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Monday Night Raw Live


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Are they... are they setting up Cena to turn heel down the road? Just a few things in that promo didn't seem like the usual goofy Cena - "Will the universe try to inflict punishment on me?" "He's got the whole world in his hands... I guess we'll see" and he sounded kind of crestfallen.

It's probably just so they can keep teasing a heel turn that won't come, but either way I like the story of "Can Wyatt break John Cena and make him into a monster?" so far. Wyatt's promo was excellent and he had a good section of the crowd eating out of his hands by singing along with him.

Clever to incorporate the vote into the story too.

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I hope Cena turns heel. The goody two shoes Cena has been boring for years. His freestyle rapper gimmick actually brought something different each show instead of the same five moves

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