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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Well I'd have to agree with bennett, i couldn't see Ashley selling Newcastle just to run the rangers franchise, no matter how many shirts he could shift.

I imagine he'd be content to be some form of power behind the throne but to what extent will he be able to do that without breaching the 10% threshold?

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Well I'd have to agree with bennett, i couldn't see Ashley selling Newcastle just to run the rangers franchise, no matter how many shirts he could shift.

I imagine he'd be content to be some form of power behind the throne but to what extent will he be able to do that without breaching the 10% threshold?

Lol, he is ginna bum feck them, don't worry about details.

And benny.... Lol....

And Tedi....? .....king..... Lol

This is great. The swamp is magnificent, it truly is :)

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In this case a definite no from me, perhaps you would be happy with a guy who cares nothing for the association rules, has a track record of never engaging with fans while running a club into the ground, I do not think you would find a Newcastle fan out there who disagrees with me.

So what happened when the blades fans warned you about Chuckles? You all welcomed the saviour with open legs. Then he bought a big Fck- off castle in Normandy. And it took 2 years for you mugs to work out what he was up to, even with the warnings. And,, you might not of seen the back of him yet( here's hoping).

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Newcastle owe him over £130m, while their retail and corporate monies go directly to Ashley.

The geordies would tell you to stop talking shite.

They'd be wrong too then.

Of course Ashley's relationship with Newcastle does him more good than them, as will any relationship with Rangers.

However, he has Newcastle playing at pretty much the level they've spent the last half century at.

I'm pretty sure he can do the same for Rangers for a fraction of the outlay.

You also must recognise the current mess Rangers are in. Ashley isn't interested in how Rangers perform as an end in itself. He is though, as a means to something else.

This can benefit Rangers.

It strikes me as another occasion when a mob response has been decided upon and is being unthinkingly stuck to by most Rangers fans - not all - on here.

If the same person who took Green aside early on and told him to endorse an orange top while clapping his hands at an appropriate point, were to have a word with Ashley, opinion might change.

Ashley might be less willing to play such games though. The danger is another guy who might have helped, feels inclined to truck off. Careful what you wish for.

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Tedi gets stick for buying a season ticket, while i get stick for not buying one for the last few few seasons.

I wish some people would make their minds up.

Newcastle owe him over £130m, while their retail and corporate monies go directly to Ashley.

The geordies would tell you to stop talking shite.

So, he's "run Newcastle into the ground" by lending them £130 million? I wish someone would run me into the ground like that ...

Anyway, he hasn't run Newcastle into the ground. They're as mediocre as ever, and they're still in the top division, which they didn't always manage pre Ashley.

The fans don't like him because he refuses to pour in limitless amounts of money to return the club to what they believe is its rightful place, up there with Chelsea and Man CIty. They maintain this delusion despite the evidence of the past 50 years of non-achievement.

A bit like the Hearts fans.

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Have the rules changed since Romanov owned Hearts? There wasn't an influx of Lithuanians from Kaunas simply because they were all outstanding and cheap or Hearts would still be using the model.

Anyway, the point is that no matter what the rules were, Romanov pulled all the strings and everyone knew it. He was the controlling influence at 3 clubs. The is no chance that Ashley will not work around any rules in place.

Ashley is in charge and has access to everything he needs from his perspective and all for the sake of a £2m loan and 8% shareholding. Given how little sentiment he has I suspect Ally might be gone by Monday. That said, he has retained Pardew against the wishes of a vocal support so he's not bothered about popularity. This will be a tough one for the bears because supporter groups like the Trust or the Sons of Struth will have zero influence.

And if it doesn't work out, he'll shut them down or more likely put a gun to the club's head until he gets the bung he wants.

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Densboy suddenly decides that the Scottish mainstream media is a reliable source, after years of slating it and Jack Irvine is a now a good guy.

I've a feeling there will be little or no direct quotes and it'll be full of "mailsport understands..." and is believed to be"...... etc...

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If Ashley dpes decide to go all out and take a major shareholding in Sevco, what can the SFA do about it? They, sure as hell, can't take his shares away so the only recourse is to take action against the club. Pump them down a couple of divisions just at the time when the OF may be reformed? If you believe that then you still believe in the tooth fairy. Ashley will put in his men, he will be given total control over everything that still belongs to the club and the SFA will sit on their arses and say nothing.

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So Ashley has the naming rights for Ibrox, the retail contract, and may even have the trademark as part of the "loan".

The interest on the loan could pay the cost for the retail contract and naming rights, so effectively he has all income less TV money and gate money, and its not really cost him much for it.

Compare that to what other share holders have paid and what they get..... less dividends as a massive amount of the income goes directly to Ashley.

He's played a blinder here and all he has to do is keep Rangers ticking over with a bit of hope and the merchandise will keep flying out the shops, in a bad spell just bring out an orange top and you'll all queue up over night to get it.

Now if he (as is being rumored) got the trademark as part of the deal even if Rangers go bust he has that for all future incomes unless newnewco make a new badge....... and how will that go down.

He will keep you ticking over just challenging, but no more, but with no massive spending to ensure his steady stream of XXL tops, shell-suits and WATP guff keeps getting bought from HIS shops for HIS profit

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If Ashley dpes decide to go all out and take a major shareholding in Sevco, what can the SFA do about it? They, sure as hell, can't take his shares away so the only recourse is to take action against the club. Pump them down a couple of divisions just at the time when the OF may be reformed? If you believe that then you still believe in the tooth fairy. Ashley will put in his men, he will be given total control over everything that still belongs to the club and the SFA will sit on their arses and say nothing.

The only thing they can do is suspend the license, but they wouldn't have the guts

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The only thing they can do is suspend the license, but they wouldn't have the guts

Of course they won't. They wanted to retain them in the top flight in spite of the liquidation. When that didn't work, they wanted the new club in a division below the top flight. There will be no level of acquiescing that Scottish football won't go to if it gets Rangers back to the top half of the top flight. Who owns what is mere bagatelle against the scenario we saw at the start of the 12/13 season. Ashley can do whatever he wants and so can anyone else who owns Rangers because the SFA and SPFL are not going to enforce anything that will either be challenged in a court or might further de-stabilise Rangers. If anything, they're likely to ask Ashley what additional support he needs to help turn things round.

The SFA "enemies" has long been a figment of the imagination of Rangers supporters. The SFA couldn't do enough to help ensure there was a team playing at Ibrox - or whatever it will be called going forward.

Re the naming of the stadium it would be good to see some suggestions. I'll go for the "Sports Socks - 3 For a Pound Arena".

Edited by HTG
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So Ashley has the naming rights for Ibrox, the retail contract, and may even have the trademark as part of the "loan".

The interest on the loan could pay the cost for the retail contract and naming rights, so effectively he has all income less TV money and gate money, and its not really cost him much for it.

Compare that to what other share holders have paid and what they get..... less dividends as a massive amount of the income goes directly to Ashley.

He's played a blinder here and all he has to do is keep Rangers ticking over with a bit of hope and the merchandise will keep flying out the shops, in a bad spell just bring out an orange top and you'll all queue up over night to get it.

Now if he (as is being rumored) got the trademark as part of the deal even if Rangers go bust he has that for all future incomes unless newnewco make a new badge....... and how will that go down.

He will keep you ticking over just challenging, but no more, but with no massive spending to ensure his steady stream of XXL tops, shell-suits and WATP guff keeps getting bought from HIS shops for HIS profit

This is pretty much spot on. Now can all those championing the Ashley cause explain to me how this is good for the Football club and more importantly to me the supporters?

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This is pretty much spot on. Now can all those championing the Ashley cause explain to me how this is good for the Football club and more importantly to me the supporters?

The only way it is "better" for your club than the present is that he will keep them ticking over compared to the imminent monthly fears of not making the pay roll, but not to make Rangers well run, but to ensure Mike Ashleys monthly merchandise sales keep coming

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The SFA "enemies" has long been a figment of the imagination of Rangers supporters. The SFA couldn't do enough to help ensure there was a team playing at Ibrox - or whatever it will be called going forward.

Yeh i remember them helping out by forcing the new company to pay all the old companies footballing debt while not allowing the new company to take in the footballing debt owed to them.

What did happen to the old Rangers prize money from that final season?

I remember they went against UEFA advice and instead of extending the transfer window they brought the closing forward to deny Rangers any chance of signing a player.

Rangers received absolutely no help from the footballing authorities and never asked for any. Decisions went to the vote and IMO the clubs themselves voted the correct way. It was the SPL clubs that tried to bully the lower league clubs in to allowing Rangers into SFL 1. Something i and every Rangers supporter i know was dead set against.

Remember when they withheld Rangers licence to play to within 24 hours of that Ramsden Cup game against Brechin City...Aye they were absolutely falling over themselves to help Rangers out. :rolleyes:

The Ps and Ds get all caught up in the fact Rangers didn't have to go to a vote to get elected in to the league. This is after the Spartans Chairman said they wouldn't stand against Rangers as it would be a complete waste of their time and money. Why would anybody want the likes of Spartans, Cove Rangers or Gala Fairydean to waste their time and valuable money entering into a vote they had no chance of winning?

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The only way it is "better" for your club than the present is that he will keep them ticking over compared to the imminent monthly fears of not making the pay roll, but not to make Rangers well run, but to ensure Mike Ashleys monthly merchandise sales keep coming

Of course that is what he will do. It was by some distance the worst of the three offers on the table for the club but the best deal for those who have robbed us blind for 3 years and will continue to rob us blind for years to come

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This is pretty much spot on. Now can all those championing the Ashley cause explain to me how this is good for the Football club and more importantly to me the supporters?

I'll try.... (mug) :unsure:

Ashley needs The Rangers to be sufficiently successful to keep the merch flowing.

This is achieved by keeping the Football Club near, or at the top, in the domestic game. This can be achieved at relatively little cost (in Ashley Terms)

Winning, or competing, for Premiership titles will be the mainstay of his income streams. The massed support are easily pleased in that regard and will reward Ashley with sales of shirts, scarves and all the associated Trade Marked goods.

Brief Euro forays at the minor UEFA Cup Level, as opposed to the Big Boys Competition, will also do for Ashley as it's still European exposure for his "Brand". Success or failure in that comp will matter f**k all to him.

Unrestrained spending to chase CL involvement is no longer the raison d'être at TRIFC.

So.... you see.......... it IS good for your club and its supporters.

Unless Alan Pardew appears.... :shutup

Edit: Typo 'Asley' to Ashley. Time will tell if it's Assley ;)

Edited by GreenockRover
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Yeh i remember them helping out by forcing the new company to pay all the old companies footballing debt while not allowing the new company to take in the footballing debt owed to them.

What did happen to the old Rangers prize money from that final season?

I remember they went against UEFA advice and instead of extending the transfer window they brought the closing forward to deny Rangers any chance of signing a player.

Rangers received absolutely no help from the footballing authorities and never asked for any. Decisions went to the vote and IMO the clubs themselves voted the correct way. It was the SPL clubs that tried to bully the lower league clubs in to allowing Rangers into SFL 1. Something i and every Rangers supporter i know was dead set against.

Remember when they withheld Rangers licence to play to within 24 hours of that Ramsden Cup game against Brechin City...Aye they were absolutely falling over themselves to help Rangers out. :rolleyes:

The Ps and Ds get all caught up in the fact Rangers didn't have to go to a vote to get elected in to the league. This is after the Spartans Chairman said they wouldn't stand against Rangers as it would be a complete waste of their time and money. Why would anybody want the likes of Spartans, Cove Rangers or Gala Fairydean to waste their time and valuable money entering into a vote they had no chance of winning?

Didn't that money go towards the creditors who had bed shafted?

When you say you didn't get any help from the SFA, what you mean is they didn't let you have your cake and eat it when it came to monies owed to the old club.

In what fantasy world would Sevco be entitled to that cash?

Remember the transfer embargo that didn't kick in until the transfer window closed allowing you to spend a couple of million on Templeton?

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