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hell boy on last warning! Everyone report him at will and without discretion! He will soon be gone ;)

You'll have to wait until I post a heterosexual faux pas and try and pass it off as a homophobic remark to the mods, and FYI it takes ten warning points before getting booted off P&B but your doing a sterling job of just getting barred immediately for life. :) Carry on.

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I can assure you AB that when I logged on and found out that could not post or reply to any post I thought the forum had been hacked at first until I spotted a warning at my avatar and immediately thought WTF ???

Anyhoo back and posting but would like the cnut who reported me to man up and say.

The "cnut" had already said why he did and can't say I blame him tbh.

Maybe you could save yourself, other posters and the mods a lot of hassle and cut out the homophobic nonsense?

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I did. The post was homophobic and it's far from the first time he's done it.

For the avoidance of doubt it was not a homphobic post but after it being pointed out to the mod who explained at first glance it could be construed as such by someone reading it.

Firstly the act of sodomy is not a homophobic comment/remark or other, but just because it was in a reply to Bennett I can see how someone who didn't understand the post correctly could have misunderstood it as homophobic.

It is quite possible maybe that I have in the heat of the moment when asked by a former ex girlfriend have performed said act on her and then as a cheeky reply to Bennett asking "is there anything that the QC is not an expert in".

I made a complete arse of a post last year and forgot to add a pic in the post, this has haunted me to no end with some tits repeatedly claiming I'm a homphobe because of it.

Have a nice day.

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Was not me either despite his accusations, but you were spot on for doing so.

Aye Tedi !, sodomy is homophobic isn't it ya clown.

Do forgive the accusation from me but you are and always will be the prime contender when or I'm ever reported.

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The "cnut" had already said why he did and can't say I blame him tbh.

Maybe you could save yourself, other posters and the mods a lot of hassle and cut out the homophobic nonsense?

He/she already has done, HB. It may be time to take the hint. God knows the individual you were slagging has enough character defects to attack without having a go at his sexuality.

Please understand, I'm not jumping on the spurious mock-offence taken at every opportunity by bennett's wee buddies - but you do tend to pole-vault over the line without even acknowledging it's there.

OK OK, sometimes reading and catching up and posting replies before reaching the last post might not have been the best policy here. :o

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For the avoidance of doubt it was not a homphobic post but after it being pointed out to the mod who explained at first glance it could be construed as such by someone reading it.

Firstly the act of sodomy is not a homophobic comment/remark or other, but just because it was in a reply to Bennett I can see how someone who didn't understand the post correctly could have misunderstood it as homophobic.

It is quite possible maybe that I have in the heat of the moment when asked by a former ex girlfriend have performed said act on her and then as a cheeky reply to Bennett asking "is there anything that the QC is not an expert in".

I made a complete arse of a post last year and forgot to add a pic in the post, this has haunted me to no end with some tits repeatedly claiming I'm a homphobe because of it.

Have a nice day.

I have had a few warnings and only one i feel i deserved and one ban that was utterly ridiculous and still to this day pisses me off BUT you just have to accept it and move on.

TBH hbqc you never forgot to add any picture because i asked you to delete that post and would have deleted my one quoting it and you told me to f**k off..you were deleting nothing. You knew exactly what you were doing and then spent days defending it which was quite memorable in itself. Just out of interest are any of your relatives/friends straight?

Instead of trying to justify yourself just let it go. Stop posting homophobic posts to the one Rangers poster you know to be gay. It's funny how none of these quite innocent posts are aimed at Myself,Tedi,Youngsy,Kincardine,Forever Blue,Bradhorse,KWB or any other Rangers poster.

BTW Bennett never gets offended or upset and i know he never reported you because i asked him to report you a while ago and he said he wasn't going to bother as he had a poor relationship with the Mods. To me that left him an easy target for you and one or two others

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Aye Tedi !, sodomy is homophobic isn't it ya clown.

Do forgive the accusation from me but you are and always will be the prime contender when or I'm ever reported.

He actually probably wouldn't. You are having a fucking nightmare here. No apology or anything for Bennett ?

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He actually probably wouldn't. You are having a fucking nightmare here. No apology or anything for Bennett ?

I have had a few PM's with Bennett during the posting ban after he asked why I got a ban, I've explained my position to him and don't feel I need to explain anything to you or anyone else.

I would quite happily meet up with Bennett for a few pints if he is comfortable doing so with my gay brother so this pish about me being homophobic will be silenced.

I gave Tedi the same genuine offer last year before things started to get really fucked up, he refused on grounds only known to him but I'd stick one right on his chin now for his false accusations.

When explaining my post to Bennett he replied he wasn't actually bothered by the post, now me and Bennett have agreed boundaries now but not because I'm offending him but because some fragile wee flowers will take offence for him or use Bennett's sexuality as cheap points to be scored.

Me and Bennett could post some really bitchy posts back and forward to each other but the problem comes from what my brother calls as a form of homophobia that Bennett because he is gay can't be bitched at and Bennett's sexuality is not to be spoken of in any form. Basically denying Bennett to be Bennett on the forum.

I asked Bennett a few things I remember from when I used to frequent Bennett's nightclub with my brother and my brothers friend who is now famous but alas he is younger than I had thought and wouldn't have seen this person and might have seen me.

So you can all lay off now and I can now no longer make sarky posts towards Bennett being a fud towards me in one of his posts directed at me on a level Bennett would find funny.

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For what it's worth i dish it out often enough so guess what -- i take it back, pretty straight forward really.

My opinion is that the posts in question were more cringey than anything else/ a half arsed attempt at having a dig at me.

Best get back to it's the same club/NAW IT F**KING ISNAE!!!!!

Edited by bennett
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I have had a few PM's with Bennett during the posting ban after he asked why I got a ban, I've explained my position to him and don't feel I need to explain anything to you or anyone else.

I would quite happily meet up with Bennett for a few pints if he is comfortable doing so with my gay brother so this pish about me being homophobic will be silenced.

I gave Tedi the same genuine offer last year before things started to get really fucked up, he refused on grounds only known to him but I'd stick one right on his chin now for his false accusations.

When explaining my post to Bennett he replied he wasn't actually bothered by the post, now me and Bennett have agreed boundaries now but not because I'm offending him but because some fragile wee flowers will take offence for him or use Bennett's sexuality as cheap points to be scored.

Me and Bennett could post some really bitchy posts back and forward to each other but the problem comes from what my brother calls as a form of homophobia that Bennett because he is gay can't be bitched at and Bennett's sexuality is not to be spoken of in any form. Basically denying Bennett to be Bennett on the forum.

I asked Bennett a few things I remember from when I used to frequent Bennett's nightclub with my brother and my brothers friend who is now famous but alas he is younger than I had thought and wouldn't have seen this person and might have seen me.

So you can all lay off now and I can now no longer make sarky posts towards Bennett being a fud towards me in one of his posts directed at me on a level Bennett would find funny.

^^^^^^^^Celtic supporting thug threatens placid Rangers supporting family man.

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