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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Thanks, Tedi. Interesting to see a blog from the slightly less obsessed side, for balance.


Two things particularly struck me:

1. If you skim these sorts of things, ignoring the detail, it's not so easy to tell which side they're supporting. All the blogs lay it on with a threat-laden trowel and plenty of overstatement. I suppose none of them can "see themsels as ithers see them".

2. Even taking the tendency towards overstatement into account, the 9-figure sum mentioned is pretty out there.

'Tis the season to be litigating.

Overstatement isn't the half of it.

Now I know that SDs share price has dropped fomm it's high, and that some don't like Ashley's autocratic style.

But if SDs governance is "shambolic" then I wish all my investments were as pysh poorly handled as SD.

To put it into context; if you'd invested £1,000 in SD in 2011, you'd be worth £4,200 today or 33% compound growth.

If you'd hedged your bets and invested in a basket of FTSE 250 companies you'd be worth £1,600 or 10% compound growth.

Yours, NAE fvkkin shares in SD :(


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Newcastle fans are ecstatic about this of course..

Nevermind lads, I know we are staring relegation in face but look at Mike our savior, we are giving him piles of cash and rather than invest it in our club to make us competitive, he is giving it all to Sports Direct, which in turn is making him and his shareholders wealthy, good on him, happy days.

Perhaps if you and you fellow bears had tried something positive rather than wailing about being punished enough and attacking clowns and journalists, while simultaneously shoving your tongues as far up Whyte, Green or Kings arse as you could get it you wouldn't have been vulnerable to an admitted shitebag like Ashley or a gutter criminal like King. Oh well, the wages of sin eh.

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Perhaps if you and you fellow bears had tried something positive rather than wailing about being punished enough and attacking clowns and journalists, while simultaneously shoving your tongues as far up Whyte, Green or Kings arse as you could get it you wouldn't have been vulnerable to an admitted shitebag like Ashley or a gutter criminal like King. Oh well, the wages of sin eh.


I was going to write a long detailed book about the entire Rangers / Sevco Fustercluck.. but you got the crucial narrative done in one paragraph.


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Perhaps if you and you fellow bears had tried something positive rather than wailing about being punished enough and attacking clowns and journalists, while simultaneously shoving your tongues as far up Whyte, Green or Kings arse as you could get it you wouldn't have been vulnerable to an admitted shitebag like Ashley or a gutter criminal like King. Oh well, the wages of sin eh.

I think I've said it before but it amazes me that there's no appetite to form their own brand new, FCUM style club even if from the ground up. I mean I sorta get that it's largely about clinging on to "54 TITLES WATP" and getting it right up the Celtic for most of them but a fan-owned "new Rangers" starting in the lower echelons would see the gullible and worst elements continue to get fleeced by Yorkshiremen out to milk them for all they can before fucking off to France with a nice little chateaux, convicted tax cheats and asset strippers while the fans of the phoenix club could try to make a Rangers minus some of the worst baggage that comes with Rangers.

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I think I've said it before but it amazes me that there's no appetite to form their own brand new, FCUM style club even if from the ground up. I mean I sorta get that it's largely about clinging on to "54 TITLES WATP" and getting it right up the Celtic for most of them but a fan-owned "new Rangers" starting in the lower echelons would see the gullible and worst elements continue to get fleeced by Yorkshiremen out to milk them for all they can before fucking off to France with a nice little chateaux, convicted tax cheats and asset strippers while the fans of the phoenix club could try to make a Rangers minus some of the worst baggage that comes with Rangers.

Your second and third lines explain why such an idea is a non-starter.

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I think I've said it before but it amazes me that there's no appetite to form their own brand new, FCUM style club even if from the ground up. I mean I sorta get that it's largely about clinging on to "54 TITLES WATP" and getting it right up the Celtic for most of them but a fan-owned "new Rangers" starting in the lower echelons would see the gullible and worst elements continue to get fleeced by Yorkshiremen out to milk them for all they can before fucking off to France with a nice little chateaux, convicted tax cheats and asset strippers while the fans of the phoenix club could try to make a Rangers minus some of the worst baggage that comes with Rangers.

Is that pronounced F**k Em?

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I think I've said it before but it amazes me that there's no appetite to form their own brand new, FCUM style club even if from the ground up. I mean I sorta get that it's ALL about clinging on to "54 TITLES WATP" and getting it right up the Celtic for most of them but a fan-owned "new Rangers" starting in the lower echelons would see the gullible and worst elements continue to get fleeced by Yorkshiremen out to milk them for all they can before fucking off to France with a nice little chateaux, convicted tax cheats and asset strippers while the fans of the phoenix club could try to make a Rangers minus some of the worst baggage that comes with Rangers.

It would be the one thing which, at a stroke, could earn them the respect and support of the majority of fans in Scotland. Myself included. Which makes the one correction I've had to make to your otherwise perfect post a shame.

It's like watching a shipwreck survivor clinging to a stinking lump of barely floating shite which is on fire, hurl insults and vague threats at any number of passing vessels offering the one bit of advice that might help him. Shut the f**k up and swim the f**k away.

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It would be the one thing which, at a stroke, could earn them the respect and support of the majority of fans in Scotland. Myself included. Which makes the one correction I've had to make to your otherwise perfect post a shame.

It's like watching a shipwreck survivor clinging to a stinking lump of barely floating shite which is on fire, hurl insults and vague threats at any number of passing vessels offering the one bit of advice that might help him. Shut the f**k up and swim the f**k away.

The worst thing is that they actually had a chance to do this after the old club went down the shitter.

They could have risen up from the bottom with dignity and would have gained a lot of respect.

Instead they plumped for the embarrassing, undignified sideshow which has only made things worse for them.

It's hilarious but at the same time tragic.

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The worst thing is that they actually had a chance to do this after the old club went down the shitter.

They could have risen up from the bottom with dignity and would have gained a lot of respect.

Instead they plumped for the embarrassing, undignified sideshow which has only made things worse for them.

It's hilarious but at the same time tragic.

..and yet also quite predictable because there are large elements of their support who base their pride on what rangers achieved IN RELATION to other club(s) rather than what it achieved in its own right.

AND they have they cheek to call *us* obsessed.....

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I do think it's telling that there has never, despite everything, been any serious move towards creating something along FC United of Manchester lines.

At its height, we got Rangers fans just saying they wanted a team to support, they wanted a sense of ownership, they wanted to enjoy focusing on the football.

The solution would have been obvious.

The problem is that as seen with the obsessive backtrack over continuation, with the frenzied resistance to title stripping, it really does seem to the vast majority, that it's actually about dominating. I think that few would be interested in a team that wasn't or didn't aspire to be, top dog.

I remember No8 suggesting back in the day that there was a danger of any brand new creation appealing to traditional - basically sectarian - sentiment.

Maybe he was right, but I can't help thinking that such sentiment is wrapped up with ugly supremacist triumphalism and a grass roots club wouldn't cut it for such types.

Either way, it is remarkable that this has not been examined by any fans groups - as far as I'm aware - as a serious option.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Newcastle fans are ecstatic about this of course..

Nevermind lads, I know we are staring relegation in face but look at Mike our savior, we are giving him piles of cash and rather than invest it in our club to make us competitive, he is giving it all to Sports Direct, which in turn is making him and his shareholders wealthy, good on him, happy days.

I'm not sure what 'football fans don't like team struggling' had to do with the article, it feels like a deflection tactic, to excuse the paucity of the article.

I'm not a big fan of Ashley (I've never invested in SD). But I'd take him every day of the week, over some ersewipe that harps on about PlasticRangers returning to 'it's tradishuns' (sic).



Edited by aDONisSheep
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Latest from Exposingtherhats

Phil MacGiollabhain November 2035: “General Mike’s tanks are menacingly advancing, apropos the Ibrox lawn Dear Reader they are approaching it. I sense the angry real billionaire’s end game is approaching”

It’s a fair assumption should Phil or any of the aliases or groupies who make up Philco be with us in 20 years they’ll still be breathlessly pushing these military analogies of their rotund hero. It’s confusing that these crusaders for social justice would hero worship the main proponent of zero hours contracts who forces his staff to work in “Victorian like conditions”. That’s Sevcoing for you though, a confusing phenomenon for all involved.

The hilarity of General Mike’s stuttering military assault aside it’s undeniable the noise levels in the ongoing dispute between Rangers and Sports Direct have increased substantially in recent weeks. Understandably this has led to speculation as to what Ashley’s motives actually are. Some think it’s simply personal and that Dave King has got under his skin, others think it’s related to the £5 million loan others still think he wants to regain control of Rangers in time for a return to the SPFL next season. None of these theories make sense given the investment of time and money from Ashley so far. His legal team are racking up fees at a rate of knots and his PR firm Keith Bishops Associates have assigned someone full time to monitor Scottish media and social media output in the hope of unearthing any material or leaks which could further Sports Direct’s litigious ambitions.

The actual reason for the urgency is the fast approaching criminal trial of Charles Green, should that result in a conviction then Dave King’s threat of ensuring Sports Direct are “legally and financially held to account for their failings” becomes very real. Sports Direct’s CEO is already awaiting trial for criminal charges relating to the insolvency of USC and the company’s shambolic corporate governance has long been a bugbear of their shareholders and city analysts.

The nightmare scenario for Ashley would be a Green conviction, the full commercial relationship originally agreed by Messrs Green and Ashley being challenged by Rangers through the civil courts in a case worth potentially a 9 figure sum and the police re-opening the criminal investigation into the involvement of Sports Direct executives into the alleged fraud. Mike Ashley’s thinking seems to be that right now Rangers don’t need him or his money and are likely to do everything in their power to ensure this outcome. He believes if he gets rid of King then Rangers have a financial shortfall which he would be able to plug on condition his dubious contracts remain unchallenged and minimal co-operation is given to the police in relation to any criminal investigation.

This desperate and costly plan undeniably is having some impact on Rangers simply by costing them substantial sums in legal fees. The gagging order the board are subject to makes it difficult for them to communicate the exact nature of the situation with fans in the way they would like, this inevitably leads to speculation and an air of “crisis”. The reality is though that Ashley’s campaign is destined to fail, even in the unlikely scenario he managed to have King’s F&P status revoked the Rangers Chairman is too heavily invested emotionally and financially to simply cut off funding and walk away. The other flaw in the thinking is that although King has very deliberately brought the media focus onto himself to relieve the pressure from others he is far from the only person involved with the means and desire to take Rangers forward. Our main strength just now is that the consortium of those involved now and who wish to be is large enough not to be dependant on one person’s finances removing the huge risk attached attached to being reliant on a solitary David Murray type figure.

For these reasons General Mike’s hesitant tanks are the military equivalent of a pair of Donnay Trainers, they are certainly loud but given time will fall apart at the seams. The various court cases will bring much excitement to the Sevco’ers in need of their latest fix of Rangers porn but will make no material difference to the ringfenced budget set aside to ensure a strong SPFL title challenge next season.

These are the simple facts you won’t find on any Philco blogs as they churn out the desperate guesswork of a man with 3 names, 2 jackets, 1 shirt and zero clue.

Tedi quoting his racist heroes blogs.
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I do think it's telling that there has never, despite everything, been any serious move towards creating something along FC United of Manchester lines.

At its height, we got Rangers fans just saying they wanted a team to support, they wanted a sense of ownership, they wanted to enjoy focusing on the football.

The solution would have been obvious.

The problem is that as seen with the obsessive backtrack over continuation, with the frenzied resistance to title stripping, it really does seem to the vast majority, that it's actually about dominating. I think that few would be interested in a team that wasn't or didn't aspire to be, top dog.

I remember No8 suggesting back in the day that there was a danger of any brand new creation appealing to traditional - basically sectarian - sentiment.

Maybe he was right, but I can't help thinking that such sentiment is wrapped up with ugly supremacist triumphalism and a grass roots club wouldn't cut it for such types.

Either way, it is remarkable that this has not been examined by any fans groups - as far as I'm aware - as a serious option.

I think sensible Rangers fans in the summer of 2012 would've talked over this option.

Shame that would leave the club getting watched by East Stirlingshire crowd levels.

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DKs bluff is so transparent it's incredible ,if Ashley's deal is"erroneous " then why hasn't he taken him to court to get it voided?

That's the question Rangers fans have to ask themselves.

And when Sir Mike crushes the convicted criminal are Rangers fans still going to be so gullible, as to back the liar?

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DKs bluff is so transparent it's incredible ,if Ashley's deal is"erroneous " then why hasn't he taken him to court to get it voided?

That's the question Rangers fans have to ask themselves.

And when Sir Mike crushes the convicted criminal are Rangers fans still going to be so gullible, as to back the liar?

Oh oh me me. Can I answer this?

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Because he's gonnae spend £30M is our honest Dave. He's one of the peepul

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Oh oh me me. Can I answer this?

Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes.

Because he's gonnae spend £30M is our honest Dave. He's one of the peepul

but but but, the convicted criminal told us Sir Mikes "dual interests" are against the rules...

From Sir Mikes lawyers tonight..

"As far as Mr Ashley/MASH Holdings is aware, the SFA has not expressed any concerns over Mr Ashley remaining as a shareholder or having an ability to vote his shares through MASH Holdings Limited in general meeting."The release from Ashley's legal team was in response to a statement made on the Rangers website"

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