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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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For someone as pedantic about language as you are, I fail to see what the issue is here. Can you tell the difference betweeen the following statements?

"Every home league match in the season" and "every home match in a league season". I would suggest that keep away from the gin.

Sorry maybe I should have been more specific for those who cannot think for themselves. For me a league season covers the league competition from start to finish. That's the Scottish Professional Football League in the case of Rangers.

The play offs, to my mind, are part of this competition. They are not, as far as I can see, a separate competition like, for example, the League cup which is run by the same league as a separate stand alone competition.

A play off isn't part of the league season.

So which season is it a part of then?

Come on guys. Be reasonable. I am all for kicking Rangers when and wherever possible but within reason. If ICT were to find themselves in a play off position I would expect that the home matches would be included in my book.

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I always thought this was really quite simple. You qualify for the play offs based on where you FINISH in the league. So the play off games take place AFTER the league has FINISHED.

How anyone can view that as part of the league campaign is beyond me.

In the league you play a set number of games against teams in the SAME league. The purpose is to try and win the league or FINISH in a play off place.

If the play offs are part of the legue how is it possible to play a team from a different league?

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What are hibs and hearts saying now having asked to change the 50% to 25%?

I wonder if they weren't considering letting their fans in for free and made this offer as a compromise, that the clubs would be tied to?

As much as this might help rangers fans attend the matches, it wont help the 41 other teams in the leagues who should recieve their cut as agreed. It might not be a huge sum, but its a big payment in dumbartons finances and other teams of our size.

When are the rangers season tickets out and how much is a playoff ticket?

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I always thought this was really quite simple. You qualify for the play offs based on where you FINISH in the league. So the play off games take place AFTER the league has FINISHED.

How anyone can view that as part of the league campaign is beyond me.

In the league you play a set number of games against teams in the SAME league. The purpose is to try and win the league or FINISH in a play off place.

If the play offs are part of the legue how is it possible to play a team from a different league?

I would say that a set of games which ultimately decide which league your club plays in the following season could easily be thought of as part of a league campaign.
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1. Allowing fans into these games for free seems like a Thank You to them for their support. Which you have to give credit for.

2. Attempting to minimise payments to the SPFL seems like a GIRFUY.

3. Depriving the rangers international of this income seems a bit daft - unless upcoming bills won't be getting paid anyway.

4. It appears Hibs requested the opportunity to do this last year. It is alleged the rangers are just going to do it, and fúck what anybody else says. Some clarity would be nice.

5. Surely, if you're spending hundreds on a ST, you'd expect to be told exactly what you'll be getting for your money? The play-offs were at least a possibility at the start of the season, surely - unless they all actually believed Sally had a master-plan...

6. I just hope we don't end up going to fúcking ibrox again - I still have nightmares about that performance.

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This is all very interesting. No, really, but it should have its own thread, IMO.

I reckon it ties in with the general theme of this thread, in all honesty. Why would a business which is desperate for cash-flow start giving its product away for free just before income dries up entirely for a couple of months?

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I always thought this was really quite simple. You qualify for the play offs based on where you FINISH in the league. So the play off games take place AFTER the league has FINISHED.

How anyone can view that as part of the league campaign is beyond me.

In the league you play a set number of games against teams in the SAME league. The purpose is to try and win the league or FINISH in a play off place.

If the play offs are part of the legue how is it possible to play a team from a different league?

According to the SPFL website they play offs are part of the competition.

ETA they do not play a team from a different league it is the same league, different division. Note that the bottom tier does not mention the play offs with the HFL and Southern league clubs. That would be a different league.


Edited by stonedsailor
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Nope because I know that football seasons don't start and stop with league competitions. A wee bit of Mother's Ruin won't improve your brain but may keep you away from the keyboard for a wee while. Have a large one, chap.

Either you cannot read or you are purposely trying to change the context to suit your faux pas. The original post (now clarified by the poster) was about league season, not football season. The league season does have a start and finish date, but I am sure that you already know this. :rolleyes: It has been used previously by clubs to strategically time their administration etc.

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Oh FFS you two. An outbreak of harmony and concord on The Big Thread? That's me off for a large gin and a wee lie down!

Sorry Kinky just noticed this. I say it as I see it. I am well aware that many many members of this forum think my posts are purely wind up material but I just relay my views. Sometimes they will be in agreement with yours, sometimes in conflict but they are my views and I am entitled to them.

I can see a lot of hypocrites around who do just think that they should take a stance on issues because of the clubs involved but that is not my way.

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You mean like making the 'new club' pay the 'old clubs' footballing debt while withholding the money owed to the 'old club'?

"Old club", "New club", didn't you parrot the same club shite ?

You mean like when the SFA went against a UEFA directive and closed a transfer window early ensuring Rangers didn't have 24hours to sign players?

Your having a fucking laugh here aren't you ?, they delayed the signing embargo in season 2012/2013 so you could sign players instead of implementing it immediately and then 12 months later they closed their transfer deadline by a day early so your trialists could be registered by UEFA as full time players when their transfer window closed a day later than ours.

Like the way they withheld Rangers licence until 24 hours before their first game against Brechin so they couldn't play warm up games?

Again another rewriting of the truth to suit your deluded agenda, the licence was transferred over to Chuckies new club after finally agreed to the 5 way agreement or you wouldn't be boasting n bragging the same club shite and would have had to have had a brand new shiny licence.

You mean the help they gave Rangers by forcing a registration embargo on them so they couldn't register players.

How many fucking players did your club register ?, before the embargo was delayed and by allowing trialists to sign to the club when there was an embargo still in place in 2013 ?. IIRC your club signed in total around a dozen players or more when they shouldn't have been able to sign or register any fucking player until January 2014 if the embargo was implemented immediately as a punishment like what happened to Livi.

Aye we should be forever thankful to the footballing authorities. They made sure we did it all on our own and owe them absolutely nothing.

You still shout the same club apparently after liquidation, Gretna or Airdrie don't. Be fucking thankful it is to you the same club you ungrateful cnut.


Tin hat time No8, it's a conspiracy I tells ya. :1eye

Edited by hellbhoy
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