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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ok let me reiterate. It is a Scottish society problem, rather than just a few. However it is on the decrease

I think the point you're missing from Rico's post is that the problem is nowhere near on a par with the treatment of black Americans in the 60's.

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Of course it's nothing like that. However my point is it exists across all classes of Scottish society (becoming less outside of central belt)

He didn't deny it existed.....so Rico's point is correct.

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I've one of those genuine questions again:

How come Rangers don't have a credit line or overdraft facility or whatever?

I'd always kind of assumed it was because of the mess which peaked in 2012, meaning 'Rangers' had a long way to go to earn trust after that. Regardless of how continuation of the club is viewed however, what we now have is a completely new company, so why have they no such facility? Surely it's not the norm for new companies to have no means of borrowing from banks, or is it?

As you can tell, I'm totally clueless about this stuff and have no doubt asked a bloody stupid question. Could some kind soul humour me by answering it though please?

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Are you Irish ? If yes then you can comment. If not take it from me Scottish society has an anti Irish bias

I would say that a Scot has every right to comment on Scottish society, wouldn't you?

You will always find bias in society but it is nowhere near the extent that Philip claims it is, most people just get on with their lives.

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MT maybe if ask yourself what you would have done had you been in charge of customer loans/lending at a bank and a new customer came along.

Due diligence and all that stuff ... would you have risked it with the characters involved.

Well, the answer to that is obvious, but I don't remember it being remarked upon at the time, that the failure to have such a facility reflected a lack of confidence in the regime.

As I recall, it was just kind of accepted as a given that Newco would be unable to secure credit from the outset, due to the events which preceded its creation.

I'm maybe totally mistaken in this recollection - just not sure.

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Who was doing the PR media spin for the clumpany at that time?

Or do you mean the P&D and internet bloggers?

If the latter .. was it not the case there was just too much laughter going on at other things to give it much thought?

Edit: The bears never questioned anything so I assumed you were not referring to them.

Well I'm just talking generally. I don't remember the absence of such a facility being either a particular scoop in the MSM, or being exploited for laughs by the internet bampots.

I'm just interested to learn whether it had to be thus, or as you suggest, it reflected the fact that we were dealing with another recognised basket case right from the get-go.

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Anyways, here is the article in question from Phil


If McKenna is happy to be Scottish in Scotland then I'm happy for him. It is basic human right to be able to self-define. However many others of Irish extraction find that their seat is still at the back of the bus in Scotland.

I finally left Glasgow in the mid-1990s. I wanted better for my young family. Since then my native city's intolerance of all things Irish has, if anything, got worse

He has such a deep seeded hatred of Scotland, I would go as far as saying he is anti scottish

I don't owe the place a thing.
Edited by Enrico Annoni
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