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No one is campaigning to have the rules changed ... :P

Just for the record anyone is free to call me the H word ... just not a Sevco fan.

Sad Thing is as a serving soldier in Northern Ireland during the 1980,s dhen their will be elements in your support who would probably regard you as more of a so called h** than the likes of me , tedi, Bennett or no.8. Edited by forever_blue
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I go to the football with a Roman Catholic..Tedi knows him so he ll back me up on this. After a few pints he has been known to rant about 'Fens' and text me FTP. msgs...is that all fine and dandy as he was born a RC? Or would you say hes a bit of a bigot?

YES!!! As I have already said that is indeed bigotry (prejudice against a group), just not sectarian bigotry (prejudice against a religious group). What is so hard to understand?

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It was but we all know it is widely used now as a term for RCs in general

Disagree about 'widely'.

Maybe amongst a certain group perhaps.......

A large, very large % of F's, were not of the RC faith, and people trying to stir up religious bigotry highjacked it as a derogatory term.

It should be struck from the list of banned words imo, as it gives justification only to the bigots.

Edited by Bing (2)
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YES!!! As I have already said that is indeed bigotry (prejudice against a group), just not sectarian bigotry (prejudice against a religious group). What is so hard to understand?

Ok. I understand the point you are trying to make in the instance i gave of a person raised as a RC using the term FTP he is being bigoted against a religious group.

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This is you in an absolute nutshell and exactly what i was talking about last week.

WRK called me a liar and went on and on about providing proof. I went and got the proof clearly showing that i had been completely accurate.

You are now trying to turn this around as if i am the liar. Just utterly incredible...right up there with your comments on how a team played after saying you hadnt even seen the game.

There were many posts where WRK used the word hate in relation to Rangers. They are not there now. I have no idea where they went but if you are that interested i suggest you ask a Mod as frankly i could not care less as the one i did find more than proved my point

You don't follow conversations carefully No8, do you, such is the zeal with which you wish to attack me?

I'm not involved in your daft discussion about why WRK 'hates' Rangers or otherwise, which is why I've voiced no view on it. I did however pick up on your allegation that he'd deleted posts as it was very specific. That's what I asked you about, but you appeared unable to keep track.

I'm turning nothing round. Read back and see it all for yourself.

I do enjoy how you return to the ICT game where I commented on the match having listened to much of it, something Bennett himself did with the following game.

You seem to believe that repeating a lie prevents it being one. It doesn't.

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Ok. I understand the point you are trying to make in the instance i gave of a person raised as a RC using the term FTP he is being bigoted against a religious group.

Celtic are not a religious group. Neither was Rangers, neither are sevco. Sorry if you can't handle that simple truth.

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You don't follow conversations carefully No8, do you, such is the zeal with which you wish to attack me?I'm not involved in your daft discussion about why WRK 'hates' Rangers or otherwise, which is why I've voiced no view on it. I did however pick up on your allegation that he'd deleted posts as it was very specific. That's what I asked you about, but you appeared unable to keep track.I'm turning nothing round. Read back and see it all for yourself.I do enjoy how you return to the ICT game where I commented on the match having listened to much of it, something Bennett himself did with the following game.You seem to believe that repeating a lie prevents it being one. It doesn't.

So have you asked a Mod to check?

You have no interest in my daft discussion...Then why are you passing comment on it?

I would think WRK was being quite specific in his claims but nothing from you.

You still dont see it do you? You made a complete arse of yourself on the ICT thread. It really hurt a pompous arse like you to be mocked. You then made it worse by trying to attack Bennett on a different Rangers match thread and made a complete arse of yourself again. Since then you have followed me around this forum trying to pick away at every post i have made. Ok it gives me a goid laugh but it is getting boring now.

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You need to ask the mod to check .. (if you are still referring to your false claims).

Without even seeing whatever you claim is the truth is here, regards the ICT thread ... I have had plenty of disagreements with MT and he has never done that.

what's a goid laugh ?

Apart from you obviously bashing away at the keyboard with your knuckles?

Urban Dictionary: goid
A goid whom is not a bright spark, Dim witted and in general useless. the fellow is such a goid, he cant do anything! by Joe from the stow October 31, 2005.
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So have you asked a Mod to check?

You have no interest in my daft discussion...Then why are you passing comment on it?

I would think WRK was being quite specific in his claims but nothing from you.

You still dont see it do you? You made a complete arse of yourself on the ICT thread. It really hurt a pompous arse like you to be mocked. You then made it worse by trying to attack Bennett on a different Rangers match thread and made a complete arse of yourself again. Since then you have followed me around this forum trying to pick away at every post i have made. Ok it gives me a goid laugh but it is getting boring now.

Of course I've not asked a mod. It's not my job to attempt to prove the validity of your attacks on people. When asked for proof by another though, you declined, predictably.

Please explain carefully how I made a complete arse of myself on the ICT thread?

The fun begins on page 7, where I post my views on Hughes, acknowledging that my take on the game was based on what I'd read and heard.

Bennett, as thorough a reader as you, chimes in with a question I'd already answered about whether I'd watched it or not. Almost touchingly given the stupidity involved, he regards it as quite a coup when I again reveal my sources.

You pile in then triumphantly of course, as if some bizarre victory has been achieved.

It's all quite embarrassing enough for you guys until Bennett too voices his take on a game he's not seen when Rangers next take the field.

Cue lots of wriggling to claim it's not the same thing, before you bang on about the whole thing in most unrelated exchanges with me since.

That's exactly how it was and anyone suitably deranged to care would be able to confirm as much by visiting the relevant threads.

Telling lies about me is simply what you do.

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I did prove it though ... Admittedly examples of this were not difficult to find a few months ago but the vast majority seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

Bollox you did. You take a cherry-picked except provided by Tedi and call that proof of my bigotry. Post the whole fuicking thing, you moron - it's hardly a eulogy for your ex-business partners. Certainly a long way from a hate-filled diatribe against your lot alone.

Again with the accusations of removing content. Again, for the avoidance of doing: I don't do it, I never have done it, and I never will do it. All my fùck ups are there to be seen. This excludes the obvious double posts, of course, but includes the occasional drivel which serves as a warning to me and others of the dangers of posting drunk.

So bottom line. You thought you'd found a magic bullet to nail the "bigot" accusation. Unfortunately, Tedi kinda let you down on that one. And your lie about removing content remains just that. As MT days, repeating a lie doesn't make it true. But it does make you look even thicker.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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Yes i know alll that. What has any of that got to do with my post

Your mate was displaying his dislike of celtic fans I assume, not catholics? If he was displaying his hatred of catholics then of course it's sectarian bigotry. If he was displaying hatred of celtic then it's just simple bigotry.

I am totally shocked, nay gobsmacked, that you haven't explained to him this behaviour is just not on since you seem so noble in your fight stop bigotry in all it's forms. It's very strange that when sending FTP text messages that he would chose to send them to such a well known anti-bigotry champion as yourself. Did he somehow mistakenly assume he was conversing with a fellow bigot? What on earth could you have done to cause him to come to that conclusion?

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So bottom line. You thought you'd found a magic bullet to nail the "bigot" accusation. Unfortunately, Tedi kinda let you down on that one. And your lie about removing content remains just that. As MT days, repeating a lie doesn't make it true. But it does make you look even thicker.

Are you still claiming you've never posted anything bigoted :lol:

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