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    In my own alternate universe
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  1. As a shark relies on electrical impulses in the water to locate food, i reckon the shark will be too F*ckt up to eat you.
  2. Depends if you are the poor B8stard who have had their Cancer op Cancelled to push another Royal Leech to the front of the Queue.
  3. To quote John Yorkston, "Bobo Balde causes more injuries than a plastic pitch"
  4. Bet there were more than a few Badgers worried about that.
  5. Totally agree. Any half-decent Gamma ray burst would sort everything out in a flash.
  6. Haven't noticed this anywhere, so here goes. We all know they have been doing it, but now they have been found guilty of doing it. https://indyref2.scot/guilty-reporting-scotland-misled-viewers-about-gers
  7. Real fun will start when they demand Gibraltar in exchange for a half-decent Brexit deal.
  8. Perhaps Ruthie has the hots, Remember in the playground when you would annoy the girl you fancied, just to get her attention.
  9. Unashamedly nicked from WOS. http://www.businessforscotland.com/revealed-the-accounting-trick-that-hides-scotlands-wealth/
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