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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Youngsy's seeming need for ideological purity has exactly bugger all to do with sectarianism, well done for bringing it up though, claiming old firm fans don't do that at the same time is nice as well.

This is a great example of caring about what people believe. Prefacing it with "I don't care" doesn't change that.

Nothing to do with any ideological purity, just plain and simple reasoning, if these ex-players feel they have no link to the club which gave them a very good standard of living then as i said the club and support is better off without them. We now await the usual crap from the usual suspects stating "but they never played for your new club".

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You should get a petition going to get the whopping big Celtic shop that is in the middle of a Dublin shopping centre closed down, complete waste of money if what you say is true.

That's the shop in the Jervis Centre, the shop is always empty, a bit like the east end piggery a lot of times during the past season.

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Football players do it for financial and professional reasons, nobody really believes they suddenly support a different team just because they have signed for them, football fans on the other hand grow up following that team through thick and thin with passion being the driving force, the comparison is completely ludicrous.

Derek Jonstone grew up a Dundee Fan who does he support now?

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We have had an outbreak of useful conversation about Admin and Hertz and their new chance compared to Rangers. Interesting stuff and good dialogue. Good to hear folks' views. Then you come out with this shite.

Honestly QC? You have have a clear run for a year but GTF: The thread isn't about you.

Your perception of a useful conversation only pertains to other posters agreeing to you and your warped philosophy.

If a poster takes umbrage with one of my posts, then I have the right to challenge my position on the matter without said poster having the likes of you charging in and backing him up. He fucked up plain and simple and can't man up and apologise for getting his posts and separate conversations mixed up.

As for the comparisons between Hearts in admin and Rangers ?, only being placed in admin is comparable and the rest is almost non comparable as events transpiring from admin till today do not match up at all.

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Look I do not know how to make this any simpler for you

Adonis did talk about both votes in his original post.

I replied with a post purely referring to the SFL vote, crystal clear when you take into account that I said 29/1

Adonis replied with the word SFL in his post, nothing about the SPL

The conversation had clearly moved on to purely SFL

This was the point you entered and claimed Rangers had participated in that vote, I simply replied we did not, which of course is 100% correct.

You could have left it at this point, realising your mistake but no, true to form you claimed I had fucked something up, you were clearly confused and talking about something else entirely, you then started lording it proclaiming how everyone would laugh at my monumental f**k up, I gave you a hint with the 30 team thing, you ignored it and went again, egged on by your mate.

At this point you had passed the point of being able to back down, so here we are 3 pages later discussing something that nobody else gives the slightest f**k about while a perfectly sensible conversation takes place around us...this is why I stopped debating with you.

You replied to a post from me that you did not comprehend properly and misread it's content completely and made a total cnut of it in the process.

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Nothing to do with any ideological purity, just plain and simple reasoning, if these ex-players feel they have no link to the club which gave them a very good standard of living then as i said the club and support is better off without them. We now await the usual crap from the usual suspects stating "but they never played for your new club".

Yes, you've said that already. What I'm curious about is why? Why is your club better off without them? Assuming these people went to matches/bought replica kits etc. then your club have lost out on money. What is it you think they have gained?

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Celtic are not that widely supporter in the ROI (not nearly as big as a support as you think)

From my trips over It's Liverpool, Everton, Man United that are massively supported, I don't even remember seeing Celtic game mentioned in the local red tops

BT sport 1 live the now

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Yes, you've said that already. What I'm curious about is why? Why is your club better off without them? Assuming these people went to matches/bought replica kits etc. then your club have lost out on money. What is it you think they have gained?

As ex-players of the club they've given virtually nothing back to the club in terms of support through these difficult times, if as has been stated they have no link to the club then fine, the support does not need them so hopefully when the club has came through all of this these two, whoever they are, (assuming this story is true of course), will refrain from jumping on the back of any future success, so in that respect the support is better off without them. Tbh whether they bought merchandise or attended games is not an issue, they've stated their opinion, so let them stay away in the future. Although as the poster won't divulge the names, i'm dubious if it's all true but who am i to argue.

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I really don't get why that is a problem ? there is no law which states you have to support your local team

just think you might get to see some of those banners you just mentioned next season

So what is your opinion on people well outside the Glasgow catchment area who decided to ditch their local club to follow Rangers during the Murry era ?, are they turncoats & scabs or are they fucking hero's for supporting a more successful team than the one they used to follow ?

It is only a sport and good folks can decide whoever they wish to support whenever and wherever the damn well like without idiots like you calling them profanities because they want to do whatever they damn well please.

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A few days of quite pleasant conversation with very little squabbling.

Now we have Mikey trying to troll.

Yay us.

No Benny we have had a few days of Rangers fans taking the moral high ground and ganging up on certain posters they do not have a great rapport with, this will all change when the shit hits the fans. :)

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No Benny we have had a few days of Rangers fans taking the moral high ground and ganging up on certain posters they do not have a great rapport with, this will all change when the shit hits the fans. :)

As far as i can see none of what you've said is true.

Rangers fans are being pretty decent, while you and your chums are going on the attack and spoiling any chance of discussion.

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