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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Jacob's Ladder

Brilliant film and a must watch. Anyone know of any films even remotely like this? Only purchased this because of the Silent Hill link and it did not disappoint.


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The Crow - 7/10

Better than I thought it would be. Obviously has a big cult following but I never really fancied it, too much leather for me :P I decided to give it a go tonight though and it was well worth it. Quite a cheesy character (I like the fact he's different from other superheros though) and a pretty predictable story, but it comes together to be pretty cool. OK action scenes and a decent start put it up in my estimations, but the obvious last 20 minutes stopped it from being an 8 or 9.

Seen this at the old odeon in glasgow and it was really superb then and a lot of atmosphere surrounding it as brandon lee was tragically killed in its production...


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Im a terrible insomniac and often watch films in bed to help me drift off... currently watching Casino for the 874th time.... the scene with the guys head in the vice... oooft !!

Not sure which movie Joe Pesci is more evil and sadistic in, this or Goodfellas ?? :D

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Im a terrible insomniac and often watch films in bed to help me drift off... currently watching Casino for the 874th time.... the scene with the guys head in the vice... oooft !!

Not sure which movie Joe Pesci is more evil and sadistic in, this or Goodfellas ?? :D

Definitely Casino, the pen scene is my favourite from just about any mafia film

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Drive (2011) 8/10

Fairly hyped up and can see why. An excellent film. I was not expecting as much violence that was on offer here and some of it had my face twitching. Albert Brookes puts in a perfect shift and having never really seen him have a role like this, I think he did a great.

The soundtrack really helped the film. The whole thing reminded me a bit of a GTA Vice City.


The last remake of Beau Geste (1977) 5/10

Brit 70's take on the old tale with Michael York and Marty Feldman as the identical twins :rolleyes: of Trevor Howard. Cue French Foreign Legion japes.

Good support from Spike Milligan, Terry Thomas, Roy Kinnear etc.

Its either your thang or not.

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Moonrise Kingdom

I know that Wes Anderson is the kind of filmmaker it's easy to dislike but I'm a fan of Rushmore and The Royal Tenenbaums and I also liked The Life Aquatic and bits of The Darjeeling Ltd. But this is turgid. It's him making yet more of the same though not as well. It's not enough to rely on the audience ooing at Harvey Keitel being a scout leader or Bruce Willis as a weak policeman, they should have some amusing things to say. Some of the cutely eccentric stuff is laid on with a trowel and it's all extremely tiresome. Only part I can honestly say I liked was the set piece with the Noah's Ark play in a church. The cinematography was up to its usual high standard but so what.


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Watched 'Rise of the footsoldier' late last night.. (again !) ... Whilst never likely to win an Academy award it does what it says on the tin... the film is aimed at alpha males who like gangster movies full of violence, wisecracks and the odd tidy bit of fanny.. and this delivers in spades.. :)

The autopsy room and range rover murder scenes are horrific and gory in the extreme.. as for the swear count...

"Jesus christ, you'll be screaming fucking jesus christ when i stick this blade in you, you fucking no good c**t..."

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Men in Black 3 ( 2012 )

So much fun. Very childish in places, but it's so well carried off that you can't help enjoy it. After the atrocious Seven Pounds, it's good to see Will Smith in such a fun role again. Josh Brolin makes for a stunning addition to things. It goes a bit heavy on the cheese at times and that's my only criticism. For the most part, this is fun stuff.


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The Dictator 9/10

Sasha Baron Cohen at his brilliant best in this mindless comedy epic.

For me not a patch on Bruno or Borat, which weren't as good as their TV counterparts. Thought the Dictator was about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face, although it was made for an American audience, so you can maybe forgive that. It was pretty funny in some parts though, and its very short too, which is a plus. The outtake at the end as well 'You don't need to actually touch it' :lol: 6/10

Battleship 4/10

Terrible Hollywood blockbuster, US navy sanctamonious pish. Aliens attack, the US and japanese navy team up and defeat them. I'm presuming that they hired actual veterans because the vets couldn't act for shit in the small parts they had. There's absolutely no need for this to go over 2 hours. It was the classic aliens/antagonists completely invincible at first, then become easy to kill later in the film. Not to mention the ridiculous teleport plothole which sees the love interest, science geek and injnured soldier with prosthetic legs escape the mountain top which gets blown to smitherenes in a matter of minutes. *sigh*

There were a few funny moments in it, and some pretty decent effects.Trying to think if I'm being too generous with a 4....Na, thats probably about right, it's not that offensive to watch, just really long, predictable and cheesy.

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The Texas Killing Fields - 5/10.

Very strange film. There was loads of the plot that was totally random and left with no answers. Maybe my copy was missing some scenes, that's the way it felt.

Edited by 11thHour
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The Hit List (2011)

A man walks into an Irish bar. A black man asks for a list of five people...

Well now that we've started the beginning of a bad jokes based on stereotypes, you can finish the rest!

Cuba Gooding Jr. is great as the hitman, but the film is so clichéd it's untrue... and there was not one bit of the film that couldn't be predicted. It was fun to watch, but to make it passable it would have needed to veer off the most linear path down Deja View.


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Eastern Plays (2009) - Bulgarian film which focuses around two loosely connected storylines, an alcoholic/druggy artist going through some sort of existentialist crisis and his younger brother who is being initiated into a Nazi skinhead gang. American Beauty and American History X but in Bulgaria if you will. :lol: Brilliant film, which hit me harder when I realised that the main character is playing himself, a real life depressive drug addict. Even some of the supporting cast are people from his life.

At the end, the film is tributed to him, who died in his thirties before the film was released.

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Zombie Undead (2010)

Utterly terrible British zombie film set in Leicestershire, where a group a few people are taken to an "evacuation facility" (looked like a hospital to me) by a paramedic where zombies are all over the bloody place.

The only things stopping this from getting a pathetic 1/10 were:

It being one of only a few films to ever make me jump; when two of them have escaped and a sitting under a tree, a random farmer blows the guys head of from a distance with a sniper rifle.

The afore-mentioned guy taking revenge on the guy who caused the paramedic to die earlier, by kicking him in the head as they climbed out a hatch causing the zombies to get him.

Them killing Emile Heskey zombie! :lol: :lol:


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Attack the Block - tremendous film. My mates saw it when it came out and raved about it (saying it was the best film ever made, one of their opinions is usually pretty valid as well). While I don't agree to that extent, it was still great. Funny but had the right amount of suspense to keep you on edge.

Pretty solid acting, very well made(script, shooting etc). All round a great film. 8/10

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Battleship 4/10

Terrible Hollywood blockbuster, US navy sanctamonious pish. Aliens attack, the US and japanese navy team up and defeat them. I'm presuming that they hired actual veterans because the vets couldn't act for shit in the small parts they had. There's absolutely no need for this to go over 2 hours. It was the classic aliens/antagonists completely invincible at first, then become easy to kill later in the film. Not to mention the ridiculous teleport plothole which sees the love interest, science geek and injnured soldier with prosthetic legs escape the mountain top which gets blown to smitherenes in a matter of minutes. *sigh*

There were a few funny moments in it, and some pretty decent effects.Trying to think if I'm being too generous with a 4....Na, thats probably about right, it's not that offensive to watch, just really long, predictable and cheesy.

Could have probably given you the same review from the trailer tbh. This is exactly how I would have guessed it would be. Rihanna = Average singer, not bankable actress. Looks so predictable and obvious (like a shite independance day is how I put it at the time) Safe to say I'll trust your judgement and not ever watch it

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The Town. 7/10

Ben Affleck (lol) directed this and it was alright. Ben is a Boston bank robber who follows a burd they took hostage during a robbery. Romance ensues and although predictable there are a few good performances and a few moments where you lean forward in your chair.

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Brick - 8/10

Starts out pretty weird and tough to understand (the characters keep talking about lunch and the Netflix description didnt go into detail of what the film was actually about :ph34r:). Things do become clear fairly soon in though and it starts to flow a bit better. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The tall skinny one from Inception), Emelie de Ravin (Claire from Lost) and Nora Zehetner (loads of TV shows including Mad Men (Dons Neighbour between marriages) and Heroes (Eden, the girl Sylar fancied)) all star and are very good from the off. The plot is great, very engrossing, and the way it's shot is interesting and holds your full attention (Gus van Sant-esque feel about it at some stages).

I highly recommend you watch it if you get the chance (Would've marked it a 9 but it seemed to fly by, maybe couldve been a little longer)

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