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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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no but is there anything stopping g Ashley giving another loan. After all he can't buy shares.

The SFA have already brought charges against Ashley/rangers due to his loans and the influence they have given him.

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There are rules against groups of individuals acting together - either formally or informally - so-called "concert parties". They could be required to make a statutory offer to all other shareholders.

Don't talk shite. Shareholders vote as they want and if their beliefs are that they are working in the interests of the company then they vote as they want. How do you think that Easdale has proxy votes? When you're voting "yes" or "no" for something it's a bit fucking difficult to prevent shareholders voting for the same thing.

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OK folks this is where the bears are screwing things to fcuk up about the club being separate from the mythical company.

King and the 3 beards are fighting for control or ownership of the company ffs, this is what they are vying for control over. This gives them the opportunity to run the club which is owned by the SFA, no licence no continuity of the club and can't operate the club which is effectively a paper licence these days.

These cnuts are fighting over the company to operate the club, the club is a separate entity fudged up and farted out by the suits in the associations when they shat a brick when Rangers died to keep their demented cheating abortion of a member in their leagues.

If they want to buy a club ?, then go and buy any one of the other 41 members who have a seamless continuity and didn't have to beg for an association licence to be transferred over from a dead entity.

The club is in common speech in the corridors at Hampden and not a legally recognised entity, if it were a recognised legal entity it's the PLC club being liquidated as I type.

Will the bears in future please at least try to keep up this charade that the club is separate from the company, you all are really embarrassing yourselves when you lot can't even tell the difference these days.

Smiley for Bennett. :P

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Philip has just blocked his twitter, only confirmed followers can view his tweets/rants now lol.

Looked in earlier and he was in full meltdown mode/pulling his hair out and ranting at the world.

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OK folks this is where the bears are screwing things to fcuk up about the club being separate from the mythical company.

King and the 3 beards are fighting for control or ownership of the company ffs, this is what they are vying for control over. This gives them the opportunity to run the club which is owned by the SFA, no licence no continuity of the club and can't operate the club which is effectively a paper licence these days.

These cnuts are fighting over the company to operate the club, the club is a separate entity fudged up and farted out by the suits in the associations when they shat a brick when Rangers died to keep their demented cheating abortion of a member in their leagues.

If they want to buy a club ?, then go and buy any one of the other 41 members who have a seamless continuity and didn't have to beg for an association licence to be transferred over from a dead entity.

The club is in common speech in the corridors at Hampden and not a legally recognised entity, if it were a recognised legal entity it's the PLC club being liquidated as I type.

Will the bears in future please at least try to keep up this charade that the club is separate from the company, you all are really embarrassing yourselves when you lot can't even tell the difference these days.

Smiley for Bennett. :P

and a greenie for what will no doubt upset the Bears
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Ms haggerty in same club shocker ----- greenyins no happy with her. @AngelaHaggertyI'd say Dave King is a criminal and folk ought to learn from the last time a tax dodger ran the club

The evidence is overwhelming Benny, we should take this to court where a legal law Lord can tell you they are liquidating funnily enough another club called Rangers FC est 1872.

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King and the three bears have around 35%, the fans/small shareholders have around 15% (?) Can anyone confirm that? There may also be other shareholders with the best interests of the club....

Seems a bit premature for the warchest wankfest currently under way amongst the Sevconions if you ask me, there is no indication that any of the factions Bennett lists above actually are acting together, and on previous form it's more likely the 'Three Bears' and King are fighting over the carcase.

Does Mike Ashley strike you as the kind of man to meekly hand over the keys, or torch the place?

I'm filled with equanamity, and a curious hunch that Doncaster may actually have dug a fresh grave with his comments.

Time will tell.

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Seems a bit premature for the warchest wankfest currently under way amongst the Sevconions if you ask me, there is no indication that any of the factions Bennett lists above actually are acting together, and on previous form it's more likely the 'Three Bears' and King are fighting over the carcase.

Does Mike Ashley strike you as the kind of man to meekly hand over the keys, or torch the place?

I'm filled with equanamity, and a curious hunch that Doncaster may actually have dug a fresh grave with his comments.

Time will tell.

I haven't seen any war chest wankery just optimism and unless uncle mike sells Newcastle then he's stuck at 10%.

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30% bought, £5.2m spent & not a ha'penny has passed through the doors of the "Big House". Ashley is still owed £3m & they need another share issue to see the season out. The McLeod money is to be used as working capital, that keeps them open for the next month!

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30% bought, £5.2m spent & not a ha'penny has passed through the doors of the "Big House". Ashley is still owed £3m & they need another share issue to see the season out. The McLeod money is to be used as working capital, that keeps them open for the next month!

And don't forget Ally & chums are being paid well over £1 million to maintain a fictitious garden.

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On the Ashley issue - he has effective control right now, no?

He also has his hands on some of the most important income streams - and thus I would say he still has the club by the balls.

Maybe he'll just let go like the noble hedge fund tenders?

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