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I'll give a tenner to a worthy charity if Undertaker ends up putting his streak on the line at the next Wrestlemania. From the little I've read about it, his hip is goosed. Still, it would be an impressive piece of chicanery if it was a just a ruse, but I can't see it. Normally these things are hyped aeons in advance.

Just for the record, I'd happily pay a tenner to see Undertaker perform in a proper match.

Edited by Cardinal Richelieu
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Or have Taker interfere and have a fatal 4 way for title. Takers streak would be in serious jeopardy...

Not really, as long as he didn't get pinned then his streak would still remain.

Oh for f**k sake... right, The Undertaker vs. John Cena would be good to see Cena end the streak. Otherwise I'm not interested.

Yeah, there's not enough hatred of Cena quite yet.

Cena/Taker would probably be the one match they could put on where his opponent actually has a chance of beating him. But I don't want to see it and I certainly don't want to see Cena beat him.

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Mick Foley is always saying he has one big match left in him, he may well be deluding himself considering the state of his body, but then again, I'd never write him off to do so.

Anyways, the point of my question was this - If Taker only had one more match in him as well, would you be adverse to see him fighting Foley one last time as a sort of send-off to both wrestlers? The result would never be in doubt, and the streak wouldn't be threatened, but I'd struggle to name a greater story-teller than either of those two, and considering their past matches it'd almost be poetic that they ended one anothers careers.

Just a thought, what does everyone else think?

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If those two were to have one last match, their careers deserve more than what would effectively be a pity match.

The problem with both is that their conditioning and bodies in general would require an opponent to do a huge part of the work. Plus the fact that all their previous matches involved massive bumps - even if the crowd accepted that they can't do them, there would bethe feeling that the match couldn't be up to previous standards.

I'm also not for the idea of Cena ending the streak - if it ends, it has to be worthwhile, not just another notch on Cena's metaphorical bedpost. If a guy like Shawn Michaels wasn't able to end it in either of two 5* matches, Cena should not be allowed to do it against a broken Taker in what would undoubtedly be a sh*tfest.

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Mick Foley is always saying he has one big match left in him, he may well be deluding himself considering the state of his body, but then again, I'd never write him off to do so.

Anyways, the point of my question was this - If Taker only had one more match in him as well, would you be adverse to see him fighting Foley one last time as a sort of send-off to both wrestlers? The result would never be in doubt, and the streak wouldn't be threatened, but I'd struggle to name a greater story-teller than either of those two, and considering their past matches it'd almost be poetic that they ended one anothers careers.

Just a thought, what does everyone else think?

Obviously HHH has wrestled again since anyway and will carry on as a COO type character for years, but I felt last year was the perfect send-off for all three involved. I hope Taker never wrestles again to be honest, that shot of the three of them at the top of the ramp is a fine way to go out.

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When he was TNA champ, and that was a few years back, Foley was horrible in the ring. He's fucked. So a match with him and Taker now would be rotten. It would also be beyond doubt that Taker would win. And half the fans would probably have no clue who Foley is.

The only opponent Taker would face if he gets back into the ring would be someone who would pose a threat to the streak, otherwise there's really no point in a match with Taker. That rules out just about everyone. Realistically there's only about 3 guys who could face Taker.

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