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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Is clubs letting their season ticket holding supporters in for free not a good thing?.

If the club are willing to pay for it themselves, where's the problem?.

If they were willing to pay for it that wouldn't be an issue. The problem is whether the match is theirs to give away or whether they're doing it at everybody else's expense.

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£30 A ticket bwahahaha.

The Glamour cup final is. a fiver a ticket ffs. Our game should be 50p...i suppose if push came to shove i might pay the 50p if i really had to but would grudge every penny

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If they were willing to pay for it that wouldn't be an issue. The problem is whether the match is theirs to give away or whether they're doing it at everybody else's expense.

Football fan wants punters to pay more is the subtext here. I actually haven't a scooby why anyone objects to this.

My take? We have utterly fucked up in pretty-much every way this season and this is the least that 'the board' can do.

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Rangers letting their fans in free and paying the difference = nice gesture to fans

Equally = insanity given financial position

It's probably a calculated risk. They didn't stand to make huge sums from the games, given how money had to be distributed anyway.

I'm guessing they figure that the most important thing financially, is promotion. Full houses at Ibrox can help bring that about.

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Surely the one thing we can all agree on (after reading a couple of the posts above), is that even allowing for a nice tan in those particular photos, the Cockwomble has the most punchable pus' in football. No mean feat, in a country where Scott Brown plays football.

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Yet you feel they are better than your team :rolleyes::blink::1eye

Seriously, why do you find this difficult?

The suggestion that Rangers are stronger than Queens and have better players, is not remotely incompatible with the suggestion that Rangers have underachieved badly and that promotion for them would not represent a particularly impressive achievement.

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Lol. Just on the wind up then. Fair enough. But just in case you try to claim I'm avoiding your (ridiculously loaded) question:

Sevco should not have been allowed entry to the league at all. Anything that was done that resulted in them actually being in the league is obviously a help and not a hindrance - a child should be able to see that.

I know that doesn't sit well with your need to be a victim so I don't expect you to admit it, but really, at this stage, it's like claiming the sky is green - only lunatics and vested interests will agree with you.

Of all the complete bollocks posted by diddies that has to be about the most bollocks in one post.Well done you.

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Without the supporters that go week in week out to support their team, football clubs would not survive.

FWIW I am firmly in agreement with the Rangers fans on this a Season ticket should cover every home match in a league season.

Oh FFS you two. An outbreak of harmony and concord on The Big Thread? That's me off for a large gin and a wee lie down!

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FWIW I am firmly in agreement with the Rangers fans on this a Season ticket should cover every home match in a league season.

Season Books are for League games. Everything else should be discounted for book holders but isn't.

Fairly sure our season tickets have always included any play off games since they started. Play off games are viewed as an extension to the league season. We have a separate "League and Cup" season ticket which costs more but is a gamble depending on cup draws although still includes play offs.

Didn't know there was any rules on it but maybe it's to do with this splitting of gate receipts?

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For someone as pedantic about language as you are, I fail to see what the issue is here. Can you tell the difference betweeen the following statements?

"Every home league match in the season" and "every home match in a league season". I would suggest that keep away from the gin.

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Can you tell the difference betweeen the following statements?

"Every home league match in the season" and "every home match in a league season". I would suggest that keep away from the gin.

Nope because I know that football seasons don't start and stop with league competitions. A wee bit of Mother's Ruin won't improve your brain but may keep you away from the keyboard for a wee while. Have a large one, chap.

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