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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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"Following a number of attempts, over several weeks, to arrange a meeting with Chief Executive, Graham Wallace, to discuss our proposals for security over Ibrox and Murray Park, the Union of Fans were invited by Mr Wallace to discuss this and other issues at a meeting on Wednesday night.

Representatives of the Union of Fans met with Mr Wallace, Non Exec Director Norman Crighton and Sandy Easdale. A proposal was made by Mr Wallace that whilst the board would not grant a security they could consider giving a legally binding undertaking :lol: which would protect Ibrox from sale, sale and leaseback or as any form of security for a loan or other finance. We made it clear to Mr Wallace that we felt it was also appropriate that they provide the same undertaking for Murray Park.

Mr Wallace and Mr Crighton agreed to discuss this with the rest of the PLC board as a matter of urgency and further discussions between the PLC board and Union of Fans will continue once this board meeting has taken place.

We believe we accurately conveyed the fears of supporters that either or both of these club assets could be lost to the club in a scenario where they were used for any sale and leaseback or other loan security.

Any proposal by the board will be evaluated by our lawyers and a decision will then be taken on how to move forward. We will keep fans fully informed as discussions continue."

Anyone who trusts this mob with a 'legally binding undertaking' must be either totally stupid or mad. Is an 'undertaking' the same as an agreement? Or something quite different?

Get John Brown to the negotiating table. :shutup

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Are the UoF the same mugs that carried the messiah Craig Whyte down Edmiston Drive? The same nuggets that bought Charlie 3 shirts a wee chateau in France? The same red paper warriors who are now demanding transparency from a puppet board who are actually owed money rather than the chancers that stole money. Sure they will bend over backwards to be seen as fair and true.

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I'm not meaning to stir things, but I still don't understand fully why sale and leaseback is quite so unpalatable.

Obviously, fans would rather avoid such a scenario, but if they could collectively overcome the humiliation of liquidation, then renting as opposed to owning your ground, should surely be seen as trifling.

We all know as well that Ibrox as a site is really only of significant value as a football stadium. External ownership would not therefore present huge risks about the place becoming flats or a Tesco.

I'm not suggesting that Rangers fans should advocate selling the ground. I just don't see why it's so unthinkably awful either. Dundee (among others) have shown that it doesn't really matter that much.

They've spent £70m in 18 months, they would divvy up the sale money and it would be gone pretty soon and administration probably within a few years.

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Benny, surely you should recognise the word ''stonewall'' ;) , they offer 'hope' whilst giving nothing in return.

It is a delaying tactic by the look of it.

I remember their bigot of the year award but thats not for here...

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I'm not meaning to stir things, but I still don't understand fully why sale and leaseback is quite so unpalatable.

Obviously, fans would rather avoid such a scenario, but if they could collectively overcome the humiliation of liquidation, then renting as opposed to owning your ground, should surely be seen as trifling.

We all know as well that Ibrox as a site is really only of significant value as a football stadium. External ownership would not therefore present huge risks about the place becoming flats or a Tesco.

I'm not suggesting that Rangers fans should advocate selling the ground. I just don't see why it's so unthinkably awful either. Dundee (among others) have shown that it doesn't really matter that much.

Why would they be worried about the humiliation of liquidation? :unsure2:

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Rumour has it that certain 'contracts' are bullet proof and will survive any CVA and continue as a gravy train at the club's expense.

Liquidation is the only way forward, though it depends on whether those holding the contracts are to remain as one of the major vultures picking at the carcass ...

DK we surmise will not part with the money to buy them outright and the only scenario we imagine possible is one where the spivs liquidate, take Ibrox for sale and leaseback and Dave pays the rent while fleecing the Orcs.

Dave in this scenario is free to renegotiate all contracts to do with the club as it severs it links as a subsidiary clumpany.

But why would the orcs be worried about 'the humiliation of liquidation'? Why would anyone be? Surely, if this whole saga has accomplished anything at all, it is the de-stigmatisation of liquidation. As far as Scottish football is concerned, there is no longer any humiliation in liquidation. In fact is it not now a badge of dignity?

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I'm confused. Which poster has just changed from supporting Hearts to The Rangers? I note you edited that post too. Intrigued. :unsure2:

Cut him some slack-he's already acknowledged that he made an error. He even apologised for his error, which he really didn't need to do.

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Cut him some slack-he's already acknowledged that he made an error. He even apologised for his error, which he really didn't need to do.

I was 8x pages behind when I logged on tonight, so didn't realise the error had already been pointed out. Still odd that he'd actually edited the post and not noticed. It was only 2x lines ffs :lol:

Anyway the most pertinent question regarding said post and his views expressed in a couple of others, in relation to the Gers fan switching to Hearts, should be - How can anyone who chooses to start supporting Hearts at this time, be considered to be a glory hunter? Hearts have just been relegated and look like they'll be attempting to compete with The Rangers and others next season, with a youth team. Whereas the club he has just ditched have just had back to back promotions and are talking to experienced Internationalists. Forever_stupid IMO :)

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Looks like they are moving the assets, preparing for admin?

Rangers directors are to consider granting legally-binding undertakings protecting Ibrox and Murray Park to a supporters group.

source BBC

By my understanding, anything short of a security is meaningless.

Their 'legal undertaking' would just be cancelled in the event of admin, like the Ticketus deal.

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"Following a number of attempts, blah blah blah...

"We've been given extra special promises they won't sell the cow, and told us to hand over our magic beans."

I'm not meaning to stir things, but I still don't understand fully why sale and leaseback is quite so unpalatable.

Obviously, fans would rather avoid such a scenario, but if they could collectively overcome the humiliation of liquidation, then renting as opposed to owning your ground, should surely be seen as trifling.

We all know as well that Ibrox as a site is really only of significant value as a football stadium. External ownership would not therefore present huge risks about the place becoming flats or a Tesco.

I'm not suggesting that Rangers fans should advocate selling the ground. I just don't see why it's so unthinkably awful either. Dundee (among others) have shown that it doesn't really matter that much.

Pride. Ibrox is totemic, it forms part of the assets that were sold along with the history and trophies and badges and pixie-dust that make up the bargain bundle of what Green bought. Splitting off the property would be a blow to the collective "now then forever" mantra as the stadium being in separate hands sullies the debt-free getaway. This would change the nature of the "club" , or at least how it is perceived, no mistake.

Not to mention how ludicrous needing to do that is considering the vast sums of money that have flowed in then out the door. It's like being declared bankrupt on Monday, winning the lottery on Tuesday, getting pissed and going to the casino first thing on Wednesday. Only to wake up, broken two weeks on Sunday having to mortgage the house and pawn your wifes wedding ring. Embarrassing and indicative of ingrained, difficult to remedy issues that are normally resolved "controversial mad-men opening sequence" styleeee. You see where I am going with this?

There is also no need to demand this 'security'. It's laughable to think that they will grant this and do anything other than offer the equivalent of pinky-swears, cross-my-heart and hope-to-die agains. Why not ask for security over the history? Just as valuable (in all but the monetary sense of course) or is there no concern that one day they might just be forced to accept my standing offer of £19.03 for the 60 seconds in 1995 where Eoin Jess banged in that screamer at Ibrox.

Bears. King and this trust shenanigans will bring no good to you in the long run, just look at his fucking CV for crying out loud! Just stop giving them your money. You killed the last club by sitting on your hands, now bump this one off by not putting them in your pockets. Then start again, again.

Edited by williemillersmoustache
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Why would they be worried about the humiliation of liquidation? :unsure2:

I was referring to the previous liquidation, as opposed to any looming examples.

And it was humiliating, as I think most Rangers fans, even those clinging most resolutely to a notion of seamless continuation, would tell you.

The point I was making was that many attempted to shrug off even this, so renting your ground does not, to me at least, seem like such a big deal in comparison.

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Pride. Ibrox is totemic, it forms part of the assets that were sold along with the history and trophies and badges and pixie-dust that make up the bargain bundle of what Green bought. Splitting off the property would be a blow to the collective "now then forever" mantra as the stadium being in separate hands sullies the debt-free getaway.

I agree with this.

It's just that they've already learned to live with a far bigger dent to that pride.

They'd cope with this one more easily.

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Pride. Ibrox is totemic, it forms part of the assets that were sold along with the history and trophies and badges and pixie-dust that make up the bargain bundle of what Green bought. Splitting off the property would be a blow to the collective "now then forever" mantra as the stadium being in separate hands sullies the debt-free getaway. This would change the nature of the "club" , or at least how it is perceived, no mistake.

Not to mention how ludicrous needing to do that is considering the vast sums of money that have flowed in then out the door. It's like being declared bankrupt on Monday, winning the lottery on Tuesday, getting pissed and going to the casino first thing on Wednesday. Only to wake up, broken two weeks on Sunday having to mortgage the house and pawn your wifes wedding ring. Embarrassing and indicative of ingrained, difficult to remedy issues that are normally resolved "controversial mad-men opening sequence" styleeee. You see where I am going with this?

There is also no need to demand this 'security'. It's laughable to think that they will grant this and do anything other than offer the equivalent of pinky-swears, cross-my-heart and hope-to-die agains. Why not ask for security over the history? Just as valuable (in all but the monetary sense of course) or is there no concern that one day they might just be forced to accept my standing offer of £19.03 for the 60 seconds in 1995 where Eoin Jess banged in that screamer at Ibrox.

Bears. King and this trust shenanigans will bring no good to you in the long run, just look at his fucking CV for crying out loud! Just stop giving them your money. You killed the last club by sitting on your hands, now bump this one off by not putting them in your pockets. Then start again, again.

As Dhen has already said - Beautiful. There's possibly a few 'journos' in Scotland, especially on the West coast, that wish they could write a piece like this but they either don't have the cerebral ability to construct it or their editor doesn't have the cojones to publish it.

Thanks WulliesTache, that was a pleasure to read over breakfast. 8)

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Just as an aside to this.

Bearz. What if...

Some "real" sugar-daddy came along and agreed to buy out the whole package.

On the proviso that the club was to re-locate to a 70K capacity, state-of-the-art, new ground (a la Emirates/Etihad) and that ibrox was to be bulldozed, and the land sold, as part payment for the said new ground.

Could you swallow your "pride" and move on, or would you dig your heels in like a screaming 3-year-old "because of tradition"?

Would you let the uof stand in the way of progress?

Edited by Bookies Love Me
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So what is your opinion on people well outside the Glasgow catchment area who decided to ditch their local club to follow Rangers during the Murry era ?, are they turncoats & scabs or are they fucking hero's for supporting a more successful team than the one they used to follow ?

It is only a sport and good folks can decide whoever they wish to support whenever and wherever the damn well like without idiots like you calling them profanities because they want to do whatever they damn well please.

gloryhunters as I have already said qc, are they supporting rangers now? probably not and good , f**k them I hope if when we do return they decide to stay away.

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Still doesn't get that Scotland will always be part of Britain regardless whether there is a yes or no vote in Sept. Great Britain is a strip of land which forms part of the British Isles, Scotland will always be as much a part of Britain as Norway is a part of Scandinavia.

''Keep Scotland British''. :lol::lol: Too many days off school.

No-one is trying - nor would they be able - to separate Scotland from Britain, only from UK governance. You needn't worry yourself sick laddie, you will be ''Forever'' British even after Scottish Independence. :P

I'm confused. Which poster has just changed from supporting Hearts to The Rangers? I note you edited that post too. Intrigued. :unsure2:

Aye son, right enough :lol: Although perhaps the ones with stupid tattoos like 'No Surrender' and 'Keep Scotland British' may struggle to blend :rolleyes:

who are you and why do I bother you so much :lol:

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I was 8x pages behind when I logged on tonight, so didn't realise the error had already been pointed out. Still odd that he'd actually edited the post and not noticed. It was only 2x lines ffs :lol:

Anyway the most pertinent question regarding said post and his views expressed in a couple of others, in relation to the Gers fan switching to Hearts, should be - How can anyone who chooses to start supporting Hearts at this time, be considered to be a glory hunter? Hearts have just been relegated and look like they'll be attempting to compete with The Rangers and others next season, with a youth team. Whereas the club he has just ditched have just had back to back promotions and are talking to experienced Internationalists. Forever_stupid IMO :)

I did not say the new hearts supporter was a glory hunter ? I said he I san arse and probably was not a true supporter to begin with. will have more respect for the most bitterest of celtic or Aberdeen fans than I ever will a turncoat or team shifter.

anyway did I skip you in a queue or something because you seem annoyed :lol:

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gloryhunters as I have already said qc, are they supporting rangers now? probably not and good , f**k them I hope if when we do return they decide to stay away.

Where are you returning to? 4th tier again?

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