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Oh dear. Feckin spangles the lot of them. Obviously have the same IQ as these neanderthals

neanderthalls evolved . even they wouldn't be stupid enough to get fleeced by the rangers board. stupid people like the rangers fans are knuckle dragging morons.

Edited by scottxs
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May get interesting .... link

Is this the claim after the letter before?

The guy mentioned was apparently associated with CW in six companies (1 dissolved and CW resigned from another 4) and now it's only one.

How much more money is going to be drained from the coffers defending this claim ... too funny.

Should Ticketus get involved? (since Craigy owes them 18 million and I doubt he will be able to pay them without securing the assets)

There could be trouble ahead ..... :whistle :whistle :whistle

Coincidence that they are planning to try and raise cash through a PO very soon ..... :lol: :lol: :lol:

VHTTP? Link error?..or is it me?

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stupid people like the rangers fans are knuckle dragging morons.

How lovely and thank you for posting. We all enjoyed your insight. Talk me through how your erudition arose. Did you just think:

"Oh I have a great idea. I shall log on to P&B and call some fellow football fans, "knuckle dragging morons.". This will show me as a smart fellow "

Well done. We are all impressed by your originality.

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Oh Boy. Just the two tonight, but they're both in full-on "we're awfy clever and superior" mode.

I'm feeling a wee bit charitable, so...

Tedi: claiming someone who dislike the the rangers must be a celtic fan is a bit stupid. Continuing to claim this when you have been set straight on many occasions simply reinforces the stereotype of...

411Founder: I think I'm right in saying that Scott's point was that, unlike early hominids, fans of the rangers have not learnt from their mistakes and continue to throw money at anything which allows them to validate their existence through a mid-table second tier football club.

"Knuckle dragging morons" seems to me far more apposite than "fellow football fans", BTW.

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Killie gubbing Dundee United or his beloved celtic getting scudded.....

Oh, silly me. I forgot my stalker was around as well. Tell me, Vicky - if your Amigo's theory was true in any way, why would I give a fùck about Fridays result? In actual fact, it was, if anything, the best outcome for the dying half of the OF.

And they still couldn't take advantage.☺

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