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Crimson is back. The joy. His hair is ludicrous. Has he actually died it to make it look more ginger?! And he lost to Joseph Park.

AJ will win the BFG series, beating Mr Anderson in some sort of final after they wind up tied on points. That or AJ will face Mr Anderson and get a submmission to take him past Anderson on points.

Retire now Sting. And the thought of a new Main Event Mafia makes me want to weep with boredom.

What is it with people thinking that you can go away for a few months, come back with a beard and suddenly that makes you credible? Crimson, Gunner and Michael McGillicutty/Curtis Axel have all done it now. Gunner's in particular looks ridiclous given it's dark and his hair is a lot lighter.

I'd like to see it, and would make sense (would be even better if it was him vs Daniels for the title but can't see that being workable now). I think they need to give it to a face though, now that Sting is out (hopefully) all they really have is Angle and Hardy as legitimate, main event faces. Joe has been booked too midcardish but he could always make the jump up, I suppose. Personally, I'd give the BFG series win to Magnus - he's been great recently and is ready to make the step up.

I agree, f**k off Sting. It depends who they get, the last one was pretty decent but I can't see TNA being able to bring anyone back (certainly none of the likes of Booker, Nash or Steiner will be in TNA any time soon) nor is there anyone that I can think of that would be a big shock or anything.

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So Joe is the newest member of the MEM. There isnt really a need for this gimmick. All the TNA guys had to do was back each other up. I dont see why they need to wear suits to do that.

Trememdous twist with the Suicide/Aries angle mind

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Trememdous twist with the Suicide/Aries angle mind

Id read spoilers but it was just two guys talking about it on Facebook, one of them said something akin to the greatest man who ever lived but it was different enough that it wasn't a giveaway. I thought he did mean Aries but shrugged it off because he is in the BFG series.

The segment was good, the way his voice just started to normalise and then he ripped the mask off. It was great.

I read the spoilers for the next two episodes. I think there's two new members of the MEM. Huge meh if true.

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Crimson, Christian York, Madison Rayne, Sam Shaw, Taeler Hendrix and the worst of all, Joey Ryan, have all been fired by TNA to try and cut costs.

I fucking loved Ryan as well, gutted about him.

edit: seems like Crimson, York and Ryan have just had their profiles removed from the roster page but aren't confirmed releases yet

Edited by forehead7
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Why did they bring Crimson back for that one match?! You knew he was doomed when he got beat by Joseph Park.

Couldn't care about the rest save for Ryan, who was quality. Sadly for him he wasnt involved in the X, tag or WHC divisions and as such TNA had nothing for him as they have no idea what to do with guys who arent in any of them (except have them join Aces & 8s)

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Rumour is that despite laying people off Bruce Pritchard is interested in TNA hiring MVP, apparently MVP is trying to punt a reality show concept about prison life and the thought is signing with TNA could help open doors with Spike for the project.

I reckon MVP could do well in TNA.

Also the MEM thing is clearly just so Sting has something to do. That's poor.

Edited by DA Baracus
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So Magnus is the 4tg guy in the MEM. It's basically the same 4 guys who kind of teamed up on Aces & 8s before inexplicably leaving each other to the mercy of gang attacks. Sting then says no one has his back so he has to form a group of guys who do. It's then the same guys who DIDN'T have his back, but now they're wearing suits. This seems to indicate that Aces & 8s' kryptonite is suits.

The main event was cracking on last night's Impact. A very hard match with a brutal finish

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Yeah it's completely nuts, they needed some new faces to make MEM work, with these guys it just looks stupid.

The main event was fantastic aye, especially once it got down to the one on one stuff with Aries and Sabin. Can't help feel they are wasting these guys if they are going to stick with the three-way format as when they got a chance to go one on one last night it was awesome.

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Yeah it's completely nuts, they needed some new faces to make MEM work, with these guys it just looks stupid.

The main event was fantastic aye, especially once it got down to the one on one stuff with Aries and Sabin. Can't help feel they are wasting these guys if they are going to stick with the three-way format as when they got a chance to go one on one last night it was awesome.

There simply isn't a need for the MEM to exist. It's just something to accommodate Sting and given him air time. Pandering to guys in this manner has always been disasterous.

And I agree that they need to get rid of the stupid 3 way rule in the X Division. They need to build the X Division back up as well. There are only about 3 guys in it at the moment who appears on Impact with any sort of regularity. Also with all the attention they give Aces & 8s, I'm surprised they haven't got an Aces & 8s guy involved in the X Division.

Talking of Aces & 8s, it's been a failure I'm afraid. It's dragged out for far too long. The Bully turn was brilliantly done and has been some of the best writing in a long time, but it's just tiresome now. Most of the Aces & 8s guys don't do anything now. They just stand around and engage in the occasional gang beatdown.

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The look of an absolute megastar, but a godawful wrestler and not that charismatic either.

He could have developed I think, as I was quite impressed with him when he came back as an angry guy who destroyed others, but he was quickly drawn into the sphere of Hulk Hogan, who yet again let his ego get in the way.

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It's one of those events they filmed months ago before they left the impact zone. They are putting them out periodically to replace the lost ppvs thy dropped.

Haven't watched any as they are not related to any current running storylines obviously.

They do indeed sound shit.

Edited by Christophe
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Nothing else on so I've got this hardcore One Night Only thing on Challenge in the background, which I'm assuming was on over the weekend. It's the pits, dreadful dreadful show. Complete and utter dug shite.

Yeah it was. The Young Bucks vs Bad Influence was the only proper good match on it. The hardcore royal rumble thing for fun, I fucking love Shark Boy.

The only other decent part was seeing some old faces return like Homicide, James Mitchell, Spike Dudley, Nunzio and, indeed, Funaki. Also great to see Bob Holly (how the f**k does he not have a job in WWE? :blink: ), who still looked in good shape.

It's one of those events they filmed months ago before they left the impact zone. They are putting them out periodically to replace the lost ppvs thy dropped.

Haven't watched any as they are not related to any current running storylines obviously.

They do indeed sound shit.

The X-Division one was decent, for the most part. This one was just dire.

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He's good enough on the mic and a big enough unit to make an impact elsewhere, however poor he is in-ring.

Good summary there. Everything up to the actual wrestling bit, he is really good.

I actually enjoyed Hardcore Justice 2.

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