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Power Slam reckons that it's Jeff Jarrett behing Aces and 8s. How very disappointing that would be.

i don't think you could class it a 'disappointment' since that's been the assumption almost since day 1.

I mean if it's not a returning star leading them then it'd have to be an absolute 5* new signing and realistically it aint gonna be.

The other option is that it's all just the middle of the road guys that have been slated i.e. Compton, Masters, Brisco etc.

And surely that'd be even more disappointing than have Jarrett lead them?

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I've got a really bad feeling that Jeff Hardy will win the title at BFG. His run to become number 1 contender has come from nowhere, and he really is bland as f**k these days. Aries is so much better in every department. However it's well documented that Hogan has a major hard on for Hardy. If they do put the belt on him, I really think it could undo a lot of the good work TNA has done this year. The only good way to do it would be to reveal that Hardy is the leader of Aces and 8's, but since he was attacked by them I can't see it.

Also it's rather risky to have the belt on a guy who could be sent immediately to prison if he violates the terms of his sentence.

Of course maybe they'll have Aries win after all. Who knows? But so far it's a shaping up to be an average main event. I'm sure it will be quite decent in the ring, but with Hardy being so utterly devoid of personality, the build up so far has left me quite indifferent. This is their Wrestlemania; they should be building the main event of BFG to f**k. WWE promoted Rock/Cena for over a year, yet this will barely be over a month, and as noted Hardy just isn't cutting it.

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Just caught Van Damme doing a "Coast to Coast" with a steel chair onto Jerry Lynn's face behind a metal ladder. Looked pretty brutal (despite the lack of replay)...

It's an odd world where showing that on telly is acceptable, but they feel the need to bleep out the SHIT, in HOLY SHIT.

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How good a heel is Christopher Daniels? I think the man is absolute class.

TNA in general does have some really good wrestlers.

I was recently at Ayr Town Hall at a show and Mickey James & Magnus were in action. Magnus certainly looks the part & put together a good tag team match with one of the regular guys from that organisation. Mickey James was nice to look at but I don't really care much for women matches.

Look forward to the show returning. Noam Dar was also impressive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a week behind but it seemed pretty obvious to me that Bischoff was the leader in Aces and 8s "clubhouse", spoke exactly like him except with the voice manipulator on. That storyline has become utterly mental in the last few weeks, hopefully the payoff is good. I reckon Garrett Bischoff will be involved in it after the look and walk away he gave Hogan when he got turned down for the TV title shot. I fear they may push him as an uppercard heel which terrifies me.

Joe winning the TV title is a good move, the guy has been incredible this year and is a brilliant worker. I'd quite like to see them re-sign Devon and bring him back to feud with Joe, that could be decent.

EDIT: Oh, and I agree with the above. I used to absolutely hate Christopher Daniels and thought he was amongst the worst things in mainstream wrestling, but the guy has come into his own in 2012. He's a better worker and a cracking heel.

I think Aries-Hardy are going to have a phenomenal match at BFG, can't wait for that one and the PPV in general.

Edited by Marshmallo
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I'm a week behind but it seemed pretty obvious to me that Bischoff was the leader in Aces and 8s "clubhouse", spoke exactly like him except with the voice manipulator on. That storyline has become utterly mental in the last few weeks, hopefully the payoff is good. I reckon Garrett Bischoff will be involved in it after the look and walk away he gave Hogan when he got turned down for the TV title shot. I fear they may push him as an uppercard heel which terrifies me.

Joe winning the TV title is a good move, the guy has been incredible this year and is a brilliant worker. I'd quite like to see them re-sign Devon and bring him back to feud with Joe, that could be decent.

EDIT: Oh, and I agree with the above. I used to absolutely hate Christopher Daniels and thought he was amongst the worst things in mainstream wrestling, but the guy has come into his own in 2012. He's a better worker and a cracking heel.

I think Aries-Hardy are going to have a phenomenal match at BFG, can't wait for that one and the PPV in general.

God no. I would have to consider drastic action to my person if that happened, most likely some sort of self inflicted brain trauma.

Aries-Hardy may have a good match, but I still don't think Hardy should in the main event of TNA's version of Wrestlemania.

Glad Bully Ray got the place with Sting, as Anderson is shit and Ray is one of the top guys in wrestling right now; he's definitely the top heel in the business at the moment. WWE should have broken the bank to get him when his contract ran out. Mind you, they'd most likely have wasted him.

I was thinking it might be decent if Sting swerve turned and became the Aces & 8's leader. He could say it's cos Hogan is still trying to hog the limelight. The fans are always chanting for him in the Mongo Impact Zone, which actually really bugs me.

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I'm a week behind but it seemed pretty obvious to me that Bischoff was the leader in Aces and 8s "clubhouse", spoke exactly like him except with the voice manipulator on.

I'm just watching this episode now, yeah, it totally is Bischoff. Not just the way the voice sounds (even with the manipulator) but also how he's speak, pausing and whatnot and the words he's using. It's so similar to Bischoff that if Eric isn't their leader, they've done it just to swerve the internet fans.

Some of the voices also sound like Abyss at times, I figured he'd re-appear after Joseph Parks took a hammer to the head (last week for me) but somehow he survived that! laugh.gif

Yeah, the story has been ridiculous, I'm loving it though.

I'll finish this episode and then go onto last week's so I'm caught up for tomorrow night's US episode for Sunday's PPV.

I've got some decent hopes for BFG. Roode/Storm should be an absolute cracker. Aries/Hardy could be great. Kaz/Daniels and AJ/Angle have had some fantastic matches, I hope Chavo/Hernandez's involvement won't halt the run of great matches.

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So Bound For Glory is on Sunday. This shows the main difference between TNA and WWE. BFG is their Wrestlemania, yet I only realised a few days ago that it's on this Sunday. I know when next years Wrestlemania is, and you can bet there will be so much more coverage of it.

Anyway, BFG should be good. It's a decent card:

Al Snow vs Joey Ryan (Ryan received a TNA contract when if he wins)

X Division Title Match: Zema Ion vs RVD

Knockout's title match: Ms Tessmacher vs Tara

TV Title Match: Samoa Joe vs Magnus

Street Fight: Bobby Roode vs James Storm w/ King Mo as the special enforcer

Tag Team Title Match: Daniels and Kazarian vs AJ and Kurt Angle vs Chavo and Hernandez

Bully Ray & Sting vs Aces & 8's (Aces & 8s must leave TNA forever if they lose; when if they win they get full access to the Mongo Impact Zone)

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match: Austin Aries vs Jeff Hardy

A good card that promises to be brilliant in places, but perhaps a let down in others. The main event is supposed to be some sort of redemption for Jeff Hardy, and whilst fans in the Impact Zone always pop for him, I don't think he's that popular outside of it. I certainly think he's pretty awful as a character, and his supposed long road to redemption has seen him flounder in the mid card for most of the year before unexpectedly winning the BFG series. I think it's a cert he'll win the title, unless there is some sort of outside interference. It also looks like they're turning Aries heel again. TNA have been a roll this year, but they really would be making a massive mistake putting the title on Hardy. This stinks of Hogan, who has been pushing for Hardy to be the champ ever since he arrived in TNA, and indeed got him the title the first time. I think they really could undo a lot of good work if they give Hardy the title. For me, this waster should be nowhere near the title picture. In fact I'd make him an X Division guy. The Aces & 8s thing really needs to have a big payoff, but if it's Bischoff and his 1243432432432432432432473289743290th rehash at an invasion NWO type angle, then it will be a major letdown.

This is a big show for TNA and could really propel them upwards if they pull it off. However if they get the key things wrong, it could set them back at least a year or two. It seems to me that the two big things I outlined are Hogan/Bischoff things, and it looks to me that when these p***ks aren't involved, things are much, much better. They need to ignore these two fucking clowns, who haven't been relevant in years (I know Hogan is popular in the Impact Zone, but that's because tourists know who he is) and have been awful at creative ever since the NWO angle got tired.

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TNA Bound for Glory 2012

I've not done a proper long PBP review in a while. When I get my PCW DVDs through I plan on doing more, but for now, lets watch this show and get a good handle on it.

Zema Ion © vs. Rob Van Dam - TNA X Division Championship ( *1/2 )

Samoa Joe © vs. Magnus - TNA TV Championship ( ***1/4 )

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm, Street Fight ( ****1/4 )

Joey Ryan vs. Al Snow ( * )

Christopher Daniels and Kazarian © vs. Kurt Angle and AJ Styles vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez - TNA Tag Team Championships ( **** )

Miss Techmacher © vs. Tara ( N/A )

Aces and Eights vs. Sting and Bully Ray, No Disqualification Match ( ** )

Austin Aries © vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA World Heavyweight Championship ( ***1/2 )

Zema Ion © vs. Rob Van Dam - TNA X Division Championship

I've actually been quite impressed by Zema Ion recently in TNA. This match SHOULD be a huge moment for him. If RVD gets the win, it'll undo a LOT of hard work. RVD is the HUUUUUGE fan favourite here. The crowd seems hot as well. Lockup and RVD with the Hammerlock. Ion goes behind and some jockeying for position. RVD with the takedown and the fans cheer that. Yeah, they're way up for it. RVD pulls down Ion by the hair and then he kicks and then a Springboard Side Kick and Ion heads for the floor. RVD wants to dive, but Zema gets the hell away from that. Lockup and a knee to the gut and then he goes to the Headlock. RVD sends Zema to the ropes and gets caught with a Dropkick to the knee. Zema goes over RVD. Nice pin combination from Zema gets a two count and then some more hot dogging. For f**k sake. RVD crotches Zema and then lands the Leaping Side Kick to send Zema to the floor. Will we get a dive this time? Nah. Zema to the apron and a shoulder to the gut of Zema. SUICIDA DDT FROM ZEMA !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Very nice move there from Zema Ion. RVD gets sent off of the top rope and to the floor there. Zema hits the ropes. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM ZEMA ION !!! Zema into the corner and RVD goes for the Monkey Flip, but the Snake Eyes from Zema. Missile Dropkick from Zema and that does some damage right there. That gets a two count. Forearms from Zema and then RVD into the ropes and an Abdominal Stretch from Zema. RVD tries to make a comeback after the escape but Zema stops that. Flapjack into a Dropkick from RVD and then he forgets he got completely dominated. ROLLING THUNDER FROM RVD !!! FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH FROM RVD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The opening stages of the match were really awkward. Too much stalling and taunting which I suppose is par for the course for RVD. The result is absolutely disgusting as well. They decide to give the belt to some shiteheap of a past it wrestler who was completely forgotten when he had his hiatus. Great decision TNA. The match itself didn't seem to really get going. *1/2

Samoa Joe © vs. Magnus - TNA TV Championship

The fans are solidly behind Samoa Joe here. Reversals from both men and a Fireman's Carry from Magnus and then some more reversals and we have a stalemate to end that. Lockup and a clean break out of the corner. Magnus seems to be showing some solidarity to his former tag team partner. Lockup and into the corner again and Magnus to the arm and then Magnus into the corner. Roundhouse Kick from Joe in the corner. Jabs from Joe and he gives a beating to Magnus in the corner. The referee isn't impressed. Magnus gets a cheap shot to Joe with the referee as a guard. European Uppercuts from Magnus and a chop from Joe. Magnus lands a nice Clothesline. Knees to the gut from Magnus and then uppercuts and down goes Joe. High Knee from Magnus now. Magnus has Joe over the middle rope and then drops his weight on the back and that gets a two count for Magnus. Uppercuts again from Magnus and then Joe comes back with a flurry and hits the ropes. MICHINOKU DRIVER FROM MAGNUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! That's one way to stop the momentum. The fans are getting behind the champ. Into the corner they go and Uppercuts again. Joe runs into a boot and then the Manhattan Drop and Flying Kick and Senton Splash gets a two count. Right hand from Magnus and a Snap Powerslam from Joe gets a two count. Powerbomb from Joe and that gets a two count into the STF. MUSCLE BUSTER ... stopped. Chop from Joe gives him the advantage back and then a Headbutt knocks Magnus down. Magnus knocks Joe down with the knee and then he heads for the top rope. THE FLYING ELBOW FROM MAGNUS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Magnus beats on Joe and then more forearms. Joe with another flurry. THE CHOKE FROM SAMOA JOE !!! MAGNUS TURNS IT AROUND !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Joe avoids a slam. THE CHOKE AGAIN FROM JOE !!! Jawbreaker from Magnus to escape. Chop Block from Magnus. BEAUTIFUL COUNTER INTO THE CHOKE FROM SAMOA JOE !!!

A really well built match. Seemed a bit mechanic at times with the way it was structured, but at the same time, I think it was needed after the very messy opening match. Really liked Samoa Joe going for the choke big time towards the end as well. Nice match. ***1/4

Bobby Roode vs. James Storm, Street Fight

These two guys have had disappointing matches in the past, so I'm hoping this match can surpass those ones. Roode and Storm with the right hands. Forearm from Storm and the fans are hot for it at least. Roode with right hands in the corner and then Storm with another forearm coming out of the corner. More right hands from Storm. Roode into the corner and a Back Body Drop from Storm. Storm to the floor and he drags Roode to the apron and kicks him in the face. King Mo Lawal is on the floor btw. He will be playing a special enforcer in this match, wearing full MMA gear. Head first into the ring apron goes Roode. Clothesline from Storm after Roode gets distracted by the sheer presence of Mo. Roode gets his face slammed into a seat. Storm gets sent into the railing but then Roode runs into a boot. RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP FROM STORM TO ROODE !!! It feels heated so far, I'll give them that. Also a nice nod to Raven there. Storm asks the commentators to move. EYE OF THE STORM ON THE FLOOR ... blocked by Roode. Slingshot sends Storm into the ringpost face first and it looks like we might see some blood here. Yup, we now have blood from James Storm and Roode looks under the ring and brings the trashcan into play and the fans like this. Roode also gets a steel chair. Chair to the gut of Roode. Also a big shot to the back. He then sends the chair into the ring and lands some right hands on the busted head of Roode. Back into the ring they now go and Roode is looking for more weapons and he finds himself a kendo stick. Roode wedges the chair between the top and middle buckles. Kendo stick shot to the back of Roode when Storm manages to get the advantage back. Trashcan between the legs of Roode. KENDO STICK SHOT SENDS THE TRASHCAN TO THE BALLS OF ROODE !!! That is just vile stuff there. Trashcan lid shot is avoided and Storm winds up on the floor. Roode now has the trashcan. Shoulder to the gut of Roode and then Storm has Roode. HANGING DDT TO THE STEEL RAMP FROM STORM !!! Storm now has a crutch from the crowd. Crutch to the gut from Storm. That fan has had his night made and the fans seem to appreciate that. TRASHCAN LIDS TO THE HEAD FROM EACH MEN !!! THIS IS BRILLIANT !!! STORM GETS THE BETTER OF THAT EXCHANGE !!! THE CROWD GOES WILD !!! TRASHCAN TO THE HEAD FROM STORM !!! SPINEBUSTER ON THE RAMP FROM ROODE !!! Storm gets off of the ramp. Roode was busted during the trashcan exchange. More lid shots from Storm. Storm drinks some beer now. Kick to the gut from Roode and then they head around the ring,. Roode sent face first into the broadcast table and now both men are on it. That doesn't look like a nice landing for whoever takes it. ROODE AND STORM CRASH THROUGH THE TIMEKEEPER'S TABLE !!! Probably for the best that they didn't go through the commentator's table. Back into the ring and we get a two count from that. This has only been on for ten minutes too! King Mo comes into the ring and stops the referee getting a beating. Storm pushes Roode. CODEBREAKER FROM STORM TO GET BACK INTO THE MATCH !!! Nice bit of interference to further the match which is a relief. THE LAST CALL FROM STORM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! This is a great match so far and so bloody involving. STORM SENT FACE FIRST INTO THE WEDGED CHAIR !!! TIGHTS HOOKED BY ROODE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Storm is now set on the top rope and Roode goes under the ring. He has his sights on something but can't seem to get it. There's a cheese grater in the ring btw. Chair to the back and then Roode throws a small bag in the ring then. Roode now pours a bunch of tacks into the middle of the ring. Tazz: "Those are tacks folks." Thanks for that Tazz. Roode is looking for the Superplex into the tacks. TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX ... Storm avoids that now. ROODE IS PUSHED INTO THE TACKS AND STORM IS ON THE TOP ROPE !!! STORM WITH THE FLYING ELBOW DROP !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOUUUTTTT !!! Storm goes for something ... low blow from Roode. Roode then heads for the floor and he's got tacks sticking to every part of his body. Roode then pulls out the beer. LOW BLOW FROM STORM !!! STORM HAS THE BOTTLE !!! HE BREAKS IT OVER THE HEAD !!! LAST CALL AND ROODE INTO THE TACKS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This was one hell of a heated and involving match between these two. This is what we've been hoping for between these two guys. I also loved the ending with Storm losing the plot big time before landing the big shot. It was one hell of a nasty match and a great effort. ****1/4

Joey Ryan vs. Al Snow

I've hated Joey Ryan for ages, and now I have to watch him wrestle Al Snow? Come on to f**k guys. Ryan is in the ropes and wants Snow to back off. Snow is not a happy chappy. The fans want head. Doesn't surprise me. Virgin c***s. Loads of UK flags all around the place. Snow gets down in the amateur referee's position and Ryan sees an oppertunity. Snow then schools Ryan and he backs into the corner. Snow gets back down into that position and Ryan tries the cheap shot and gets sweeped down. Into the corner and then we have a slap to the face from Snow. Ryan is getting angry but runs into the Back Elbow and then a Clothesline and a Hiptoss from Snow. BIG Body Slam from Snow and then Snow into the ropes and then the Elbow Drop. The crowd aren't really into this much. Side Headlock Takedown and then into a version of the Crippler Crossface. Ryan escapes and then takes down Snow and continues a beating. Kick to the gut from Ryan and then he looks for a Suplex and lands it and that gets a two count for Ryan. Snow into the corner and then Ryan lands some right hands. Back Body Drop from Snow and he's back in the match. The Snow Headbutts now from Snow. Chest Hair Claw from Snow. THE SNOW PLOUGH FROM SNOW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Snow heads for the floor and manages to find head. The referee takes it and then we have a ref bump. Ryan now right hands and a Dropkick sends Snow to the floor. Ryan then kisses head. Baseball Slide from Ryan misses and Snow goes nuts on Ryan. THE CARBON FOOTPRINT FROM MATT MORGAN ON THE FLOOR !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match is very dull. This is to be expected from Joey Ryan matches. *

Christopher Daniels and Kazarian © vs. Kurt Angle and AJ Styles vs. Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez - TNA Tag Team Championships

Styles and Chavo start and we have reversals with the two of them. Headlock from Chavo now and he's sent into the ropes and charged down and a Side Headlock is locked by Chavo. Chavo gets tripped and a Headlock from Styles. Styles charges down Chavo and then into the corner and Angle is now into the ring and he kicks Chavo and lands a right hand. Angle then kicks down Chavo in the corner and a choke with the boot. Body Slam from Angle and then Daniels tags himself in. Styles then tags himself back into the ring and a Back Drop Suplex from Chavo and he goes to the Chinlock and in comes Hernandez. Bearhug from Hernandez and then he goes with a HUGE Belly 2 Belly Suplex. Hernandez with a Big Splash and that gets a two count. Kaz into the ring now and Hernandez complains. Kaz into the ropes and the Rebound Dropkick from Styles. Into the corner and in comes Angle. Back Drop Suplex from Angle. Into the corner and kicks and right hands from Chavo. Into the corner and Hernandez back into the ring. One Handed Backbreaker over the shoulder from Hernandez and then Chavo back into the ring with the Leg Drop and that gets a two count. The action is thick and fast. Daniels into the ring and he runs right into a Dropkick but then Styles into the ring and he kicks Daniels in the chest. Jawbreaker and a Clothesline from Daniels to get the control back. Kip Up Rana from Styles. Styles misses a charge and Kaz with a Clothesline from the apron and the other guys in the match aren't impressed. Slingshot Elbow and Slingshot Leg Drop from the champs and that gets a two count for Kaz and then he taunts the Mexican side. Kicks to the gut from Daniels when he gets back into the ring. Hiptoss Leg Drop from the champs gets a two count. Styles into the corner and he lands on his feet from a move. THE PELE KICK FROM STYLES !!! Angle then tries to get the fans behind AJ Styles and they get right into things. Hot tag and in comes Angle. Forearm from Angle and a Clothesline. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON DANIELS !!! ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES ON KAZARIAN !!! Daniels holds on. ANGLE ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANGLE LOCK !!! RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX ON KAZARIAN !!! Angle misses the charge. POP UP AND ANGLE SENDS KAZ INTO DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! CHAVO SAVES !!! GERMAN SUPLEX ON CHAVO !!! SLINGSHOT DDT FROM KAZARIAN !! THE POUNCE FROM HERNANDEZ !!! SPRINGBOARD FOREARM FROM STYLES !!! Styles and Daniels left. THE STO FROM DANIELS !!! Baseball Slide sends Angle to the floor. ARABIAN PRESS FROM DANIELS ONTO ANGLE !!! Daniels sent to the floor. HERNANDEZ WITH THE BIG PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE ONTO DANIELS !!! Kaz now onto the top rope. KAZ TAKES A HORRIFIC LANDING COMING OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! STYLES WITH THE DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD SOMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO EVERYONE !!! Kaz seems to have recovered. THREE AMIGOS FROM CHAVO ON ANGLE !!! ANGLE WITH THE ANGLE SLAM ON CHAVO !!! Angle now heads for the top rope and wants a Moonsault but Hernandez has him. Styles in now. Double Suplex on Hernandez from Styles and Angle. Angle winds up on the floor. DISCUS LARIAT FROM STYLES TO CHAVO !!! THE TKO FROM KAZ !!! DANIELS WITH THE BME !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Kaz sends Angle back to the floor. Chavo now on the top rope. Kaz stops him but gets sent to the floor. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP FROM CHAVO !!! THE ANGEL'S WINGS ... STYLES STOPS !!! QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! Hernandez with the Slingshot Shoulder. THE BORDER TOSS FROM HERNANDEZ !!! THE FROG SPLASH FROM CHAVO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This match was a LOT of fun. Loved the big sequence. Seemed to lose a lot of steam towards the end though which is a shame because the action was free flowing and terrific before then. ****

Miss Techmacher © vs. Tara ( N/A )

Can't be arsed. Next?

Aces and Eights vs. Sting and Bully Ray, No Disqualification Match

Bully Ray is made up in the old face paint of Sting. That's some cool shit right there. I suppose that means he's probably gonna turn on Sting in this match then. Aces and Eights get a zero reaction from the audience. The Aces and Eights have Joseph Park and they are bringing him to the ring. One of them has a striped shirt and one of them is pretty much in all black. Hell breaks loose on the floor to get the match going. Head first into the steps and then stipes gets sent into the railing. Right hands from Ray and Black to each other. All four men are now doing battle. It's all just a big fist fight right now. Ray gets rid of Black and helps Sting now. Ray breaks a bit of table over the head of Stripes but then gets sent into the steps. STINGER SPLASH AGAINST THE RAILING !!! Back into the ring they now go. The Eights are now in the ring with Sting and they lay on the beatdown. Body Slam from Black and that gets a two count. Sting into the corner and Black then lands a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Body Slam from Stripes and then he misses the Elbow Drop. SCORPION DEATHLOCK FROM STING !!! Black breaks the move and the advantage goes back to the Eights. Sting drops behind. SCORPION DEATHDROP FROM STING !!! Ray is now taking control of the match and he lays a beating on the Eights. Neckbreaker from Ray. Shoulder Block off of the buckles from Ray gets a two count. Shot to the back from Stripes and then Black into the ring. Double Clothesline from Ray to the Eights. Body Splash from Ray gets a two count and Sting comes into the ring. Stripes has a chair but gets kicked in the face. Another of the Aces and Eights runs into the ring and then he spits on Joseph Park. Park breaks free. Park into the ring and he takes down the long hair and he gives him a beating. Long hair to the ramp and he gets charged down by Parks and we're back to two on two right here in the ring. Ray now has Stripes. DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM RAY AND STING !!! Black into the ring. STINGER SPLASH FROM STING !!! We're heading for the end. Table brought into the ring and it's set up. Stripes sends Sting to the floor and sent into the railings. Another member puts Ray through the table for the win.

The fans just didn't care about anything for the most part, but then Joseph Park got free and the fans were suddenly involved in the match. It was still a REALLY dull match. **

After the match, we have Devon as a big reveal. Ugh.

Austin Aries © vs. Jeff Hardy - TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Lockup and into the corner they go and we have a clean break out of the corner untill Jeff pushes Aries. The crowd are a bit mixed here, maybe a bit in favour of Jeff Hardy. Aries with the go behind and then the takedown and Aries does a bit of jostling and moving and then to the arm. Aries grabs the hair and then down and he gets the Body Scissors. Hardy seems to be doing a bit of heel work here to sort of counteract the audience. I hope they stick with that route. Lockup and into the corner they go and Aries pushes Hardy and then taunts Hardy but he has none of it. Slow build to the match so far and Hardy then sends Aries into the corner and the reaction is mixed for this and now Aries comes back with the Headlock Takedown into the Side Headlock. Hardy with the Head Scissors and Aries seems to be looking for the escape and finds his way out of the Head Scissors but he misses the Dropkick and Hardy just clubs and kicks away at Hardy and he's definately a man with attitude here. Right hands from Hardy and then into the corner he goes. Hardy onto the apron and then Aries lands his Sitdown Dropkick. Aries with a victory lap and then in reverse. Back into the ring he decides to go. Hardy then misses the charge and then Aries wants Hardy pushed back. Low blow coming back in from Hardy and then the Suplex gets a two count and the fans don't appear to be happy with this. Dropkick sends Aries to the floor now. Hardy throws himself onto Aries now and into the railing. Back into the ring we go after Poetry in Motion on the floor and we have a two count. Into the corner and Hardy goes in. Aries runs into a boot. WHISPER IN THE WIND ... MISSES !!! Aries now onto the middle buckle and he lands the Elbow Drop and that gets a two count. Aries continues his work on Hardy. Hardy gets a shot in but misses the Body Splash from the middle rope and that puts an end to any comeback for a two count. Double Underhook Backbreaker gets a two count for Aries and then he locks in a Seated Abdominal Stretch. Aries turns it into a pin and that gets a two count and Aries seems annoyed that he can't put the match away. Shoulder Charges in the corner from Aries. Snapmare from Aries and then he goes to the middle buckle and a Dropkick to the back of the head for a two count. BRAINBUSTER .... stopped. Sitdown Front Suplex from Hardy hits the mark and he's back in the match. Knee to the gut from Aries puts a stop to that. Slingshot Corkscrew Splash gets a two count for Aries. LAST CHANCERY ... Hardy manages to stop the move being locked in. Hardy then hits the ropes and kicks the face. THE ALLEYOOP FROM HARDY !!! Hardy well and truly into the match. He lands his Low Leg Drop and a Dropkick and that gets a two count for him. WHISPER IN THE WIND FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! TWIST OF FATE ... stopped, but Aries is sent to the floor. PESCADO FROM HARDY ... MISSES !!! ARIES LANDS THE HEAT SEEKING MISSILE ON HARDY !!! Hardy back to the feet. HEAT SEEKING MISSILE AGAIN FROM ARIES !!! Back in the ring and that gets a two count. Aries is busted open from one of the dives. THE LAST CHANCERY FROM ARIES !!! Hardy reaches the ropes quickly. Onto the ramp with both men now. BRAINBUSTER ... both men collide now. Hardy now back to the feet now in the ring. NECKBREAKER AND THE HEAD OF HARDY LANDS RIGHT ON THE STEEL !!! Aries now heading for the top rope. MISSILE DROPKICK OF ARIES !!! IED FROM ARIES ... hits the boots of Hardy. Both men battle. TWIST OF FATE FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Hardy heads for the top rope and Aries manages to stop him there. RANA FROM THE VERY TOP ROPE FROM ARIES !!! THE IED !!! THE BRAINBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! LOW KI STOMP ... MISSES !!! STUNNER FROM HARDY !!! THE TWIST OF FATE !!! THE SWANTON BOMB FROM HARDY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

The match was good. Like the Magnus/Joe match earlier, it was very well mapped out, which manages to sort of rule out the weaknesses of Jeff Hardy which he has picked up. The ending probably makes sense. Hardy is still VERY popular, and it's unclear as to whether Austin Aries was much of a success. Would have liked to have seen Austin Aries win, but I reckon it's fair enough. ***1/2

REALLY solid show here.

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It's a good PPV. I don't think it's their best of the year but it was enjoyable.

The opening match was a bit meh. Some good wrestling in it but as DomDom said, RVD matches can get a bit stop/start with him playing to the crowd too much. Not bothered by RVD winning, I like Ion but the title has lost some reputation with him just beating, essentially, jobbers in the past few months. RVD should help bring it back.

Joe/Magnus was great. Joe has been fantastic recently, so has Magnus actually. I wouldn't have been disappointed with either winning.

Storm and Roode was fantastic. Brilliant fun. Storm must be one of the worst bladers, every time he does it his face ends up pouring with blood.

Ryan/Snow was a bit meh. Quite fun but nothing special. I quite like Joey Ryan (as a character) but Morgan can f**k off.

The tag match was great. Great techincal stuff before it broke down and then it turned into fantastic fun. Chavo and Hernandez were the worst team in that threeway so the result annoys me.

The Aces and Eights match was alright. I can't help but think it's fucking stupid that they have two or three guys run in during it but none of the TNA lockeroom bother to come out and help them. Where was Angle with his support now? Or the countless other guys who offered their services to Sting in the past two weeks? Not surprised by the result but it's little thins like that that make no sense.

The Devon reveal is shit though. Bound For Glory is supposed to be their big night. It should mark a massive change in their program. This show should either have Aces and Eights properly revealed with them in charge or they got revealed a while back and had a few months reign of terror with it coming to an end on this show.

Aries and Hardy was great. The crowd completely shat on Hardy though. He had some supporters (nowhere near what Mike Tenay was trying to suggest though) but every time there was a punch exchange, the crowd booed Hardy to f**k! laugh.gif The result doesn't surprise me but it does annoy me. But probably cause I hate Hardy but love Aries.

They better not fucking drop Aries now because him and Bully Ray have been the best thing in TNA for the past like year.

I would like to say that the crowd were fantastic, so much better than the fucking Impact Zone.

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It's a good PPV. I don't think it's their best of the year but it was enjoyable.

The opening match was a bit meh. Some good wrestling in it but as DomDom said, RVD matches can get a bit stop/start with him playing to the crowd too much. Not bothered by RVD winning, I like Ion but the title has lost some reputation with him just beating, essentially, jobbers in the past few months. RVD should help bring it back.

Joe/Magnus was great. Joe has been fantastic recently, so has Magnus actually. I wouldn't have been disappointed with either winning.

Storm and Roode was fantastic. Brilliant fun. Storm must be one of the worst bladers, every time he does it his face ends up pouring with blood.

Ryan/Snow was a bit meh. Quite fun but nothing special. I quite like Joey Ryan (as a character) but Morgan can f**k off.

The tag match was great. Great techincal stuff before it broke down and then it turned into fantastic fun. Chavo and Hernandez were the worst team in that threeway so the result annoys me.

The Aces and Eights match was alright. I can't help but think it's fucking stupid that they have two or three guys run in during it but none of the TNA lockeroom bother to come out and help them. Where was Angle with his support now? Or the countless other guys who offered their services to Sting in the past two weeks? Not surprised by the result but it's little thins like that that make no sense.

The Devon reveal is shit though. Bound For Glory is supposed to be their big night. It should mark a massive change in their program. This show should either have Aces and Eights properly revealed with them in charge or they got revealed a while back and had a few months reign of terror with it coming to an end on this show.

Aries and Hardy was great. The crowd completely shat on Hardy though. He had some supporters (nowhere near what Mike Tenay was trying to suggest though) but every time there was a punch exchange, the crowd booed Hardy to f**k! laugh.gif The result doesn't surprise me but it does annoy me. But probably cause I hate Hardy but love Aries.

They better not fucking drop Aries now because him and Bully Ray have been the best thing in TNA for the past like year.

I would like to say that the crowd were fantastic, so much better than the fucking Impact Zone.

Your point about how no TNA guys come down to help when the Aces & 8s start hitting the ring is spot on. Dear me.

I think they're turning Ray face, and obviously Aries is pretty much the heel now. I still maintain that Hardy as champ is a terrible decision, and could really harm them.

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I think they're turning Ray face, and obviously Aries is pretty much the heel now. I still maintain that Hardy as champ is a terrible decision, and could really harm them.

Yeah. Both of those could just be to suit the BFG matches. Although it didn't work so well with Aries but Ray was always going to be cheered since it was against the Aces and Eights.

Aries is too popular to be a heel, even with the Impact Zone crowd.

I'd have Roode feud with Hardy first, Hardy retains. Then have Ray take the title off of him.

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