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One of my favourite chants was the 'you deserve it' chant to Bryan on the raw after he won at WM. Can just imagine the reaction for Reigns. It could be pretty good if he turns on the fans though.


That's what's so annoying about it.  With one tiny change, they could turn this all around with Reigns.  It seems like almost a lock that he's going to win, and very likely that they'll paint it as the big underdog, and super-face that has just won the title.


Instead, they could have it go that way right up until he wins it, then move to a more natural fit for Reigns personally - either do it at WM and have him turn on the Rock if he comes down, or have him turn on the fans at WM or on RAW the next night.  I know they're not going to want this guy to be a heel, but if they do it right,  you're still going to have the same fans cheering him, only the boos he's going to inevitably get will actually be directed at his character rather than how he's getting pushed.


It's why I think that there must be something planned.  Not as huge as HHH retaining or anything, but something more than just a straight clean victory for Reigns.  They always bring something out for WM, even if it's right at the last moment.

Edited by forameus
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Wrestlemania is a smark heavy audience. Anyone who thinks that the crowd just leaned slightly towards Lesnar last year might need to watch that again. A very pro Lesnar crowd. And it's always the same. RAW is basically the same thing, but it's magnified because of the smaller hall.


Reigns is going to get booed to f**k at Mania. Guaranteed. Just like last year.

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Watching the WWE Network - and purely from an on screen perspective - it's devastating that Vince is ageing cause he's probably still the best heel in wrestling.

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Guest bernardblack

Is Stephanie a face when hhh isn't around?

Also, that "recap" shows Shane coming back when Vince says:

"You can have everything you want, as long as you have one match"

Has he even said that he has to beat Taker?

God I hate (love) wrestling!

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Is Stephanie a face when hhh isn't around?

Also, that "recap" shows Shane coming back when Vince says:

"You can have everything you want, as long as you have one match"

Has he even said that he has to beat Taker?

God I hate (love) wrestling!


He never actually said that he had to beat him, which people picked up on, but suspect that's what they meant.  Now they're ret-conning it in by saying that Takers out if he loses.  Again though, I read it as "It's his last Wrestlemania" if he loses.  Does that mean he doesn't retire but can't wrestle at WM?  They've made a complete arse of the whole thing, and in a way it's sad that they'll probably be redeemed by it being a must-watch.  They could really knock things out the park with storytelling, but always seem so reluctant to.


EDIT: Also, Luke Harper looks like he's joined the long injury list.  Torn ACL early on in the dark match of RAW.  Was seen collapsing, then punching the ring in frustration before being treated outside.  Absolutely terrible news for the guy.

Edited by forameus
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Eoin Doyle, on 22 Mar 2016 - 02:52, said:

Shane wins and then brings back taker


Because the definite best way to retain Taker's character is to have a non-wrestler beat him, and then for Taker to need help from said non-wrestler.


Might as well chuck Taker altogether if that's the idea. It won't be though.

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Guest bernardblack

He never actually said that he had to beat him, which people picked up on, but suspect that's what they meant. Now they're ret-conning it in by saying that Takers out if he loses. Again though, I read it as "It's his last Wrestlemania" if he loses. Does that mean he doesn't retire but can't wrestle at WM? They've made a complete arse of the whole thing, and in a way it's sad that they'll probably be redeemed by it being a must-watch. They could really knock things out the park with storytelling, but always seem so reluctant to.

EDIT: Also, Luke Harper looks like he's joined the long injury list. Torn ACL early on in the dark match of RAW. Was seen collapsing, then punching the ring in frustration before being treated outside. Absolutely terrible news for the guy.

That's a real shame about Harper. Seriously under rated worker and top bloke by all accounts

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Have we found out yet why Taker is fighting for Vince and why he hasn't just refused to do so?



Bray Wyatt has been on the main roster for 2 years and 9 months. They've majorly fucked him. Guy should be brilliant but they just keep giving him crap and having him lose. Also someone apparently attacked Strowman last night. What sort of fucking idiot would try that? The size of Strowman!



Also I think the League of Nations are the biggest jobber stable ever, despite actually getting some wins. They are just an abysmal failure and a huge waste of each guy. They should just be called 'Not Americans'. They represent the utter failure of 'creative'. The fucking Social Outcasts are better than these jabronis.

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Have we found out yet why Taker is fighting for Vince and why he hasn't just refused to do so?



Bray Wyatt has been on the main roster for 2 years and 9 months. They've majorly fucked him. Guy should be brilliant but they just keep giving him crap and having him lose. Also someone apparently attacked Strowman last night. What sort of fucking idiot would try that? The size of Strowman!



Also I think the League of Nations are the biggest jobber stable ever, despite actually getting some wins. They are just an abysmal failure and a huge waste of each guy. They should just be called 'Not Americans'. They represent the utter failure of 'creative'. The fucking Social Outcasts are better than these jabronis.


They should be the new Team Canada

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