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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You could be onto something here.

Cockwomble - "Err.....Mr. Ashley, sir.......eh, my err name is Neil Cock..........err, Doncaster.....I am Chief Executive Fuckwit at the SPFL and I desperately desperately need a sponsor ......err, so howzabout if Sports Direct were to support the SPFL to the tune of say, £4 million a year for 5 years, then I'm sure we at the SFA / SPFL could find a way to make these pesky questions of dual ownership disappear..........."

Regan and Ogilvie "Hear, hear, well said Neil...."

MA "Faack orfff, you caants couldn't run a piss up in a brewery.....Oi, Derek, come and 'ave a listen to this pile of shit......"


It's like I was in the room when it happened

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I take your point but you'd have to be some sort of super-lickspittle to do that mans job for him while he still gets paid 10x what you're on. For doing f**k all.

I'm sure there are folk out there, but what an absolute eunuch that man would be.

I get what you're saying, but effectively that's the case if they pay someone off by settling up their contract anyway.

We can surely be certain that no Rangers manager will ever earn McCoist type money again in the foreseeable future.

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As a manager he has not been popular with the fans since 2012, the few doubters that were left supporting him stopped doing so after the Forfar game.

Are you sure it was that early?

I accept that you have a better view of this than me, but I'd have seen opinion as fairly divided until really quite recently.

I don't suppose many Rangers fans would have claimed he was a good manager, or even had potential to be one, for a very long time. However, the residual 'Super Ally', 'incredible loyalty' sentiment surely sustained support for him - or at least distaste for the notion of sacking him - until this season.

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I get what you're saying, but effectively that's the case if they pay someone off by settling up their contract anyway.We can surely be certain that no Rangers manager will ever earn McCoist type money again in the foreseeable future.

Yeah but at least he wouldn't still be in the building, playing Scalextric or pushing his slinky down the marble staircase while you work.

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Perhaps they are just reporting what a large % of their readership wants to see happening?

Why has it taken so long for them to change direction then? Almost every Rangers fan I know has wanted McCoist to go for at least the last 3 months.

Edited by Ross.
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I think the papers have been reporting that his job was under pressure for a long time now, speculation that he was about to get sacked started after the Forfar game.

The majority of fans I know have wanted him out since March 2013.

Reporting that his job is under pressure is a bit different from putting a price on his head and basically stating that he'd go if the money was put to him. It's a fairly stark move away from the usual line pushed by them.

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