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Bound For Glory is on tonight at 9pm on Challenge. I have avoided all spoilers so quite looking forward to it. My expectations are that some of it will be quality and some of it will be fucking honking.

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I was really looking forward to the Ultimate X match. With the quality of talent in it, it should have been very good.

And we get that shit?! It just ended, and in a crap way. It should have been at least 10 minutes longer. At the risk of sounding hysterical, that was a fucking disgrace

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Haven't watch it yet, don't think I'll get a chance till the weekend but I read the results. A few surprises.

I'm still fucking raging at Bad Influence not being on the main card.

This is a PPV right? I'd be f*cking raging if I paid for a PPV and got that utter pish with Angle and Sting there, and the bit with Dixie and her nephew.

Bound For Glory is supposed to be TNA's Mania, it's their biggest show of the year.

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Haven't watch it yet, don't think I'll get a chance till the weekend but I read the results. A few surprises.

I'm still fucking raging at Bad Influence not being on the main card.

Bound For Glory is supposed to be TNA's Mania, it's their biggest show of the year.

I note your use of "supposed to be".

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Dear me that was brutal. TNA are a fucking travesty right now.

This was supposed to be their biggest event of the year, the one they have been building towards all year. Yet not only did it not feel like, it didn’t even feel like a standard PPV. It was just like a standard episode of Impact, and since there are regular title matches on Impact, it didn’t even feel like a special episode of Impact.

The X Division match was appalling. There were 4 former world champions in that match yet it was rotten. What was the point of the Ultimate X stipulation when they barely used it? And the ending just came out of nowhere and was so sudden, not to mention shit. A monumental waste of talent. Also Jeff Hardy looks big time fucked (injured I mean, not off his tits). He may be done very soon.

The tag match was decent enough, but it had no build up and didn’t feel in any way significant. Those titles mean nothing right now. Also why was Mr Olympia there?! No one had any clue who he was and no one cared.

It’s been mentioned before, but bad Influence not having a match was disgraceful. They aren’t even involved any sort of angle at all right now. Pish, fucking pish. These two have been the best team in wrestling for a long time, and have been one of the best things I’ve seen in wrestling in years. They can also deliver in the ring. To have them in a crappy wee skit that reintroduced Abyss, who is so irrelevant right now, was nonsense. f**k you TNA.

The Knockouts match was also perfectly decent, but we all knew that Lei’D Tapa was going to interrupt at some point. Again, this didn’t feel special at all. It felt like a regular Impact match.

Roode/Angle was also good, but again suffered from lack of build up. It just didn’t feel important so again felt like just another regular Impact match. If Angle wasn’t injured for real at the end, then it was very distasteful for them to do the whole stretcher thing.

Magnus/Sting was poor. It plodded along and it looked like Sting let Magnus win at the end. Even if he didn’t, this will do nothing for Magnus. Sting is looking very old now as well. And the Magnus heel turn that was hinted at has been coming. That could actually be good, as he’s too bland as a babyface.

The EC III thing was ridiculous. They’ve let loads of guys go yet hire someone to play this character which is already shit and doomed to failure. To have that piece of crap on their biggest show of the year shows just how incompetent those c***s are. Bollocks, utter bollocks. Fucking horrible.

The main event was a massive let down. It should have been all about how desperate AJ was for a win and how he would take everything Bully had, and about how Bully was determined to hold on to the title and to the presidency. AJ should have taken major punishment but just wouldn’t go down, setting up the classic comeback and win. Instead it seemed that it was all about Dixie Carter. It played out like every other title defence he’s had, meaning we saw run ins, the hammer and the exposing the ring boards routine. The bum AJ took through the table was the highlight of the match, but it was greatly diluted by the inclusion of Dixie fucking Carter. She’s a fucking arsehole who has no clue what she’s doing, and does that worse than anyone I’ve seen.

The attendance was crap as well, as you could clearly see loads of empty seats in the rows further back. TNA are an utter joke right now. Garbage, utter garbage.

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There was one good thing, although even that is a source of frustration and a sign of how inept TNA are. The promo Bad Influence was as always tremendous. 'Bags of douche' is so simple and juvenile yet had me chuckling for a while. These guys have been untouchable on the mic for ages now, and I'm not just talking about in TNA either.

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The more of the PPV I watched, the more I believed I was actually watching Impact, as previously mentioned by another poster. Possibly worse - I'm not even a regular watcher of Impact and it didn't even feel like a big show despite a lot of the matches being 'new' to me.

They really need to stop worrying about competing with WWE and try to look for the long term, that is of course if the long term is even a possibility for them.

I bought tickets to the Impact from the Hydro but I'm really wishing I hadn't know, I've got the feeling it'll be a small crowd and a poor show.

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The rematch for the title is on the episode airing in the States tonight.

Whereas WWE have had the WWE title change like 3/4 times in the past three months and no rematches have taken place on Raw, it's all on PPVs with the feud having been going on for that three months or so.

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Just watched BFG. Ooft, that wasn't great.

Thought the main event was pretty good. Not gonna be remembered as a classic but was the best match on the card. Who was Bully Ray calling for cause it looked like he was surprised when Dixie came down, thought all the fired members of Aces and Eights were gonna come down - that'd be just typical TNA. That missed springboard into the table was fucking mental.

Angle and Roode was also good, knew the result so assumed Angle was putting him over but that finish was a bit shit.

The rest was pretty meh. Shit ending for the Ultimate X match, obvious twist in the Knockout's match and everything else was just underwhelming.

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Aye that AJ missed springboard spot was something else. I don't think you'll see a more brutal spot in mainstream wrestling this year. It actually gets better every time you see it. It tied in with the story of a desperate AJ doing anything and just not staying down. Sadly it was the only kind of that spot in the match.

Yeah I think it we were supposed to believe that Bully was gesturing to the fired Aces members, similar to when he was talking to folk we couldn't see.

Whilst we're bashing TNA, why do most of their wrestlers have shit, inappropriate entrance music? And why are their entrance videos just their name and shit graphics? Where are the highlights of them action?

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Yeah I think it we were supposed to believe that Bully was gesturing to the fired Aces members, similar to when he was talking to folk we couldn't see.

Whilst we're bashing TNA, why do most of their wrestlers have shit, inappropriate entrance music? And why are their entrance videos just their name and shit graphics? Where are the highlights of them action?

Yeah, that's who I figured he was gesturing to but then Dixie appeared.

My brother made that point quite recently, if you think about WWF/E then they've got so many classic theme tunes. Not just the main eventers but up and down the card. Then you look at TNA and there's only a few that could be thought of in the same way. AJ's old one (which they seem to have taken away again, it started off with the weird emo one then turned into his classic one but at BFG it was all emo), maybe Abyss's old one before they changed it. LAX's was decent but then they changed it for Hernandez and it became shit.

They are all remarkably shit and quite often you can't really hear them. It makes no impact when they interrupt something because you can't hear the music when it hits. Whereas, if you think about someone like Austin's music hitting, that glass smash is so iconic that you hear it and you know it's Austin and you'd go off your tits about it.

Also forgot to mention but how stupid are they making Velvet Sky seem right now? Obviously she's still face and Sabin's heel but why is she continuing to act surprised every time he does something heelish? He's been doing it for, what, a month or two now but she's still surprised every time. It does nothing but make her look thick as f**k.

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Sting's is quality but that's the only one that is really good. As you say AJ's was decent but they've played around. Like you point out there aren't any that make an impact (pun not intended) with the exception of Sting. Jeff Hardy's is particulary bad. It's nonsense. In WWE most wrestlers get their tunes specially made but in TNA it'a like they pick from a limited music library.

Ha aye Velvet looks a moron. Even more so after her involvement in the X match at BFG.

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Oh joy; Mr Anderson is back.

Also way to make the new champ look strong.

P.S. f**k off Dixie Carter. Boring and irritating, and not in the good way where you can't wait fot her to get her comeuppance but in the bad way where you stop watching and turn over. A clueless arsehole

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