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I'm wondering if cena hurt his knee in the chamber, might explain why they suddenly ruled him out of wrestlemania completely.

If that is the case, I wonder if shield Wyatt's 2 could be away to take place.

Cena vs Wyatt has been talked about for months, pretty much confirmed when they cost him the Rumble match.

Last night was pretty pish. Hogan was more over than I thought he'd be but fucking up his first promo was hilarious.

I don't like how they didn't mention to us where Ambrose was. The Shield and Wyatt interactions were great though. As was Wyatt's stuff with Cena. I'm surprised this is a work, Cena sold it well.

I saw the Taker spoiler but it was still cool. Though I don't like how Taker just turns up and looks at the Mania sign, doing it is stupid and he's the worst for it.

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b*****d my sky never recorded raw last night like it normally does. Does anyone ken if there's a second showing before the Thursday night repeat? If not I'll need to record that one

Nah it'll just be that one.

With the added bonus of no adverts every 2 f**king minutes.

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b*****d my sky never recorded raw last night like it normally does. Does anyone ken if there's a second showing before the Thursday night repeat? If not I'll need to record that one

That happened with mine too, Thursday was the next time it's shown!

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It's definitely on Daily Motion. WWE have put the important clips on Youtube, but they've cut a lot of crowd noise out particularly noticeable when Taker barely gets a reaction when in reality there was loud, audible chants of 'holy shit'. Presume it'll be the same for the Punk chants etc.

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It was pretty obvious what was happening when Heyman kept banging on about "history", but I marked out like a kid when he jammed the pen in Lesnar's hand then chokeslammed him! I love the Undertaker, and the crowd reaction was brilliant too.

The Shield-Wyatts segment was cracking again - I'd love to see some sort of tornado tag in a cage/cell to settle it.

Why did the Usos' win have to be because they blindsided the NAO? Can't they just beat them clean?

Batista was lucky to be alive after his match, and so were the crowd with all the oxygen he was gobbling up. Then he had a most boring/incomprehensible promo competition with Orton.

Hulk Hogan? Meh. Never liked him when I was a kid, still don't like him now.

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Why did the Usos' win have to be because they blindsided the NAO? Can't they just beat them clean?

That segment was just stupid in general. They started the match, I'm guessing the Usos were out of the ring for more than 10 seconds but no countout? Pish.

There was some boos when they did it too.

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You know the WWE are running out of ideas when they bring in Hogan. What? Had they seen what great a job he did for TNA and decided to bring him in? WWE have some amazing talent and push them aside for part timers who were past their best a long time ago. It's pathetic

He was writing in TNA though, he will have zero creative control over WWE which is fucking lucky.

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EdgarusQPFC, on 27 Feb 2014 - 13:34, said:

You know the WWE are running out of ideas when they bring in Hogan. What? Had they seen what great a job he did for TNA and decided to bring him in? WWE have some amazing talent and push them aside for part timers who were past their best a long time ago. It's pathetic

Think that's nonsense tbh. Hogan is part of the reason WWE are as big as they are, he was the definition of the word 'superstar' rather than wrestler and they're bringing him back as host for the big one which is 30. I'm surprised Vince hasn't made a show though, because with all due respect this is likely the last big Mania he'll be able to bring something to. I don't think he'll have much to contribute on camera at 40.

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Think that's nonsense tbh. Hogan is part of the reason WWE are as big as they are, he was the definition of the word 'superstar' rather than wrestler and they're bringing him back as host for the big one which is 30. I'm surprised Vince hasn't made a show though, because with all due respect this is likely the last big Mania he'll be able to bring something to. I don't think he'll have much to contribute on camera at 40.

I would love it if he walked out on Monday night and fired Batista on the spot. Nae chance of that though :(

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It's clear Batista has backfired on himself and creative. He seems unfit in the ring, has botched quite a few moves, and just hasn't got the fans excited at all. I'm still reeling that Ziggler is back in midcard, if he didn't get that concussion after his massive push, he could be on the same level as D Bryan IMO.

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It's clear Batista has backfired on himself and creative. He seems unfit in the ring, has botched quite a few moves, and just hasn't got the fans excited at all. I'm still reeling that Ziggler is back in midcard, if he didn't get that concussion after his massive push, he could be on the same level as D Bryan IMO.

I'm the same regarding Ziggler. Was watching a video the other day on YouTube when he cashed in against ADR. He was unbelievably over and the roar from the crowd was something else. It wasn't a 'yaaaay woooo' reaction, it was a proper 'YAAAAAAAAAAAS' reaction when his music hit.

I think there is decent enough talent in there to be at that upper midcard level. You've got Ziggler, Barrett, Sandow, Cesaro, All members of the Shield, Bray Watt, Rhodes. There is a lot of guys that get good reactions from the crowd and could go very far if given a push.

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It's clear Batista has backfired on himself and creative. He seems unfit in the ring, has botched quite a few moves, and just hasn't got the fans excited at all. I'm still reeling that Ziggler is back in midcard, if he didn't get that concussion after his massive push, he could be on the same level as D Bryan IMO.

The midcard would be a step-up for Ziggler, he's a jobber right now.

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At times it feels like they are too scared to give someone a run with the title, or even push them. If they brought back Batista, had him eliminated from the rumble then screwed over in the chamber it would've perhaps been better for him, however I think that Batista has let them down by not actually getting into shape for his return.

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