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Oh yes I can see why you like Spiers too.

Anyway Monkey already established what Durham said was also very true, so your point is incorrect.

Regardless of whether I think Spiers is the mutt's nuts or whether Monkey Tennis said this or that, you said that you like "wind-up merchants" and don't like "fence-sitters".

You can revise that if you like, but it's impossible to deny that this = saying "I prefer trolling nonsense to dull but measured analysis".

Whatever, though. It's a minor and not very interesting point, even if it is an easily-proven one.

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Stop arguing over petty shite and watch the tennis you fannies

I think we should let them have their wee giggles. It's nothing compared to the almost daily genuine laugh out loud moments that we have had over the last 3 years. They have brought a feather pillow to a gun fight so let them flounce about trying to make a big deal over nowt before we remind them that they let their club die. Lol.

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Something which winds you up whilst being true is not 'trolling nonsense' no matter how much you want to dismiss it.

Someone who makes something up is not providing a 'a dull but measured analysis' he is just spouting pish.

So yes I prefer factual wind ups to dull made up pish.

Christ on a bike.

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That was a dreadful read, he just regurgitated the same old stuff over and over again until I almost lost the will to live.

Nice of Roy greensnake to show some pity on him and let him write an article....

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Bit harsh on the Rec, I thought. Poor Spiersy, not getting his arse buffed at Europe's top corporate sports venues or an Ibrox packed to the gunwhales.


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Just heard a brilliant comment on the BBC. Black was down on the ground and the commentator was talking about Brown v Black just a few moments before. Whilst Black was down he made the classic statement "the Ref will need to watch the two No.8's".

Even the BBC are aware of out taxi driving friend!!!

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I missed your views on the (real)Corduroy Kid telling his wee Old Firm story. :lol:

Not his best piece, that one.

Some of his articles are better than others. Saying I like Spiers is not the same as saying that everything he's ever done is wonderful.

A balanced, measured perspective absolutely throws you guys doesn't it?

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