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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Why did Rangers play in Division 3 in 2012/13 then?


The fact of the matter is that everyone was in consensus that Rangers were a new club until someone with a bit of savvy realised not enough people were buying season tickets and decided to proclaim that they were the same club all along and all that liquidation stuff didn't really matter.


A quick risk assessment and analysis of the extra cost of x-ray machines for Royal Mail deliveries at Hampden meant that the SFA decided to go with the lower risk option and agree with you.


except it wasnt as numerous people had said the club would remain the same club by that point, lord glennie, stv article on phoenix clubs, duff and phelps etc


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Another post of unmitigated dross from you which I deleted from the quote as it's the same tawdry bollocks that every P&D trots out.


Sane people seldom post about a new club.  They may make the odd quip now and then but, largely, new clubs are treated with casual disdain.


How do I know we're the same club?  Simply by looking at how often the plastics and diddies post about us.  Almost a quarter of a million posts and counting on The Big Thread and you and your sorry lot are STILL bumping your gums about a new club.


How do I know we're the same club?  The Diddies' posts tell me that we are.

Once more, when confronted by genuine attempts at discussion, you default to childish nonsense.

I and many others are far less animated by notions of continuity than guys like Nacho, but don't let that de-rail your increasingly demented ramblings.

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Nacho can't get enough of the new club/old club stuff, can he?

He never leaves it alone. Such towering insecurity about it.

The reality is of course that the current Rangers is new in some ways, old in others.

He's got a point about the morality of clubs that entered admin though. Anyone wanting to defend Dundee for going into admin twice in a handful of years and settling at 6p in the pound, must enjoy a challenge.


its enjoyable to put you clowns to that sword over the issue every feckin time, get a good laugh reading your ludicrous nonsense

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Once more, when confronted by genuine attempts at discussion, you default to childish nonsense. I and many others are far less animated by notions of continuity than guys like Nacho, but don't let that de-rail your increasingly demented ramblings.

Demented ramblings?  Talk me through this.  Why do you post incessantly about a new club?  Why does Ken think his bawbees shoud be refunded from a new club?  Why have posters joined, specifically, to post about a new club?


For one simple reason:  You all regard us as the same club.

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Demented ramblings?  Talk me through this.  Why do you post incessantly about a new club?  Why does Ken think his bawbees shoud be refunded from a new club?  Why have posters joined, specifically, to post about a new club?


For one simple reason:  You all regard us as the same club.

I don't post incessantly about a new club. I'm kind of neutral on the subject. And I joined here long before my dreams came true.

Despite no continuity being seamless, I know that the fans follow this lot for the self same reasons.

Hence the seamless continuity in my antipathy.

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"All the evidence" :lol:

What hope is there with such generalisations?

It's a massive can of worms and a hugely contentious subject. You ignore your ex manager, ex captain, ex media head, Steven Naismith, the editors of every newspaper in Scotland, your ex fans chief ("liquidation means the club dies"), your own fans with their red card protest, the TUPE situation, the licence situation, Rangers I getting vote on Rangers II's admission to the SPL, etc.

Not to mention the fact that if this was happening to Celtic and not Rangers, you'd be saying the exact opposite.

I have no wish to go into the rights and wrongs of every aspect as it's been done to death on here, but there is a wealth of evidence on both sides. I accept its the same club of sorts, but the record books will always show "got liquidated" which is a massive red neck.

The fact they gained so many titles while spending what they couldn't afford doesn't sit well with me either. It was the same with Gretna. Only they went bust and didn't feel this crushing need to preserve their history because, by and large, their followers aren't world class gloryhunters who get off on lording it over everyone else.

another meaningless list of bollocks from you


the facts are we are officially the same club according to uefa , the eca, spfl, sfa, hmrc, the stock market, lord glennie, lord nimmo, , bdo, duff and phelps, the asa and the fact that around 20 other clubs in the uk have went through the same process and remained the same club


the only actual evidence you have is from ex players and sports journos from 4 years ago, non experts every single one of them, 99% of them who have since stated we are the same club - and thats it


there is no wealth of evidence on the new club side - not one credible source exists to back it and thats the facts


the tupe situation is evidence of a new company, not a new club

the licence situation does not prove we are new club in any way since the organisations that gave us the licence all state we are the same club

the red card protest was about stopping liquidation not about us being a new club,

  Rangers I getting vote on Rangers II's admission to the SPL, was the company not the club


none of those constitute any actual evidence - hope that helps

Edited by nacho
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another meaningless list of bollocks from you

the facts are we are officially the same club according to uefa , the eca, spfl, sfa, hmrc, the stock market, lord glennie, lord nimmo, , bdo, duff and phelps, the asa and the fact that around 20 other clubs in the uk have went through the same process and remained the same club

the only actual evidence you have is from ex players and sports journos from 4 years ago, non experts every single one of them, 99% of them who have since stated we are the same club - and thats it

What have the stock market got to do with the current version of 'Rangers'?

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another meaningless list of bollocks from you


the facts are we are officially the same club according to uefa , the eca, spfl, sfa, hmrc, the stock market, lord glennie, lord nimmo, , bdo, duff and phelps, the asa and the fact that around 20 other clubs in the uk have went through the same process and remained the same club


the only actual evidence you have is from ex players and sports journos from 4 years ago, non experts every single one of them, 99% of them who have since stated we are the same club - and thats it


Can you show any evidence of the opinions of UEFA, ECA, HMRC and the stock market?

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another meaningless list of bollocks from you


the facts are we are officially the same club according to uefa , the eca, spfl, sfa, hmrc, the stock market, lord glennie, lord nimmo, , bdo, duff and phelps, the asa and the fact that around 20 other clubs in the uk have went through the same process and remained the same club


the only actual evidence you have is from ex players and sports journos from 4 years ago, non experts every single one of them, 99% of them who have since stated we are the same club - and thats it


All you do is parrot the same old crap.

No room for nuance. No room for actual discussion. Just repetition of a stacked judgement, not because of your innate respect for it, but because it suits your preferred, self serving reading.

Just absurd.

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We'll never stop reminding you though.  

Rangers cheated then they died.

You can call the club playing out of Ibrox whatever you want, but the rest of Scottish football will never forget and they'll never stop reminding you.  

Liquidation and cheating are as much a part of Rangers' history as trophies and sectarian bigotry.  

Embrace it  :thumsup2

you can continue to claim this and we will continue to laugh at you for being stupid

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they play for the club , their contracts are with the company - as explained numerous times before

A mindset which evidently changed since the company name was grandly put into the gates of Ibrox for all to see.

The obvious message of 'This is Rangers, a company' suddenly becomes a property label on Ibrox the second the unthinkable happens, just like wee Johnnie would write in his plimsolls.

Spin which is fooling absolutely nobody else.


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Yes, which all proves that 'continuation' was a matter of expediency, rather than any keenly felt course. As I said, it was a means to sort of keep Rangers alive. It wasn't seamless or anything other than a last resort though.


its considered seamless by the sfa, uefa, hmrc etc etc as they all recognise us as the same club


your argument does not have one credible source backing it


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Once more, when confronted by genuine attempts at discussion, you default to childish nonsense. I and many others are far less animated by notions of continuity than guys like Nacho, but don't let that de-rail your increasingly demented ramblings.


its not genuine discussion on here though, its the new club fantasists with their fingers in their ears and eyes closed when actual evidence is introduced, none of you will adress the elephant in the room , which is that absolutely every credible source says we are the same club and no credible source says we are a new club

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its considered seamless by the sfa, uefa, hmrc etc etc as they all recognise us as the same club


your argument does not have one credible source backing it



I see you've dropped the stock market from your list.  Now, evidence of the opinion of HMRC, please.

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