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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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What's this about Dave king buying shares, didn't densboy tell everyone that apart from having no money he would not put a penny into Rangers........

Oh and McNally, Philip and M's haggertys tweets are quite amusing tonight.

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Why so? Is the Rangers support that fragmented that they don't know who they want to own/run the Club?

Yep I guess it is partially, think we're still a long way off appeasing those fans who are staying away until the whole boardroom issue is settled to the long term benefit and future of the club imho. I'll continue to go to games, but I don't blame them for their stance at all.

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With King buying his way into the Club (to an extent) will the fans be heading back to Ibrox en mass?

Not the until they have control of the club at boardroom level. Speaking for myself only.

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What's this about Dave king buying shares, didn't densboy tell everyone that apart from having no money he would not put a penny into Rangers........ Oh and McNally, Philip and M's haggertys tweets are quite amusing tonight.

King might have had his hand forced, the club/company is running up huge debts and the stadium could be next asset to be syphoned off if the debts keep climbing to pay off the debt if there is no finance in the kitty.

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What's this about Dave king buying shares, didn't densboy tell everyone that apart from having no money he would not put a penny into Rangers........ Oh and McNally, Philip and M's haggertys tweets are quite amusing tonight.

He still hasn't put a penny into Rangers.

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Although apparent real Rangers men are buying up big blocks of shares over the past few days, it begs the question why the big investors are bailing out so quickly ?

Do they know something is about to kick off soon ?, is the club heading into insolvency if the latest share issue is a failure ?, is King now going to actually put some money into the club by underwriting the share issue ?

One thing is for sure, Ashley could screw them up by asking for his loans back before the share issue if King gets too big for his Brogues.

Nah !, I smell something really fishy when the big investors bail out so close together and things might unravel rather nastily in the coming weeks if King finds out how fucking bad things are at Ibrokes.

Admin anyone ?.

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King might have had his hand forced, the club/company is running up huge debts and the stadium could be next asset to be syphoned off if the debts keep climbing to pay off the debt if there is no finance in the kitty.

:lol: Vanderlei. Shame you only have two red dots you muppet. :1eye

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Although apparent real Rangers men are buying up big blocks of shares over the past few days, it begs the question why the big investors are bailing out so quickly ?

Do they know something is about to kick off soon ?, is the club heading into insolvency if the latest share issue is a failure ?, is King now going to actually put some money into the club by underwriting the share issue ?

One thing is for sure, Ashley could screw them up by asking for his loans back before the share issue if King gets too big for his Brogues.

Nah !, I smell something really fishy when the big investors bail out so close together and things might unravel rather nastily in the coming weeks if King finds out how fucking bad things are at Ibrokes.

Admin anyone ?.

They have run out of money, pretty simple really and Ashley has been kicked into touch by lawwell and Petrie......... You work out the rest.

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King and the three bears have around 35%, the fans/small shareholders have around 15% (?) Can anyone confirm that?

There may also be other shareholders with the best interests of the club....

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You work out the rest.

OK, their are financially fucked as things stand at the moment.

Don't expect King to put any money into the next share issue if a huge wedge of the cash will be syphoned out of the club, possibly he knows the club is heading towards an insolvency event where the administrators if they actually administrate this time could pull the club through a really tough time by breaking all or most of the erroneous contracts and players, staff and the BoD on realistic wages.

After admin then hold a new share issue underwriting the sum they need to secure funds to reach the top tier.

All hypothetical of course because we don't know who owns what and capable of what if things get really nasty.

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