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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Phil's latest update ...

Read, don't read .. have a hissy fit?

Nothing new there Dhenny, if anything happens at Mordhor we can expect that it will be without a preplanned press leak to prep the bears for another kick in the nuts.

Me thinks mad Phil is just scraping the barrel till it actually happens so he can then say "I told you so" when we are expecting the collapse of the clone at any given time. :)

Things may or may not take a turn when June has come and gone when the monthly salaries and bonuses are due to the players & the board and then things could pick up a little as the speculation rises about how fucked the cloned club actually is. 8)

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Things may or may not take a turn when June has come and gone when the monthly salaries and bonuses are due to the players & the board and then things could pick up a little as the speculation rises about how fucked the cloned club actually is. 8)

What's the Commonwealth Games loot gonna be worth to them? Since they're getting their filthy paws on it already, the North American tour is starting to sound more plausible........or mibees McSalary will fancy a wee scouting trip to the World Cup???

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What's the Commonwealth Games loot gonna be worth to them? Since they're getting their filthy paws on it already, the North American tour is starting to sound more plausible........or mibees McSalary will fancy a wee scouting trip to the World Cup???

Someone on another site mentioned £400K to Sevco.

That'll pay Alastair for 6 months.

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What's the Commonwealth Games loot gonna be worth to them? Since they're getting their filthy paws on it already, the North American tour is starting to sound more plausible........or mibees McSalary will fancy a wee scouting trip to the World Cup???

Actually NFFH does the cash go to the club or the parent company RIFC ?, and yes five star hotels for Fat Salary to window shop to con the bears into buying more ST's at the prospect of bringing in some more international players no one has ever heard about so they can postpone fixtures next season to look like a big club. :lol:

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Actually NFFH does the cash go to the club or the parent company RIFC ?, and yes five star hotels for Fat Salary to window shop to con the bears into buying more ST's at the prospect of bringing in some more international players no one has ever heard about so they can postpone fixtures next season to look like a big club. :lol:

McSalary going to oggle some erses in Brazil - and ha might even take-in a fitba game or two while he's there?! :lol:

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Someone on another site mentioned £400K to Sevco.

That'll pay Alastair for 6 months.

Someone on a Ranjurs site pointed-out that his personal financial investment into the clupmany in the form of a million x 1p shares would actually have paid his own wages for about four and a quarter days :lol::lol::lol:

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Bill :lol: the man has been obviously possessed by an east end demon.

I do like the bible references :) ARMAFUCKINGEDDON ! and then the cash messiah will show up and use all his enemies as footstools n aw rat :lol:

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bill mcmurdo says: http://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2014/05/22/mutant-rangers/

interesting comments as well.

Strange - says there's only one rangers, yet warns of Admin 2. It must be a nightmare for the berrz trying to keep all those "facts" in a row when trying to explain exactly what it is they see as rangers.

For the rest of us, of course, it's simple. :thumsup2

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Strange - says there's only one rangers, yet warns of Admin 2. It must be a nightmare for the berrz trying to keep all those "facts" in a row when trying to explain exactly what it is they see as rangers.

For the rest of us, of course, it's simple. :thumsup2

There are a few Rangers clubs that are still a single continuous entity in Scotland and the one in Glasgow ain't one of them. :)

One Glasgow Rangers is being liquidated and it's clone is doing it's very best to join it. :D

Although it would be fair to say the bears themselves will go through a second admin event but their new club will go through it's first and most likely it's last before a Ver3.01 Glasgow Rangers is cloned to order to replace the latest clusterfuck. :lol:

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There are a few Rangers clubs that are still a single continuous entity in Scotland and the one in Glasgow ain't one of them. :)

One Glasgow Rangers is being liquidated and it's clone is doing it's very best to join it. :D

Although it would be fair to say the bears themselves will go through a second admin event but their new club will go through it's first and most likely it's last before a Ver3.01 Glasgow Rangers is cloned to order to replace the latest clusterfuck. :lol:


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