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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It's an emotional investment, financially speaking the largest shareholder/owner will not profit financially. Others can jump on the gravy train and do well though, buy yourself some shares, they're only on the way up.


The reason rich people have accumulated wealth is by not pissing money away on bad or emotional investments!

Whether you're trolling or deluded....I can't make my mind up!

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Nah some role where he does little and gets paid a lot but we still get to parade him round and chant Super Ally.

Yeah the money issues were a wee bit spiv related. The good guys are in now though and the cleansing is already under way.

Eh, they've tried that.... :lol::lol::lol:

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It will be, him and Matthew Lindsay can't conceal they're love of all things rangers via their twitter accounts, after all the Evening Times is just Rangers fanzine.

Check Lindsay's Eveningtimes profile page, and how he covers Celtic and Rangers since 1999, then check his archive below, Rangers,Rangers,Rangers,Rangers.



The same with David McCarthy at the record. Big Gers fan, used to work with him at the Falkirk Herald.

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Collectively the good guys now own the largest single majority of shares. We can make decisions and it may take time to stop the rot but we're clearing away the deadwood (spivs)

You can count shareholdings all day long, or who would win what vote, but the reality is Ashley holds all the cards.

He has his loan money sitting then, and if something happens, or is threatened to happen, that he doesn't like he can squeeze the board for repayment. He has Llambias as chief executive and Barry Leach with his feet under the table and you can be sure that they are calling ALL the shots.

They are the ones who dumped the 10 staff, got Ally out of harms way, dictated to Mcdowall what he should do, found out Durrant and chased him.

I would be amazed if they couldn't cut the payroll in half by the summertime. The players will whimper, their agents will scream, and the fans will as ever shout from the sidelines. But all pointless and quite irrelevant.

The path ahead is clear. What the 3 Bears could add beyond what Team Ashley could do is not clear.

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Ok. You suggest "attractive investment"......where exactly do these guys get their intial investment, let alone profit for their "risk" out?

Please don't say Champions League as that's akin to saying putting your salary on red/black at the roulette wheel.

Keep in mind, the SPFL have to subsidise TV companies to show Sevco games as the viewing figures are so poor.

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Your comprehension skills get worse everytime i read your posts.

I read that rant as someone who is upset over the millions which have been needlessly squandered at boardroom level through wages/bonuses/fees and those lovely onerous deals.

Benny ?, either you are a comedy genius or a complete and utter fuckwit. :lol:

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The Three Bears have saved Sevco!

News of 13,299,415 shares being sold at 20p each on the Alternative Investment Market this morning has provoked declarations of joy not seen in the previous 364 days of 2014.

Informed opinion suggests that the purchase, worth £2.6m, was made by a consortium of Three Bears of dignity with the interests of the club at heart.

Last week, in the wake of a highly unruly AGM, it was announced that Douglas Park, George Letham and George Taylor had joined forces to offer the troubled club a £6.5m investment and to underwrite the next share issue.

Since outside investment was rejected at the AGM that notion was a non-runner forcing the Three Bears to buy out Laxey Partners to get a significant stake in the club.

While the gullible and hard of thinking rejoice and begin to speculate over the size of war-chest to be given to a new manager sober reality is likely to be very different.

Without a share issue, requiring a prospectus including an up to date financial statement approved by the AIM, there will be no wages paid at the end of January tipping the club into administration.

Should the bears decide to call an EGM to force their way into the blue-room of dignity they are likely to be met with the anger of Mike Ashley and Sandy Easdale who controls the proxy vote for Margarita and Blue Pitch Holdings.

A split boardroom is likely to leave the club paralysed with neither faction able to push through their agenda- without buying out their opponents.

Any attempt to upset Mr Ashley comes with the warning that the English billionaire has propped the club up with two loans of £3m to see out the year.

As the True Blue Bears celebrate a ‘power grab’ and ‘regime change’ the reality is that 2015 is going to be even more of a circus than the last 12 months- assuming that the club isn’t liquidated by the departing Mr Ashley.

Not sure where that slightly slanted cut and paste came from but the just of it is pretty much nail on the head stuff. These "saviours" now need to buy out either Easdale or Ashley or they have just pissed £millions up against a crumbling wall. They need millions more to gain control and then need to hope Ashley is willing to walk away without a fight as he could buy and sell these 3 ten times over before the bells. Good luck with all of that 3 bears !!!

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I don't blame The Rangers fans on here for grasping at straws, I really don't. With everything that has happened and is still happening then they are desperatedto believe that a saviour might be just around the corner.

However I am astonished at their naivety. As has been pointed out nothing that has happened today has diminished Ashley's involvement or influence one iota. Any new share issue will be offered to existing share holders pro rata, only the SFA restriction on Ashley will stop him from increasing his position but without the approval of Ashley and his associates the new investors will not be able to increase their shareholding to a level where they will have control.

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Phil Tweeting that it is a Friend of Ashley

Phil MacGiollaBhain@Pmacgiollabhain 25m25 minutes ago

I would not be surprised if the buyer of these RIFC shares was...ahem...close to the thinking of Big Mike.

The man cannot help himself.

No chump, you cannot help yourself now ffs. You constantly had a go at Dhenny posting mad O'Phils blogs to which none of us take seriously in any way shape or form.

Now it is you whom is posting mad O'Phils blogs yourself, go and have a right good fucking look at yourself ya dafty. :1eye

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Just checked your link ...

So you think an account called "John De Wert"@dhenbhoy is mine ? based on what ? He follows Poker Stars .. the only account this chap seems to follow ... not even linked to or following football tweets ... never mind Phil ...

You two are a pair of sad nutcases ... really.

Dhenny, I do not have a twatter account. Could you search for accounts going by the names of "Bennett, location Killie" and "Tedi, location Dundee" and see if anything funny comes up. :)

Do remember these two clowns are over weight and balding so should help narrow down the search. :lol:

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Old Rangers fan in local says the Albion car park had been sold for £6m. Any truth in this? Aniother piece of the property jigsaw sold off and falls away?

Would be very surprised if that piece of real estate was worth anything like 6M!

60K maybe?

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