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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I used King as an example of an investor/ supporter. Does there come a tipping point in the share value when it becomes better for both the seller/ buyer to do a deal before Administration?

Not really.

Eta. the 'sellers' in your scenario would be the shareholders.

If the break up of the assets realises more than a bid would, then the sensible financial option would be 'admin'.

Edited by Bing (2)
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Just asking....Does anybody believe the share price will reach a level where it actually makes the club an attractive proposition to an investor/ supporter such as Dave King?

Sorry No8. :lol:

You clearly misunderstand the situation at Ibrox, the shares issued out through Green's share issue and the last issue are for shares in the holding company only. The club is an asset of the holding company and the fight would be over the holding company itself as it is the entity that has shares on the stock market and not the club as you perceive.

Many twists and turns lay ahead in the battle of the spivs & shysters to which most of us won't even see coming. We could post a lot of speculation and conjecture but one thing is certain the cnuts at Ibrox will not let go of the cash cow easily.

Your right the club could be sold but here's the sad thing for the fans who bought into the share issue they will not own shares in the club should it be sold and the fans will be left with worthless pieces of paper in the holding company only. The fans will be shafted again. The club may end up in sole control of a megalomaniac.

If the club does get sold you can be sure the debt attached to the club will be sold on as well making the club looks twice as less attractive to any possible buyer unless they have £50 million of spare cash for a complete buy out the club plus it's assets and pay off the clubs debt to the holding company.

Or ?, someone wrestles for control of the holding company to get the club and the club gets sold off on the cheap debt free to some other shsyter to fleece the fans and a healthy wedge of cash is paid to the spivs offshore on the fly avoiding any tax and payout to the fans.

Or the club is reduced to it's bare essentials that the SFA constitute as a club debt free and sold on the cheap to anyone willing to pay rental for the assets and even worse the right to be called "Rangers Football Club". This option is what I think is highly most likely and is most profitable for the spivs and is also the best option for the club for survival as things stand until such time the clubs buys back it's rights and assets to be whole again.

Actually as things are currently going the actual ultimate outcome for Rangers fans is to pay the oldco's debt and run this version of Rangers into ground and return as the REAL Rangers with a blip in their history but you'd have the ultimate goal of being the very same club est 1872 and I wouldn't even argue about a single thing. :) This might end up being the cheapest option as the oldco has paid some of the debt from liquidation to it's creditors.

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I used King as an example of an investor/ supporter. Does there come a tipping point in the share value when it becomes better for both the seller/ buyer to do a deal before Administration?

You would have thought, when the shares reached 40ish pence, from the high of around 90p it would have been attractive to someone. Now they have reached a low of 19p, which is lower than the price to be paid by the latest investors on the 18th of this month, it could be a trigger for the initial investors to bail and the arse could really fall out of them.

Consider Sally's position, what would you do? 19 times your original investment is a pretty good return. Maybe it will be now that he walks away with some lame excuse about the fans not supporting him, and it's the right thing to do. When in reality he is just accumulating a huge pie fund for his family and mistress. Like a squirrel storing nuts for winter.

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You would have thought, when the shares reached 40ish pence, from the high of around 90p it would have been attractive to someone. Now they have reached a low of 19p, which is lower than the price to be paid by the latest investors on the 18th of this month, it could be a trigger for the initial investors to bail and the arse could really fall out of them.

Consider Sally's position, what would you do? 19 times your original investment is a pretty good return. Maybe it will be now that he walks away with some lame excuse about the fans not supporting him, and it's the right thing to do. When in reality he is just accumulating a huge pie fund for his family and mistress. Like a squirrel storing nuts for winter.

Alastair has a mistress ? Whitaboot dignity ? And brown-broguery ? Eh ? Who is this person / cum bucket ? RaPeepul need to be told.

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Alastair has a mistress ? Whitaboot dignity ? And brown-broguery ? Eh ? Who is this person / cum bucket ? RaPeepul need to be told.


It was a while ago, when he was a cheeky chappy, he is a little more rotund now and not quite so attractive to the opposite sex. That's where the dosh might help. (a bar of soap wouldn't go amiss either).

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Oooft only 15,000 for a home cup game against the Premier League leaders ....

The bears must be in a conundrum ..... continue the boycott and bring it all crashing down when it looks like the team are starting to play well...

Or return in numbers and feed the spivs ....

Glorious .... :thumsup2

Roll on Oct/Nov and the ultimate IPO fleecing of the bears Xmas money .... Mon Ally ... some good results to make the currants part with their hard earned ..

Just enough to limp along but not enough to avoid an admin being called in Feb/Mar ....

Looking at dispassionately the bears don't have enough of the support behind them to strangle the life out of the club/spivs and I feel if the team do well enough before the IPO the GIRFUY factor will kick in ...

Season Ticket Ted and No8 will be shovelling their hard earned into shares whilst denying it to all and sundry.

(Does anyone really buy anything that these two say now?)

If they are planning the IPO for November when should the 'Prospectus' and the currant figures be released and made available and the marketing drive begin?

How can there be another INITIAL public offer?

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