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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Don't be so bloody silly. Why on earth should Hector accept a fraction of what he's due?

Yup.  Hector played a blinder.  He could've been +£10M to the good yet ends up down £xM - of course we don't know because 'he' refuses to tell us.


Why the f**k are you and your pathetic Applepine pals cheerleading for an organisation who clearly made a right Horlicks of this?

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Yup. Hector played a blinder. He could've been +£10M to the good yet ends up down £xM - of course we don't know because 'he' refuses to tell us.

Why the f**k are you and your pathetic Applepine pals cheerleading for an organisation who clearly made a right Horlicks of this?

HMRC do not accept anything but 100%. It will then go to the Highest court for a judge to decide. This is how laws are made on this country.

It's not too difficult to understand. It made 'your type' of EBTs illegal and closed a tax loophole with a loss to public purse of what it collects in about quarter of an hour (obviously a possible court case pending). And you don't need to be too clever to work out, that because of this, it would have collected more than £10 million from companies with the same set up.

Personally, I don't see how anyone can think they didn't play it correctly.

'He refuses to tell' you because it breaches all sorts of confidentiality. I am sure you'd be first to complain if he published details about you just because someone asked.

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Yup.  Hector played a blinder.  He could've been +£10M to the good yet ends up down £xM - of course we don't know because 'he' refuses to tell us.


Why the f**k are you and your pathetic Applepine pals cheerleading for an organisation who clearly made a right Horlicks of this?

Because they're very clearly the good guys. That's why I back them in this.

I see Whyte, Green and Ashley as vile types who make the world a worse place.

HMRC however, for all their flaws, are altogether different.

I'm also delighted that they had the muscle to bring Rangers to their knees.

It's rare to see such a might and right combo.

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The pursuit of Rangers by HMRC is as much to do with setting precedent to open the floodgates as it is to collect the cash from Oldco. £10 million is chicken feed while compared to the grander scheme of things. Plus: Some of the definitions of 'debt' on here are fucking hilarious. Strichener repeatedly shouting 'DEBENTURES!' while every poster completely ignores him is hugely frustrating.


Anyhoo, on a completely unrelated subject: What about the debentures? Any comment? Are debentures not debt now? Did youngsy receive a sack with a dollar sign on the side of it from the RFFF? That's what is being suggested. What about the football debt that hasn't been paid yet? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30510604That not count either?

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Comic timing.

Nearly two hours apart.  The only thing that is comic in this whole thing is your


"let's discuss the issues (as long as they are my issues) stance" 


Anyway, any answer on the debentures yet?


How about a definition of small creditors?


Or even proof that these small creditors have been paid by RFFF?



No?  Thought not.  Carry on with your comedy.

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