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Don't like the idea of every category in next week's prestigious Slammy Awards being decided by the public vote - completely takes the element of surprise out of it and ensures that heels will win feck all. Unless WWE just ignore the vote and do their own thing anyway...

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Just watched last nights episode. Getting very bored of The Shield already, all they have done past few weeks is punch f**k out of folk. Hopefully they put on a decent show on Sunday night.

That moustache is absolutely horrendous from Rhodes too.

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Don't like the idea of every category in next week's prestigious Slammy Awards being decided by the public vote - completely takes the element of surprise out of it and ensures that heels will win feck all. Unless WWE just ignore the vote and do their own thing anyway...

I think the reason why they've moved to the WWE app over Twitter is so they can rig it without being found out!

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Standard script for Big Show vs John Cena matches.

  • Big Show starts dominant
  • Cena fights back, jumps on his back for a sleeper hold, almost wears him down, bit of offence and tries to pin but Show throws him off. Goes for Attitutude Adjustment but can't lift him.
  • Big Show looks like he's about to kill Cena with some big offence
  • Cena fights back, gets AA, everyone is shocked

Thats usually followed by a Cena win, so it was quite radical for WWE to not have it end that way.

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Surely Ziggler can't lose the MITB case to Cena? Words can't describe how dire that would be.

There's a few ways creative can go with this;

1) Depending on scheduling, he can cash in his MITB *before* the match with Cena, which would be interesting

2) Cena wins the MITB off ziggles, Cena again cashes it in unsuccesfully, Ziggler uses this in promos about how ridiculous it is that Cena gets away with losing MITB but still gets given umpteen title shots anyway because he's Cena

3) A Dolph Ziggler face turn at some point in the future, most likely by turning on Vickie for putting his MITB on the line and him losing it to Cena (I'd be happy enough with that)

4) Ziggles loses his MITB, starts jobbing in the midcard and gets buried

Knowing WWE it's going to be 4), isn't it. dry.gif

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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There's a few ways creative can go with this;

1) Depending on scheduling, he can cash in his MITB *before* the match with Cena, which would be interesting

2) Cena wins the MITB off ziggles, Cena again cashes it in unsuccesfully, Ziggler uses this in promos about how ridiculous it is that Cena gets away with losing MITB but still gets given umpteen title shots anyway because he's Cena

3) A Dolph Ziggler face turn at some point in the future, most likely by turning on Vickie for putting his MITB on the line and him losing it to Cena (I'd be happy enough with that)

4) Ziggles loses his MITB, starts jobbing in the midcard and gets buried

Knowing WWE it's going to be 4), isn't it. dry.gif

Give me option one, with Vince/Vickie/Booker/Whoever deciding that Ziggler now has to defend his title vs Cena. Defeats him cleanly in a Ladder Match or with help from the Shield, who find it an injustice that he's had to defend his newly won crown against Cena without Cena having to earn the title shot.

I've thought for a while now that this would be the event where the cash-in would finally happen for Ziggler. It would make more sense for it to be against Sheamus (for future feuding purposes) so I can maybe see Sheamus somehow beating the Big Show in the Chairs Match, Big Show attacking him afterwards leaving him prone on the mat for Ziggler's arrival. Big Show will let him go as he hates Sheamus so much that he wants him to lose to Ziggler.

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3) A Dolph Ziggler face turn at some point in the future, most likely by turning on Vickie for putting his MITB on the line and him losing it to Cena (I'd be happy enough with that)

Ziggler complains about being screwed over by loosing a match he didn't want? Wouldn't that make him heel?

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There's a few ways creative can go with this;

1) Depending on scheduling, he can cash in his MITB *before* the match with Cena, which would be interesting

2) Cena wins the MITB off ziggles, Cena again cashes it in unsuccesfully, Ziggler uses this in promos about how ridiculous it is that Cena gets away with losing MITB but still gets given umpteen title shots anyway because he's Cena

3) A Dolph Ziggler face turn at some point in the future, most likely by turning on Vickie for putting his MITB on the line and him losing it to Cena (I'd be happy enough with that)

4) Ziggles loses his MITB, starts jobbing in the midcard and gets buried

Knowing WWE it's going to be 4), isn't it. dry.gif

AJ interferes, turning heel and allowing Ziggler to retain the briefcase. Calling it. cool.gif

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Damien Sandow is quality. One of the best things on Raw I think. I love him on the mic.

Agree with this. He's a natural on the mic and delivers his lines with confidence. I've never heard him mess one up or even stumble on a word.

Yip its going one of two ways

1. AJ will cause Cena to lose and side with Ziggler

2. Ziggler cashes in and wins title earlier, ladder match is then turned into title match

This is what I was thinking. There's too much been made of the AJ/Cena romance scandal and it looks like AJ has went back to her schizophrenic ways, she could lose it again and get herself involved in Cena's match costing him the briefcase.

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There was so much from Sandow on Monday that had me buckling in laughter. Just wee things like "thank you" after Rhodes complimented him and "you're welcome" a few times in between Rhodes' lines.

They were fantastic whereas Miz was awful again. He's just too arrogant and smarmy to be a face, I just can't stand the guy. He's resorting to cheap pops every couple of minutes.

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Just watched bit of Raw. Agree with the above posts re Rhodes Scholars.

Also I really enjoyed the ending. It reminded me of an Attitude-era Raw where loads of folk were brawling in the ring. The crowd were going wild for it as well.

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