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The Godfather part 2 - 10/10

Not seen it in the last year but I still love the film and I believe it is the best in the trilogy

The first time I watched the trilogy I was convinced part two was over hyped and was certain the first was the best. But as I've grown older and watched them a few times, I'd have to agree with the majority now. Part two is absolutely amazing!

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The first time I watched the trilogy I was convinced part two was over hyped and was certain the first was the best. But as I've grown older and watched them a few times, I'd have to agree with the majority now. Part two is absolutely amazing!

Most people I know still think the first one was the best

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Saving Private Ryan

I had never seen this before so was looking forward to it.

Was it just me or did it not make sense? At the start theres the auld geezer at the cemetery looking at the crosses. The camera zooms in to his face as he has a flashback to the story and he becomes a younger man in the war, Tom Hanks.

Then at the end of the story Tom Hanks dies, and once the war story is done we see the old guy again and realise that he is not in fact Tom Hanks character as an old man but Matt Damons character.

It's 2 and a half hours of blood and violence followed by 10 minutes of sentimental pish.


Can you tell I'm not keen on war films?

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Straw Dogs

Hmm. It's really weird. Basically Dustin Hoffman marries an English girl and they move to this wee town where the townsfolk start messing about with him. Then the wife gets raped and then a lynch mob try to get the rapist(for a suspected murder) and Hoffman is protecting him(he doesn't know he raped his wife). Very surreal.

It's alright. 5/10

I heard they're remaking this with James Marsden(guy that played Cyclops in the X-Men films). That'll be a 2/10 effort then! laugh.gif

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Saving Private Ryan

I had never seen this before so was looking forward to it.

Was it just me or did it not make sense? At the start theres the auld geezer at the cemetery looking at the crosses. The camera zooms in to his face as he has a flashback to the story and he becomes a younger man in the war, Tom Hanks.

Then at the end of the story Tom Hanks dies, and once the war story is done we see the old guy again and realise that he is not in fact Tom Hanks character as an old man but Matt Damons character.

It's 2 and a half hours of blood and violence followed by 10 minutes of sentimental pish.


Can you tell I'm not keen on war films?

I thought I was the only person who disliked that movie.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Fun, and definitely better than the last one. Okay, the nonsense with the coconut trees probably deserves a mark off, but the rest made up for it!


I'm surprised at the critical panning this has taken. To me, it's by far the best of the sequels and close in spirit to the first one.

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Hobo with a Shotgun

Quite a fun film with some hideous deaths in it. Can anyone tell me what i've heard the song off at the end credits please? I was thinking The Racoons but I may be way off!

7.5/10 for the film.

Racoons it is. A nod to the fact they're both Canadian productions I think.

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Hobo with a Shotgun

Quite a fun film with some hideous deaths in it. Can anyone tell me what i've heard the song off at the end credits please? I was thinking The Racoons but I may be way off!

7.5/10 for the film.

It's similar to the cannibal holocaust theme.

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