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The number of tweets from current and former stars criticising WWE concerns me. The fact that Bryan's tweets all point to it being a work, and people like Mick Foley chiming in"criticising" the booking suggests that they had it planned for a while.

How no-one though that it might go wrong is difficult to believe - surely they didn't deliberately get the crowd to sh*t on their 2nd biggest PPV just to get a little more heat on a guy who is already over as hell?

Maybe Vince Russo will come out on Smackdown and announce David Arquette as the Number 1 contender.

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Of course they'll spin it in their favour and market it as if it was planned all along. That's the brilliance of Vince McMahon. It was undoubtedly a mistake but as long as there's a slight element of doubt, Vince will work it so that it benefits him.

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More Chamber participants and extra match revealed:

Christian & Antonio Cesaro in the Elimination Chamber. I'm glad Cesaro's in there but to be honest Christian bores me. Good enough wrestler though.

The Wyatts vs the Shield has also been confirmed.

I think CM Punk will fight Kane if, in fact, he hasn't walked out. Would be a bit of a disaster if he has.

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Apparently Punk's walked out on WWE

Aye I've just been reading about this. He's been pulled from all upcoming house shows, although apparently is still advertised for Elimination Chamber. His contract runs out in a few months and no one knows if he'll re-sign or not. He's pretty over with the crowd, but they really dropped the ball with him after his 'Pipe bomb' speech and beating Cena at MITB. They drained him of his heat then turned him in to a generic heel. Once again they continued to push Cena in the main event, even though he wasn't the champion. No wonder he's pissed off.

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Remember the original Nexus?

It's members were;

Wade Barrett

Daniel Bryan

Husky Harris

Skip Sheffield

Michael Migilicutty

Darren Young

Heath Slater

Justin Gabriel

This group was routinely annihilated single handedly by John Cena. He ended them after winning some bullshit match or other.

That group contained guys that became Bray Wyatt and Ryback, Curtis Axel, and of course had Daniel Bryan. Wade Barrett was the leader and was given the strongest push. All were smashed by Super Cena. And they wonder why they don't have more main event guys!

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Aye I've just been reading about this. He's been pulled from all upcoming house shows, although apparently is still advertised for Elimination Chamber. His contract runs out in a few months and no one knows if he'll re-sign or not. He's pretty over with the crowd, but they really dropped the ball with him after his 'Pipe bomb' speech and beating Cena at MITB. They drained him of his heat then turned him in to a generic heel. Once again they continued to push Cena in the main event, even though he wasn't the champion. No wonder he's pissed off.

That pipe bomb speech was in 2012 was it not? And coincided with him signing a new deal? why would he sign a new contract for 18 months?

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Aye I've just been reading about this. He's been pulled from all upcoming house shows, although apparently is still advertised for Elimination Chamber. His contract runs out in a few months and no one knows if he'll re-sign or not. He's pretty over with the crowd, but they really dropped the ball with him after his 'Pipe bomb' speech and beating Cena at MITB. They drained him of his heat then turned him in to a generic heel. Once again they continued to push Cena in the main event, even though he wasn't the champion. No wonder he's pissed off.

Aye, it's a huge f**k up, and a huge f**k you to punk, having the part-timers coming back for the top wrestlemania slots. Looks like they were gonna have punk feuding with Kane, which is just a waste. For me, it had to either be Punkvs Bryan or Cena vs Bryan for the title to headline wrestlemania, but there's just no way that can happen now. Poor form, if they've lost punk they're gonna struggle really badly in the 'off season' (april to january lol)
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Remember the original Nexus?

It's members were;

Wade Barrett

Daniel Bryan

Husky Harris

Skip Sheffield

Michael Migilicutty

Darren Young

Heath Slater

Justin Gabriel

This group was routinely annihilated single handedly by John Cena. He ended them after winning some bullshit match or other.

That group contained guys that became Bray Wyatt and Ryback, Curtis Axel, and of course had Daniel Bryan. Wade Barrett was the leader and was given the strongest push. All were smashed by Super Cena. And they wonder why they don't have more main event guys!

Harris and McGillicutty weren't in it. Otunga and Tarver were the guys in there instead. Bryan was also in it for one week before being bagged.

I agree with the sentiments though.

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Aye, it's a huge f**k up, and a huge f**k you to punk, having the part-timers coming back for the top wrestlemania slots. Looks like they were gonna have punk feuding with Kane, which is just a waste. For me, it had to either be Punkvs Bryan or Cena vs Bryan for the title to headline wrestlemania, but there's just no way that can happen now. Poor form, if they've lost punk they're gonna struggle really badly in the 'off season' (april to january lol)

I thought having Punk vs Bryan to headline Wrestlemania 30 would've been a great idea. Yes, bring some legends back for the showpiece event but really show everyone who your stars are now by putting them at the top of the bill in a match that'd have the potential to become legendary if they got the appropriate amount of time. You can almost guarantee that will not be the case with Batista vs Orton and it may well be a good Wrestlemania outwith but I think a lot will think of it as what might've been.

Although, things could still change I suppose.

Edited by LAGer
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