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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It is funny you criticise 1 poster for 'wanting Rangers to get the best of both worlds' yet fail to pick up the fact that Wullie wants the best of both worlds too.

Let me ask you a simple question.

If what Wullie describes as 'new Rangers' were to pay this bill which is for something that Wullie describes as 'old Rangers' did, would you then say Wullie was wrong for still wanting the best of 'both worlds'? or does the fact that Wullie is a Rangers hating mentalist make him beyond the reach of your scorn?

That's two questions.

Which ones the simple one?

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It is funny you criticise 1 poster for 'wanting Rangers to get the best of both worlds' yet fail to pick up the fact that Wullie wants the best of both worlds too.


Let me ask you a simple question.


If what Wullie describes as 'new Rangers' were to pay this bill which is for something that Wullie describes as 'old Rangers' did, would you then say Wullie was wrong for still wanting the best of 'both worlds'?  or does the fact that Wullie is a Rangers hating mentalist make him beyond the reach of your scorn?

It certainly helps his case Ted.

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Just so that we're clear. The Rangers fans despite claiming they always knew the club and company were separate, can't provide a shred of evidence from the Murray era or before that allowed them to come to this conclusion.

You'd almost believe they are lying, and in fact jumped on the 2012 club/company separation so they could cling to their list of honours.

By definition every one of them is therefore a glory hunter.

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Lionel Blair was a fucking racist, it all makes sense now. :D

Yet who can forget the look of astonishment on Una Stubbs's face as he pulled off 12 Angry Men in under 2 minutes?

Edited by sugna
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Lol look at TEDI wanting answers yet we're still waiting a week for him to back up his claim that all small creditors were paid in full.

Or explain why DK and his racist mouthpieces lied about how much Rangers get from the SD deal.

Any answers yet?

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Again thanks for the reply, I agree and given the independent nature of this latest judgement I say Rangers should pay up.


I think we both know however that folk like Wullie will still want as you put it the 'best of both worlds'


"Rangers" should have paid up 3 fucking years ago.  However vanishingly unlikely that this may be, there is a very strong argument that the journey has been conducted while in breach of your new clubs conditions of membership and you should be told off-f**k to the lowland leagues.


I don't want the best of both worlds, I'd like one or the other. The problem for you is that the world in which you clearly inhabit (the planet samerangers) has the icky-sticky problem of you dying 4 years ago.

What I would accept and i am in no way alone here, is if you pay ALL the debts, and accept the cheating and hand back the shiny baubles, you can shove a broom up rangers arse and parade it's corpse about like El Cid to your hearts content. That'd be fine, I would allow you to think that with minimal derision.

The big issue and the one that I'm pretty confident gnaws at the soul of most bears is that they are (stop laughing at the back) quite ashamed of what happened, they don't want to face the reality of their old clubs crimes and rather than take their licks they're happy to believe in a shell-suit Rangersette version of the club they think they love.  It's easier that way but ultimately this kind of thinking will only lead to mental-hygeine-type health issues in later life.


In fact, any enterprising b*****d out there might wait till a bears parent or grandparent dies, buy their house and any other assets then just turn up at the bears place demanding Sunday lunch wearing the departeds pearls and falsies proclaiming "108 Still Going Strong".


Oh I'm sorry is that not how this works?


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"Rangers" should have paid up 3 fucking years ago.  However vanishingly unlikely that this may be, there is a very strong argument that the journey has been conducted while in breach of your new clubs conditions of membership and you should be told off-f**k to the lowland leagues.


I don't want the best of both worlds, I'd like one or the other. The problem for you is that the world in which you clearly inhabit (the planet samerangers) has the icky-sticky problem of you dying 4 years ago.

What I would accept and i am in no way alone here, is if you pay ALL the debts, and accept the cheating and hand back the shiny baubles, you can shove a broom up rangers arse and parade it's corpse about like El Cid to your hearts content. That'd be fine, I would allow you to think that with minimal derision.

The big issue and the one that I'm pretty confident gnaws at the soul of most bears is that they are (stop laughing at the back) quite ashamed of what happened, they don't want to face the reality of their old clubs crimes and rather than take their licks they're happy to believe in a shell-suit Rangersette version of the club they think they love.  It's easier that way but ultimately this kind of thinking will only lead to mental-hygeine-type health issues in later life.


In fact, any enterprising b*****d out there might wait till a bears parent or grandparent dies, buy their house and any other assets then just turn up at the bears place demanding Sunday lunch wearing the departeds pearls and falsies proclaiming "108 Still Going Strong".


Oh I'm sorry is that not how this works?

Never read....

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Again thanks for the reply, I agree and given the independent nature of this latest judgement I say Rangers should pay up.


I think we both know however that folk like Wullie will still want as you put it the 'best of both worlds'

Just let them take it from the prize money and get it over with.

Spl enquiry fines Rangers Oldco, newco not to pay.

Spl then realise they have costs to pay, can they get Rangers to pay them?

Rangers say no.

Spfl bring in the low level paper gatherer, a few months later the splf claim the fine should be paid according to the poorly worded five way agreement.

Rangers say thats not what agreement was about.

SFA back Celtics low level paper gatherer twisting of the agreement.

Probably best just to let them have the money, wonder what the spfl will come up with next?

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Just let them take it from the prize money and get it over with.

Spl enquiry fines Rangers Oldco, newco not to pay.

Spl then realise they have costs to pay, can they get Rangers to pay them?

Rangers say no.

Spfl bring in the low level paper gatherer, a few months later the splf claim the fine should be paid according to the poorly worded five way agreement.

Rangers say thats not what agreement was about.

SFA back Celtics low level paper gatherer twisting of the agreement.

Probably best just to let them have the money, wonder what the spfl will come up with next?

Is this what you were on about yesterday?

Who's the low level paper gatherer? You really do actually sound like a blogger, you know.

If this version is accurate, why didn't Rangers just pay the fine and contest the bit about costs?

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You know who the low level paper gatherer is.

If Rangers had been told by LNS to pay the fine at the time then they would have, most fans would have accepted that.


Repeats a blog like he's in the know. Hasn't got a clue what a low level paper gatherer even is. Never mind who it is.

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Just let them take it from the prize money and get it over with.

Spl enquiry fines Rangers Oldco, newco not to pay.

Spl then realise they have costs to pay, can they get Rangers to pay them?

Rangers say no.

Spfl bring in the low level paper gatherer, a few months later the splf claim the fine should be paid according to the poorly worded five way agreement.

Rangers say thats not what agreement was about.

SFA back Celtics low level paper gatherer twisting of the agreement.

Probably best just to let them have the money, wonder what the spfl will come up with next?

At least try to take one day a year where you don't make a rip roaring c**t of yourself.

Maybe tomorrow, eh?

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provide the evidence in context and i will have a look at them , i dont accept number 4 as this was not the case, there was plenty of evidence available at the time showing the club could survive if we found a buyer, most rangers fans at the time knew the club would survive, the message boards i was on all knew this 100%


heres a few posts from the time proving this



4 Apr 2012

Well meaning nonsense - sorry but while liquidation shod be avoided if possible those who have bought IMHO the myth that the history goes as well have fallen into the trap set by those who dont wish us well..

A Cva is preferable but someone buying the Assets and running us as a club is much preferable to extinction!




03-05-2012, 12:33
Nonsense, he will "try" to achieve a CVA by offering a few pence in the pound. Then of course the creditors will fail to agree his terms so he'll be "left with no option but to liquidate".

okay so he liquidates the old company, so f#ck. the rangers football club lives on, debt free, may i add.

03-05-2012, 12:36
okay so he liquidates the old company, so f#ck. the rangers football club lives on, debt free, may i add.

This, I totally agree with. Thank god at last something has happened



03-05-2012, 14:47
It IS liquidation.

"There are none so blind as those who do not want to see..."

yes it is liquidation of rangers football club plc (company)

not liquidation of rangers football club (our club)

they are seperate. i support a club not a company.



03-05-2012, 15:08

I will continue to support my club, Rangers Football Club no matter what parent company they are under.


03-05-2012, 18:07
Rangers 1899 Company might die.

But I couldn't care less.

Rangers Football Club still exists and will be in a healthier position in a 'newco' - that can't be argued.



Smelly Vile Hoaching Corpse FC 1873 - 2012


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: 

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You know who the low level paper gatherer is.

If Rangers had been told by LNS to pay the fine at the time then they would have, most fans would have accepted that.

Bennett, I've not got a clue who you're on about - stop being weird.

Why would it be in my interests to feign ignorance here?

I've actually got little idea what you're on about at all here, because I've not seen this argument elsewhere.

If you want to make a genuine point, make it clear.

If you want to be a bit of an arse, then do carry on.

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Again thanks for the reply, I agree and given the independent nature of this latest judgement I say Rangers should pay up.

I think we both know however that folk like Wullie will still want as you put it the 'best of both worlds'

How do you feel about the independent panel who sat in arbitration between Rangers and the SFA then declared that new Rangers did not inherit the rights to arbitration between Rangers and the SFA over the TUPE?

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You know who the low level paper gatherer is.

If Rangers had been told by LNS to pay the fine at the time then they would have, most fans would have accepted that.

to quote a famous legend from Rangers " who are these people we need to know" ?
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You know who the low level paper gatherer is.

If Rangers had been told by LNS to pay the fine at the time then they would have, most fans would have accepted that.

Don't be absurd. The vast majority of Rangers fans can't accept anything that doesn't have WATP at the end of it.

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