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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Bears only gather to see a win, none of this support our team pish. It's about getting it over on someone else. Last years rats out cry baby shite had nothing to do with who is or who is not in charge of the club, it's just that they pay their bru money to see a win, that's it.

They couldn't care less if sevco was run by a criminal, a gangster or someone who was up to his arse in fucking old rangers into the ground, just so long as they get a little ray of sunshine into their otherwise heart-breaking bleak and futile lives.

Cliché galore .....

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Tomorrow acc. to the sevco fan currantly on my right. Unlike forever_bheeling and RhedRhob he actually follows his club and knows what's going on without needing to ask Phil.

'follow my club' ?? Aye for almost 40 years, through the great times, the bad and the really bad. Follow Follow
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I was not boasting, I was pointing out your f**k up, obviously 'numbers aren't your strong point'

Most teams have a larger armchair support, yours too, Hampden in May was proof enough of that.........and who really cares, its a free country and it is entirely up to the supporters involved in what level they wish to go to on supporting their team. I have a ST, attend lots of Rangers games because that is my particular choice, it also means I get priority for tickets when the popular matches come along, I do not have an issue with my fellow fans who prefer to watch games on the TV, this is up to them, they have a choice and its a free one, just like the thousands of ICT fans who decided to make the long one off trip to Hampden in May but decide not to attend games on their doorstep every other week...free choice.

Now you're just scrambling about making assumptions, since ICT are rarely on tv the idea we have a largely armchair support is laughable not only that but many of the good folks who turned up on that great day were not just from the Highlands but the central belt or from England, some known Celtic, Rangers, Hearts and County fans among them as well, a real day for the real football fan with no OF baggage attached.

I'm well aware of the size of our support at home both regulars and the sometimes fan and it was pleasing to see people there who wanted to see Inverness Caledonian Thistle in their first ever Scottish Cup final, it might be a long time before it happens again. I'm sure every ICT fan on the planet was at Hampden that day. And there were lots of people who normally have little interest in football but wanted to see this was a really good thing, plenty of family groups there.This should be encouraged and not put down by the likes of you and others who in their insulated world believe that Scottish football is all about Celtic and Rangers.

So comparing our cup final attendance to the attendances Rangers get is irrelevant and an entirely different set of circumstances and very different groups of people who went compared to who does and doesn't go to watch fake Rangers. Simply put Rangers have tens of thousand fans yet only a small fraction of those bother to go to games, where as we have only a few thousand supporters whom the majority go to games, some can only get to the home games, some who live in the central belt can only make the away games.

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Aye good on you Rob, but do you actually go to games?. :lol:

Not every game these days, depends if I'm home or not with work commitments, I'd say probably around 30 games a season home/away, does that qualify me as a supporter?
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Sorry, the break point is 31 games. Try again next season. :lol:

It's probably still a fair few more games than most on here, who seem far more interested in Rangers than following their own clubs. You only have to take a look back at Rangers match threads swamped with other clubs fans when their own teams are playing. Sorry I don't understand it at all!?
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This season our ST sales are back up to what you would expect, the difference was regime change.

I agree in the sense that a new management team can be called a regime change but I feel that had Ally or McCall still been in charge this season, the attendances would still be down despite the board changes.

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I agree in the sense that a new management team can be called a regime change but I feel that had Ally or McCall still been in charge this season, the attendances would still be down despite the board changes.

The only way Stuart McCall would still have been in charge was if he had managed to take us up. He would naturally have felt inclined to reward players like Kris Boyd and Lee McCulloch for their efforts with expensive contract extensions. Would we have been competitive in the top tier with pretty much the same squad and same style of play/tactics? probably not. Would crowds have dwindled? probably yes, I'm sure the same would apply to any other club.

Love wee McCall but it was the right move, perhaps a blessing in disguise that we didn't get promoted.

We're still some way off, but in a much better position on the field than at any other time over the last 3 years.

Edited by RedRob72
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Yet Miller gets an extension . Same old same old...

The regime change is a nice sound bite but it's bullshit. King etc back in the boardroom is not change.

So the same mistakes will be made because there was nothing wrong with the way they worked the last time.

Happy dayz :)

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Supporting The Old Firm or 'Rangers' is the easiest ride in Scottish football, that's why there's loads of them - it's a bit easier to head out the door when you're likely to see a few goals and a win on your way to another trophy as opposed to the rest of us who make the effort despite the fact we're about to see our teams scudded into yet more mid-table mediocrity.

A mini-bus full of Shire fans is worth more than two stadiums full of monobrowed arseholes.

United would kill for mid-table mediocrity.

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The wages last seasons squad was on was one of the most talked about subjects and biggest gripes amongst Rangers fans last season

Really, because I'm sure when folk were slating the Rangers wage bill, the standard response was:

The player wage bill is fine and manageable. It's those bad directors wages that are the problem.

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Yet Miller gets an extension . Same old same old...

The regime change is a nice sound bite but it's bullshit. King etc back in the boardroom is not change.

So the same mistakes will be made because there was nothing wrong with the way they worked the last time.

Happy dayz :)

Miller perhaps just deserved it, and even off the bench he's still contributing more than Boyd did last season, which sadly wasn't much, fair enough!
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Rangers crowds have actually held up extremely well.

I find that far more depressing than impressive though.

Their gates were down last year, primarily because they sold fewer STs. This had a lot to do with dissatisfaction with those in charge of the club. The fact that the team then struggled (in relative terms) also contributed to low gates of course.

This year, far more STs were shifted, because the new crook at the helm was inexplicably popular. The fact that the team has done well has obviously played a big part too.

It annoys me that the OF get their smallest gates for Cup- ties these days. It's really just indicative however of the ST culture at big clubs. We see the same in England and I think it's a great shame. Cup ties used to be the exciting games that got better crowds than run of the mill league stuff.

Alas, no more.

Edited by Monkey Tennis
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Sandy Sleasdale has sent a legal letter to Craig Houston because of people calling him names on his facebook page, the names included, 'scrotum' , 'a piece of shit' and worse of all 'fishnets'

Oh dear, someone slagging off one of your junkie raccoon eyed racist heros....boo sandy boo! How dare you insult a former BNP junkie racist retard.

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