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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't expect them to get paid. I expect them to answer why they wasted the public's money policing games for free. Especially when they gave a public guarantee that they had reached a deal to get paid.

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DUFF and Phelps have moved to calm fears that matches at Ibrox could be in jeopardy.

The Rangers administrators made their statement after reports had claimed Strathclyde Police were threatening to pull the plug on future clashes in Govan over payment issues.

However, joint administrator David Whitehouse said: "Agreements have been reached regarding policing games at Ibrox and payment arrangements have been put in place.

"We would like to thank Strathclyde Police for its continued assistance and co-operation.

"Matches will be played at Ibrox for the rest of the season so we urge all fans to keep coming along and continue their tremendous support for the Club at this difficult time."

So what happened then? I don't pay my taxes so that a company that refused to pay vat can receive free policing.

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Agreements have been reached regarding policing games at Ibrox and payment arrangements have been put in place.

"We would like to thank Strathclyde Police for its continued assistance and co-operation.

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DUFF and Phelps have moved to calm fears that matches at Ibrox could be in jeopardy.

The Rangers administrators made their statement after reports had claimed Strathclyde Police were threatening to pull the plug on future clashes in Govan over payment issues.

However, joint administrator David Whitehouse said: "Agreements have been reached regarding policing games at Ibrox and payment arrangements have been put in place.

"We would like to thank Strathclyde Police for its continued assistance and co-operation.

"Matches will be played at Ibrox for the rest of the season so we urge all fans to keep coming along and continue their tremendous support for the Club at this difficult time."

So what happened then? I don't pay my taxes so that a company that refused to pay vat can receive free policing.

You could of course complain to the Independent Police Complaints Commissioner or failing that try Victim Support Scotland.

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FFS Timmy. You still haven't got it. I am sure there will be a PM coming your way soon enough...Christ knows you need the help but thanks for keeping me entertained

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So you think it is all right that public money is wasted on policing rangers games for free?

If this was Celtic rangers fans would be marching straight to the European commission offices.


Still no PM then?

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I'll put you out your misery timmy, Strathclyde police no longer exist.

You have missed the point. The point is why was the debt not settled as promised? Effectively tax payers money has been used to allow rangers continue to the end of that season.

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hellbhoy was to busy trying to take the fight to the court that this infact only newco germany's first world cup and not their 4th.

a passionate fighter and believer for sporting integrity is our hellbhoy.

That was quite clever coming from you, but legally the two countries are now one legally known entity unlike a certain club in Scotland who commited financial suicide because it used every device available to cheat it's opposition even though it actually had the finances to actually compete and win the top tier in Scotland.

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