week.

It should also be noted that he was on a pre arranged annual holiday throughout the Christmas period which restricted the amount of days he took until he actually got truly started on it.

But here's a question for everyone. What would you expect to take longer ? A full drains up business review of a £25m listed company or setting up a trust account to receive money from 1500 folk.

You see, the Season ticket trust account issue was first raised around 2 and a half months ago and to date, there is still no sign of it and still no details of how it will work. A question I have been asking constantly and been completely blanked on, barring a short reply from Sons of Struth, is the following?

How will the security against Ibrox work exactly ? Forgetting for the moment that securing Ibrox goes against one of the main principals that these groups fight for, can someone please just explain how their idea will protect it.

Lets give the group the benefit of the doubt and say they have 6000 fans(I believe it to be nearer 1500) who all pay on average £400 into the trust meaning a pot of £2.4m. Will they then ask the Rangers Board for £2.4m of security against the FULL value of Ibrox which was recently quoted at £65.2m or will they only require £2.4m security against the £2.4m of trust money.

There is a problem in both scenarios here.

The first one is very obvious in that it would be utterly ridiculous for anyone to ever ask for security to the value of 30 times the amount of loan if you will. I mean can you imagine going to buy a car, taking out a bank loan for £5k and the bank asking for £150k of security against your house just in case you dont pay ?

The second one i'm afraid again is very obvious. Im not actually fully against there being some security in this instance to the value of the tickets but if the UOF only ask for £2.4m of security then this opens the door for a much bigger 2nd charge on Ibrox. Indeed, in some respects it would give the board carte blanche to do such a thing then point out any hypocrisy if fans started complaining.

So can someone from Union of Fans please explain why the setting up of an account is nearing the timeline of a full business review and also please explain just exactly how the security should work in their opinion.

PS Whilst I agree with the principal they are promoting about not having any charge against Ibrox(unless its them) it should be noted that if you reviewed the accounts of every top flight football club in the UK, you will struggle to reach 20% of them sitting with no security over their stadium.

PPS The UOF should also ask Dave King if Ibrox was ever secured for debt when he last owned a chunk of the club and was sitting on the Board.

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