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13 million sold at 18p = £2.34 million compared to the 70p a share (£9.1 million) they were bought for, thats a massive loss to take, unless its re-coup what you can before the crash

Why buy shares then if it's going tits up?

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13 million sold at 18p = £2.34 million compared to the 70p a share (£9.1 million) they were bought for, thats a massive loss to take, unless its re-coup what you can before the crash

Did they pay 70p for all of them or did they get a few of the 1p shares during the initial launch?

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Easdale/Ashley apparently now hold 51% of the voting power between them.

Meanwhile the Three Bears were snoozing and arguing as to who were sitting in their seats ....

I hope that Philips log tradition of getting things wrong continues but i have to admit that it could be Ashley sticking two fingers up at the SFA...

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Why buy shares then if it's going tits up?

Speculation? Emotional attachment? Belief that if you have enough influence you can turn the company around? Planning a tax write off?

Believe it or not, millions of pounds worth of shares are traded in companies who are pretty much basket cases every day, for a whole host of reasons. Normally though it's speculators or idiots.

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13 million sold at 18p = £2.34 million compared to the 70p a share (£9.1 million) they were bought for, thats a massive loss to take, unless its re-coup what you can before the crash

Apparently they were sold (according to LSE site) at 20p, so £2.66 million. No idea why someone paid more than the ask price (although that's now gone up to 20p from 19p.

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Apparently they were sold (according to LSE site) at 20p, so £2.66 million. No idea why someone paid more than the ask price (although that's now gone up to 20p from 19p.

A large trade negotiated off exchange. Not unusual to pay a premium in those circumstances.

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keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs 2m2 minutes ago

Laxey's 16% shareholding in RIFC has been sold in the last half hour to the group of wealthy Rangers fans trying to force regime change.

If Keith's got it right then that's good news, hopefully I'll soon be back at Ibrox.

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keith jackson ‏@tedermeatballs 2m2 minutes ago

Laxey's 16% shareholding in RIFC has been sold in the last half hour to the group of wealthy Rangers fans trying to force regime change.

So they now have £2.6m less in cash available?

Gives them more scope fore participation in the next rights issue, as well as more weight in negotiating any deal they want to do.

Next move from Ashley will be interesting.

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Phil Tweeting that it is a Friend of Ashley

Phil MacGiollaBhain@Pmacgiollabhain 25m25 minutes ago

I would not be surprised if the buyer of these RIFC shares was...ahem...close to the thinking of Big Mike.

The man cannot help himself.

He also tweeted at the same time saying that if it was the 3 bears then they've spent some of the money they had. Covering all eventualities there.

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Phil Tweeting that it is a Friend of Ashley

Phil MacGiollaBhain‏@Pmacgiollabhain 25m25 minutes ago

I would not be surprised if the buyer of these RIFC shares was...ahem...close to the thinking of Big Mike.

The man cannot help himself.


There's another one.

They do seem to have their finger on the pulse of a blog that they claim to ignore....

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If true then they are now the largest shareholders in Rangers, if you want control then you have to stump up the cash, it really is the only way.

Somers days are numbered, he also revealed in those leaked emails that the 'watertight contracts' are not really that watertight after all.

Easedale(James Andrew) is listed on Bloomberg as holding 21.34% of the shares. They would be second behind him, even taking into account that Taylor already held around 3% of the shares.

Given that the other Easedale owns around 5%, and they have the proxy for Green, Margarita and Blue Pitch(14% between them), the Easedales still pretty much have the casting vote on just about any decision that is made.

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So they now have £2.6m less in cash available?

Gives them more scope fore participation in the next rights issue, as well as more weight in negotiating any deal they want to do.

Next move from Ashley will be interesting.

So if they had £6.5 million to "invest" in the next share offering, they now only have £3.9million. So where does the other £4.1 million come from to keep the club running? Or did they always have more than £6.5million?

January fire sale still looks on.

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There's one....
Aaaaaannndd...There's another one.They do seem to have their finger on the pulse of a blog that they claim to ignore....
Sorry Norman but you're wrong again, it's fairly easy to predict where most if densboys stuff comes from.You seem upset today, is something worrying you?
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He also tweeted at the same time saying that if it was the 3 bears then they've spent some of the money they had. Covering all eventualities there.

I'd be wary of taking anything that he says as granted, we've no idea how much funds these guys have.

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Ashley has loads of mates and joint investors who would come in on this. Philip Green that he has teamed up with before to invest in small companies for example has his business in his wife's name. The name of the shareholder is irrelevant - it is who is behind that name.

So let's look out for names of people you have never heard of with addresses in Monaco. OK we have been here before, but this time will be people who actually have money.

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