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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Ya cheeky bassa, I even offered to meet you for a pint before last Friday's game, I'm sure you would have been able to fill me in, on the complete History of Glasgow Rangers FC, particularly the early 60's era, no?

Early 60s?

I'm clearly being whooshed here, as I don't get the joke.

Are you just saying I'm old, or alluding to something that's sailed over my head?

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What is it about this clumpany, that the only possible solution to their current financial woes is to spend more money.

Is it really that difficult a concept, that maybe, just maybe, NewRangers should cut their cloth accordingly.

Surely Mike Ashley can show his commitment to NewRangers by getting it to operate as a proper sustainable business.



Edited by aDONisSheep
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its like the last few scenes from the godfather where all the opposition to the corleone family are wiped out

Rangers are losing too many people who are synonymous with the club, says Ally McCoist
THE Rangers manager thinks the club is losing part of it's identity after Laura Tarbet, secretary to Rangers managers for 43 years, became a victim of Derek Llambias cost-cutting excercise

Rangers Manager Ally McCoist looks on ahead of his side's match against Queen of the South

Jardine, Laura Tarbet.

As far as Ally McCoist is 
concerned, all three of those names should adorn the ‘Hall of Fame’ wall on Ibrox’s famous marble staircase.

The first two are club legends, synonymous with Rangers and the glory years of the past.

The other? An ordinary, 
working-class lady who spent 43 YEARS as the manager’s secretary – serving the likes of Willie 
Waddell, Jock Wallace, Walter Smith and McCoist himself.

But Tarbet’s reward for her 
work at Ibrox was to be yet 
another innocent victim of the club’s brutal cost-cuts carried out by the current regime.

Whether her treatment was the final straw for McCoist before he tendered his resignation is up for debate. Undoubtedly, there were other reasons.

But as he eulogised about his former colleague’s commitment to Rangers over the years – it’s clear her exit was a contributory factor.

Greig, Tarbet and Jardine, who passed away in April, are no longer part of the furniture at Ibrox. And now McCoist has decided to go as well, whether it’s in 12 days, 12 weeks or the 12 months of his notice period.

Without divulging all of his reasons, the Rangers boss hinted that his sadness at losing key figures at the 
club played a part in his 
decision to quit.

He said: “It’s difficult to see people losing their jobs.If you’ve worked with someone for 20 years or 
so and they leave, it’s extremely sad. I’m talking about very good people, 
great people.

“Laura, for example, has been at Rangers for 43 years. She was on the flight to Barcelona in 1972 for the Cup Winner’s Cup Final when she worked for Willie Waddell.

“Her name, in my opinion, should be on the board as you go up the stairs at Ibrox. She should be in the ‘Hall of Fame’.

“So it’s natural when you lose 
people like that it affects you. It 
saddens you.

“Clearly, it also happens in other walks of life, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t affect you.

“In fact, you’d be more concerned if it didn’t have an impact on you.

“Can Rangers be Rangers without people like Laura?

“Well, there’s no point shirking the issue. We don’t have John 
Greig any more, we don’t have 
Sandy Jardine and now we don’t have Laura Tarbet.

“It’s just sad that we’re losing 
people who are synonymous with the club and are part of its identity.

“It would be wrong of me to say the club is losing its soul. But we are now definitely missing people that have meant so much to Rangers over the years. Did it contribute to my decision? There were an awful lot 
of things and I wouldn’t go into 
specifics. But I’ve made my decision and I’ll stick by it.”

Talking of Greig, voted by fans as the Greatest Ever Ranger, he left his position as the club’s manager in 1983 after a run of poor results and amid pressure from supporters.

McCoist may well find himself 
in a similar position before too 
long with his team toiling to stay 
on the tails of Hearts in the 

Greig managed to maintain his iconic status in the fans’ eyes and his reputation as a legendary player is still very much intact.

But McCoist says that as long as Ibrox punters acknowledge that everything he’s done has been in 
the club’s best interests, he’ll be 

However, what he won’t be happy with is if he’s still in the manager’s chair this time next year and Gers’ are still in the same division.

He said: “The one thing John always had was respect from 

“We all get criticised as managers and coaches, that goes with the 
territory. But all I’d hope for is 
that people will look at me and see somebody that’s attempted to do their best at all times.

“Listen, you’re not going to please all of the people all of the time.

“But all I can wish for is that even when I’m getting criticism, people realise I was attempting to do the right thing for the right reasons.

“I’ll be extremely disappointed if I’m sitting here next December and we’re still in the Championship.

“And I’ll be doing 
everything I possibly 
can in the coming months to get 
us back into the 
top flight.

“It’s going to be extremely difficult but we haven’t given up on that in any shape or form.

“We still believe we can go up 
automatically but there is a play-off route as well.

“I still have the belief that we can get promoted.”

But how difficult will that be for McCoist’s players when he’s already signalled his intention to leave?

Ironically, he was in their 
position back in 1997/98 when Smith announced he was on his way out after Rangers’ bid for 10-in-a-
row. Many still believe that their failure to achieve it may have been 
psychological as much as physical – knowing their gaffer was heading for the exit.

But McCoist is adamant that he won’t allow his current crop to let his own situation impact on their performances.

He said: “We won’t let it be a worry for them because we can’t let that happen. It’s our job to make sure that it doesn’t.

“We as a staff are 100 per cent focused on the job and the players are the same.

“They realise the importance of 
getting this club back to the Premiership.

“We’ll be working really hard from 
now on ensuring that they concentrate their energies on 
getting results.

“I don’t remember that team under 
Walter in 1998 
winding down.

“After Walter 
made it public that he was leaving, 
you might tell me 
different. But my energies as a player were always 
on playing well and scoring goals 
for Rangers.

“That didn’t change after Walter made his decision.”

Davis. Small man with massive chip on shoulder http://www.nottinghampost.com/Garry-Birtles-m-delighted-Billy-Davies-Nottingham/story-20857435-detail/story.html. A manager who can pick a fight with half the world seems to be ideal for Rangers. They love the siege mentality.

His agent http://www.theguardian.com/football/2013/sep/30/nottingham-forest-jim-price-billy-daviesis doing a good job taking Scott McDermott out for some succulent lamb.

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Ally is having the protection of his comfort blankets being taken away from him - bit by bit :bairn:bairn

its like the last few scenes from the godfather where all the opposition to the corleone family are wiped out

Rangers are losing too many people who are synonymous with the club, says Ally McCoist
THE Rangers manager thinks the club is losing part of it's identity after Laura Tarbet, secretary to Rangers managers for 43 years, became a victim of Derek Llambias cost-cutting excercise
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Maybe if Ally hadn't signed so many has-beens and never-will-be's on lucrative contracts the likes of Laura would still be in a job. Seems a bit hypocritical of him to moan about the situation when his spending on the football side is a major cause.

Edited by TheLip69
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Same. Unbelievable brass neck to come out with that garbage then write a thesis on the behaviour of another club.

Yes. Reading on, it's not too bad a piece, but any trace of moral authority is sacrificed at the outset, with the Tonev nonsense.

It's the OF problem in a nutshell. No objectivity.

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a lot of that was charles green and his attitude towards finances, ally believed him. ally was given a budget to work with, he didn't decide, how much.

what football manager would turn to his boss and go, ''why don't you give me less money charles, iam worried about the long term future of the club''?

Certainly not this one.

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Snafu's article

McCoist handed in his notice because he knows that he has lost the league and it's looking likely that we won't get promoted - he wants out and wants another manager to take the flak for it (oh still wants his wages) All this talk of people losing their jobs being his reason for leaving simply isn't true.

Onerous contracts and boardroom/management parasites with their noses in the trough are to blame for this current mess and Ally has palled up with everyone last one of them.

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Michael to underwrite share issue according to sunday mail

Heard he was planning on doing this myself ,£6m from an internal share option and another £2m from January transfer sales.

All well and good,but he surely isn't going to do this out of the goodness of his heart now, he got Murray Park/Albion carpark for the first £2m loan and rumour has it Lewis Macleod's future over a barrel for the other £1m loan. So can't see him giving any money away without assets being written into the equation if it all goes Pete Tong.

Edited by Forever Diamond
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Alright chaps! Thought I would stick my head between the barriers here!

I'm doing a top 20 SPL players ever and thought I would bring this to the attention of the Rangers fans as they don't frequent the Premiership forum.

Have a look yourselves or send me a PM of your top 5 players. Initially it was set up as a bit of a laugh, but I have been inundated by votes so going to take it a bit more seriously. I will announce the winners over New Year.

This obviously goes to anyone though and plenty of players mentioned from other clubs so far!

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Snafu's articleMcCoist handed in his notice because he knows that he has lost the league and it's looking likely that we won't get promoted - he wants out and wants another manager to take the flak for it (oh still wants his wages) All this talk of people losing their jobs being his reason for leaving simply isn't true.Onerous contracts and boardroom/management parasites with their noses in the trough are to blame for this current mess and Ally has palled up with everyone last one of them.

Spot on Bennett.

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that's a bit harsh, you're making fun of people who have just lost their jobs. people who have worked there for years and given their best years only to be thrown aside like a piece of rubbish. i'm sure this has happened to you or some one you know at some point. have some empathy for these people.

you do understand this board doesn't value people either their contributions and commitment for years?

this is a reason why the support will not back them,

it would be the same if a board like this took over at kilmarnock or dundee, no difference

ashley, llambias and the spivs are detested.

I am not laughing at them. I am laughing about them.

I have said before that Ally needs to be isolated so they can push him more cheaply and more quickly. So getting shot of those around him is part of the process. And needs to keep happening so he doesn't know where he is from one week to the next.

Those on the payroll happily took money from a business that was totally bloated and overstaffed. Drawing wages in most cases well above the market rate. It will be interesting to see how the business performs after they have gone.

After all this is a business they are running, not some glorified welfare state.

The reality is that if anyone has good experience and skills there are plenty of jobs out there. And this does not just apply to backroom staff, but also the players and management team.

The majority are not good enough to get jobs elsewhere, that is why they are trying their best to sit tight in the hope they get some 'enhanced' package to go. Starting with Ally trying to fil his boots. Some legend. :thumbsdown Some figurehead. :(

P.S. Is Jimmy Bell the legendary kitman still there? From the Rangers website "THERE are few figures more established at Ibrox and Murray Park than kit controller Jimmy Bell. Put simply, he is part of the furniture at Rangers."

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