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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The same old regurgitated crap from non-Rangers supporters.

Manchester United plc., is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands;

Chelsea are owned by Chelsea Village plc.; and

Abu Dhabi United Group (amongst others) own Manchester City.

This is quite normal in sport. It happens all over the world. However, for some strange reason, this knowleedge has not reached Scotland. Is there something in the Scottish mentality that can't grasp this? What is it that makes some Scots so thick, when it comes to something so simple? Is it bigotry, jealousy, or obsession or all three?

I think it's all three.

When have any of these clubs ever been through liquidation?

Rangers cheated, then they died.

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Exactly. It is beyond tedious now and tbh i rarely read this thread now. I am only here as Rangers season is over and thought i would look in.

I remember when this thread was somewhere to go when you wanted an alternative view to what you read on Rangers Forums. I didn't always agree with what was posted and some of it was just out and out bollocks but you soon learned who to read and who to just skim over. Now the personal fights on here just swamp the informed posts on the actual subject. It is simply not worth looking through the pages of bickering anymore...which is a great shame

Totally agree. As I said earlier, this personal stuff has gone beyond tedious. Im quite happy to start giving the offenders some time away from P&B if it continues.

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PMG - Hearts Rescued

Read it, don't read it. You know who it is. It's a link .. you're not forced to use it.

If you post about the messenger ... you're obviously 'irked'.

I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(

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The same old regurgitated crap from non-Rangers supporters.

Manchester United plc., is a company incorporated in the Cayman Islands;

Chelsea are owned by Chelsea Village plc.; and

Abu Dhabi United Group (amongst others) own Manchester City.

This is quite normal in sport. It happens all over the world. However, for some strange reason, this knowleedge has not reached Scotland. Is there something in the Scottish mentality that can't grasp this? What is it that makes some Scots so thick, when it comes to something so simple? Is it bigotry, jealousy, or obsession or all three?

I think it's all three.

Where in my post do I mention having a problem with companies running football clubs, there is nothing there, its all presumption and paranoia from you?. :lol:

Yet you ignore my point about what might be the real agenda with the board and what's described as in the best interest of the club which really is in the best interest of the people involved with the company, do you ask your self these questions?. Head in the sand mentality from you there, no surprise there and all the time the spivs quietly increase their share in the club, but wait Kenny Miller is signing or is it Kris Boyd, no matter Rangers will have a Premiership standard team next season and everything will be alright. :lol:

Interesting choice as well picking these three clubs, of course Rangers are raking in millions in cash each year with their Champions League football, sponsorship, tv deals etc so should be mentioned along with the likes of the Manchester clubs and Chelsea like all football clubs run by a company or have all 3 you mention have and extinction event like Rangers. What you have now is a company that bought a brand (yes a brand not a football club) painted badly onto a completely new football club who's primary goal is to make money for the shareholders/directors while attempting to convince sweeten the supporter consumer/customer that they have a 142 year history and tradition.

Regurgitated crap?. Never heard of Rangers being called a works team before I did right there. :P

Rangers know how to treat their mugs customers. ;)

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Same old PMG

His stories now sound like a 5 year old stating the bleeding obvious.

What is the point of that article other than have another pop at Sevco, christ he must be really bored.

and seriously can he write anything without bringing religion into it ? Does it really matter if his Pal is a Republican socialist ?.

Please give this guy his own thread and keep him off the BRALT.

Edited by G-MAN
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I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(

^^^^ Walking away.

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This and it is pathetic.

Supporting a team is not something to chop and change just when the going gets tough, sure choosing to withdraw direct support for a while is fine but to change teams entirely, we certainly do not need fans like that.

And yet you started to follow a new team two seasons ago..

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I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(


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I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(

.......and breathe

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I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(

Having read your previous posts, I'm not sure I can either. Still Hearts would be your best fit, the 2x clubs have loads in common and you'll already be familiar with some of the songs. No breath being held mind, it's a wee while to new season kick-off. I guess the girly is a bit of a honey.

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I opted to have a wee read and it is quite a cool story tbf. Not at all sure whether I readily accept it as 100% true but there is no denying that in the main, the jambos appear to have handled their admin event - at all levels - with a bit more, dare I say, dignity. Moving to Edinburgh soon and this latest pish going on, which is clearly dividing the Rangers support like never before, has got me wondering what the fk I'm actually giving my support to. It's an absolute mess, I don't trust the current board but when I see some of the pish spouted by DK and try to weigh it all up, well, I'm no convinced by him either. As I said moving to Edinburgh, so I'm thinking, why the fk not? Hearts look like they are going to be a proper fans' club and after supporting such a big club as Rangers, I don't think I could realistically expect to get much of a hit from going to watch a proper diddy level club. It'd have to a club with a decent size of support and reasonable chance of winning something, so it's with a heavy Heart (scuse pun) :lol: I'm going to watch The Hearts next season. It could be tough going to the away end at Ibrox and I may give the Rangers games - home & away - a miss initially, couldn't risk jumping up to cheer a Rangers goal :lol: Anyway, next season - my team:- Hearts. :o I'll always have a soft spot and will have many great memories but everything is just getting more and more tarnished. My new girl's family are all jambos and I've been dreading the ribbing, she's not yet mentioned I'm a Ger and I'll tell her to leave it that way. I guess I'm just punch drunk. I've told my family and mates of my intention - it's only really my young brother and 2x pals I go to games with anyway - everyone's cool with it, though I'm not sure they believe I can do it, maybe I can't. That's it though, can't see me giving any more to the parasites that have ruined a great football club. :(

You're doing the right thing. There's no shame in refusing to fill the pockets of spivs. Supporting Rangers in any fashion now is feeding the spivs' retirement funds.

Edited by stonedsailor
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Eh no we haven't.

Definition of 'Liquidation'
1. When a business or firm is terminated or bankrupt, its assets are sold and the proceeds pay creditors. Any leftovers are distributed to shareholders.
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This and it is pathetic.

Supporting a team is not something to chop and change just when the going gets tough, sure choosing to withdraw direct support for a while is fine but to change teams entirely, we certainly do not need fans like that.

What's pathetic about dumping an emotional drain for a future of love and happiness? What's made you so bitter Tedi?

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RFC fans on twitter saying a “ticket office source” has informed them that 25,000 season tickets have been renewed. :unsure:

So, it's reasonable to think they will attain the numbers of last season and so conclude that the boycott is a dismal fail. Union of fans :lol:

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So, it's reasonable to think they will attain the numbers of last season and so conclude that the boycott is a dismal fail. Union of fans :lol:

Or 'the club' could be leaking false numbers to try and break the will of the boycotters.

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