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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What the f**k is this?

The Price is Right?



It is a bit like a twisted game show, but not in a Running Man way.

More akin to Play Your Cards Right:

"I'm the joker in the place, with 4 little aces who set the pace, and that is why I say with feeling, OK dollies, do your dealing"

- I'm the joker in the place (Craig Whyte)

- with 4 little aces who set the pace (Bill Miller, Bill Ng, The Blue Knights, Kennedy)

- and that is why I say with feeling (Jardine, McCoist, Goram, Hateley, et al)

- OK dollies (Duff & Phelps)

- do your dealing (the part that never ends)

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I just had a wee thought that brought a smile to my face..IF Rangers are saved through a CVA they utter meltdown on here will be fucking priceless and the role reversal will be fantastic with 'White Rose Killie' and Pozbaird posts being reposted on Rangers Media and Follow Follow as great point and laugh material.

Well i need something to cheer me up while waiting to hear if the bid will be accepted. I'll need to borrow all those wee dancig gif thingys as well if the CVA goes through.

I'll personally give you all the dancing gifs I can lay my hands on if a CVA happens. I also have a Tower in Paris and a bridge in London you may be interested in buying......:lol: :lol:


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Anyone else suspect that Ticketus dropping out the group is actually because they have agreed to whatever is needed to approve the CVA ? They are now the largest creditor (pending the tax tribunal outcome) and if they approve the CVA then HMRC can do f**k all to stop it.

Just hope the SPL/SFA throw the book at them for the dual contracts/EBT stuff as I can see a scenario they get out of this paying a tiny sum

More likely they'll have renegotiated their current deal. They can't approve the CVA on their own as though the biggest creditor, they won't have 75 per cent of the total debt regardless of the tax appeal.

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OK Guys and Gals, Newbie here . Not an internet virgin, but a P & B Posting virgin, so please be gentle.

My username hints at my leanings, and have been following my team since the late 60's. Ithought i had witnessed a lot in my long time on this earth, but i have to say this thread has been a revelation to me.

Never before have i seen such a coming together, and general group huggedness by such a broad spectrum of football lovers in this country. It is quite staggering that the ugly sister in the blue dress has managed to unite so many diferent factions.

Anyway, for my first post i would just like to say :

Rangers have come out from between the buttocks of scottish football and pebbledashed the porcelain. They have created such a stench that everyone else is disgusted with them. Everyone now want to dump on them, BUT NOBODY WANT TO FLUSH. (Ge...t the picture). At the end of this whole mess, the porcelain of Scottish football must be so clean, you could eat your dinner off it. Which is why they must be flushed, flushed and flushed again until football in this country is clean again. RANT OVER.

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I hear what you're saying

I like to think the hate goes from celtic when the rangers go. Life's to short to hate but that's my

opinion. I like to think the result of the demise of the orcs could have a cathartic effect not only in relations between

clubs but in the wider society and we stop defining ourselves in relation to them but maybe 'I'm a dreamer'.

Yes, you are a dreamer.

Absolutely nothing can make up for a century of exploiting sectarianism and hatred in order to win over 90 major trophies, dominating Scottish football and lording it over the rest os us.

Celtic took their exploitation of sectarianism to new lengths last season. Their intimidation of referees and match officials was nothing short of a disgrace. And we still see the sight of that dispicable man running across the pitch to confront referees every time he loses a match.

We need to get rid of Celtic as well. Zero tolerance to bigotry.

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OK Guys and Gals, Newbie here . Not an internet virgin, but a P & B Posting virgin, so please be gentle.

My username hints at my leanings, and have been following my team since the late 60's. Ithought i had witnessed a lot in my long time on this earth, but i have to say this thread has been a revelation to me.

Never before have i seen such a coming together, and general group huggedness by such a broad spectrum of football lovers in this country. It is quite staggering that the ugly sister in the blue dress has managed to unite so many diferent factions.

Anyway, for my first post i would just like to say :

Rangers have come out from between the buttocks of scottish football and pebbledashed the porcelain. They have created such a stench that everyone else is disgusted with them. Everyone now want to dump on them, BUT NOBODY WANT TO FLUSH. (Ge...t the picture). At the end of this whole mess, the porcelain of Scottish football must be so clean, you could eat your dinner off it. Which is why they must be flushed, flushed and flushed again until football in this country is clean again. RANT OVER.

laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gifI like him.

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I'd been vaguely aware of some of Walter 'Walter' Smith's comments, but hadn't bothered to listen to the whole thing. There was a paper lying on the train home from work so I had a read of it and it has all his comments from the RFFF press conference. I can't believe the gall of the man. He implies that the boards of other SPL clubs are all hypocrites. That this liar can call anyone a hypocrite amazes me.

Walter Smith on the prospect of Rangers leaving the SPL for an Atlantic League in 2008: http://www.heraldsco...league-1.898270

"We are two huge clubs who deserve to be in better circumstances than we are in Scotland"

Walter Smith on the prospect of Rangers leaving the SPL through relegation or liquidation: http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/17858087

"no-one - especially in the SPL - wants to see Rangers leave with the support they carry and the amount of money they bring to the league itself... the whole league would suffer then."

So, there's hypocrisy there, that's that covered. He then babbles on about how Rangers are being punished, whereas there were no sanctions against Motherwell. Now I'm not sure why Rangers fans are struggling with this, but Motherwell were in administration 10 years ago. It was the first time an SPL team had been administration and there have been multiple rule changes since to deal with clubs which go into administration. That makes their administration irrelevant. In fact, as new rules were voted in at the start of this season and approved by all clubs - yes, including Rangers - all administrations prior to this season are irrelevant. If Rangers have such a problem with this disciplinary process they shouldn't have voted for it.

He's oh so surprisingly reluctant to blame his pal Sir David for this mess, preferring to heap all the blame on Craig Whyte. It was him and him alone, the only thing Sir David did wrong was allow himself to be duped by this man. Yeah, we're sure you genuinely believe that Walter. He then babbles the party-line about how it was just Craig Whyte acting alone so Rangers should be treated differently as it was just an individual. Then, onto his time as manager, comes this cracker:

Rangers had to operate under stringent restraints and I complained because I had to field what I thought was the best team. But we went nearly three years without signing a player. It wasn't as if we were gaining a major advantage over the last few years by spending money we didn't have, winning league championships, going into administration and walking away.

Where do you even start with that? Well, the last sentence. That is exactly what Rangers have been doing since the EBTs started. What do you think is going to happen when the Big Tax Case rules against you, Walter? You're going to pay every penny of that debt? No, you're going to walk away from it, having won many trophies spending that money which wasn't yours to spend.

Then there's the claim that Rangers didn't sign a player for nearly three years. A lie, a complete and utter lie. There was only one season in Walter Smith's second spell as Rangers manager he didn't spend a transfer fee on a player, 2009-10. In every other season under Walter Smith, Rangers spent money on transfer fees, and in every one of those their transfer expenditure was higher than their income. His total transfer expenditure was roughly £35 million. Stringent restraints? Even when the tabloids were spewing out the 'poor, skint Rangers being run into the ground by the big bad bank' line every single week they were spending £4M on Nikica Jelavic.

Walter Smith is a despicable individual who lies every time he opens his mouth, and it's yet another sad indictment on our media that they accept every word of it without question.

Edited by Dunning1874
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I hear what you're saying

I like to think the hate goes from celtic when the rangers go. Life's to short to hate but that's my

opinion. I like to think the result of the demise of the orcs could have a cathartic effect not only in relations between

clubs but in the wider society and we stop defining ourselves in relation to them but maybe 'I'm a dreamer'.

If you wanna be best pals with us then you need to get rid of the 11-1 voting 1st and the general domination of all income, you also have to answer this teaser...

When was the last time Celtic lost and it wasn't the refs fault?

Edited by Gaz FFC
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I'd been vaguely aware of some of Walter 'Walter' Smith's comments, but hadn't bothered to listen to the whole thing. There was a paper lying on the train home from work so I had a read of it and it has all his comments from the RFFF press conference. I can't believe the gall of the man. He implies that the boards of other SPL clubs are all hypocrites. That this liar can call anyone a hypocrite amazes me.

Walter Smith on the prospect of Rangers leaving the SPL for an Atlantic League in 2008: http://www.heraldsco...league-1.898270

"We are two huge clubs who deserve to be in better circumstances than we are in Scotland"

Walter Smith on the prospect of Rangers leaving the SPL through relegation or liquidation: http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/17858087

"no-one - especially in the SPL - wants to see Rangers leave with the support they carry and the amount of money they bring to the league itself... the whole league would suffer then."

It's ok, i'm sure our excellent media will be asking him the question of why in 4 years we've suddenly went from thriving without Rangers to needing them.dry.gifdry.gif

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Well, in the second part of today's blog Leggy got it just right. I think we would all agree Rangers should get a suspended sentence.......

.....hung from the rafters until dead, then drawn and quartered, the head stuck on a pole and a stake driven through the heart just to make sure they will never come back. Perhaps even a celtic cross and a garlic plant on the grave just to be doubly sure. :D

Here is what the bold Leggo wrote in the past: "Sound, and normal, competent, clever and far-sighted business practice is what Whyte has indulged in.

It is why he is continuing to emerge as a man who Rangers supporters can trust with the club.

Obviously the many enemies of Rangers, who exist on the very edge of sanity in cyberspace, and who branded the Whyte moves for Rangers a “fakeover,” have been at the forefront of these attacks as they try to divert attention away from how they have been spectacularly wrong in everything they have been saying about Craig Whyte.

Craig Whyte is a supporter, steeped in Rangers’ past. Now he is the owner and chairman who is already showing a determination to make sure the club’s future is as glorious as its past."

Terrific. Anyone know if this is the same chap? Seems to be a suggestion that it is: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-501076/Engaged---days-Man-trapped-bowling-club-loo-survives-icy-tap-water.html

Great, a march. Hopefully they spew out some of their bigot filth and are thrown in the cooler.

If the rules that were brought in to govern marches, parades etc still exist then you need to give the polis and the council far more than five days notice of a march so everyone taking part and the organisers could get nicked and fined a grand a time :D

Dunno if this has already been posted on this fairly lengthy thread but someone (who reads this forum so can claim credit if he wants) told me today that Rangers had requested their tax case heard in private. You know, the same Rangers who this week have been whining about transparency wanted their hearing behind closed doors. Lovely :lol:

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You're a sensible man no8

You will find many a poster that would disagree with that statement. ;)

TBH i am a huge Walter Smith supporter so my opinion would be swayed by that. I have not read what he has been saying of late as i am just sickened by it all at the moment. OK that might be burying my head in the sand but it is just 1 kick in the teeth after another. There is only so much you can take.

If it is regarding any comments about leaving Scottish Football i have made my views 100% clear on this matter in the past..It should never happen and i would never support the move as long as we had somewhere to play in Senior Scottish Football

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