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Given how shite WWE have been at utilizing Cesaro, arguably one of their top talents, is it any surprise his music is bollux as well?

Cesaro unfortunately doesn't have much character to go with his awesome wrestling. So ultimately, he won't go far. I thought for a while he'd get there on talent alone, but that was fairly naïve, as there has NEVER been a time where this has been all it takes. Even the likes of a Bret Hart or Chris Benoit needed a LOT of intensity. This isn't TNA where any old Lashley can win gold.

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John Cena droned on about what a good guy he is and all the shite he does for charity etc.

Then he threatens to beat up an old non wrestler who has never physically harmed Cena.

Good one John.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Actually I think I read that the Rosebuds are all just indy wrestlers from each place they go to.

Think some of them also are wrestlers who could possibly be being used on the rebooted Tough Enough, Thea Trinidad(formerly Rosita in TNA) for example is one of the Rosebuds almost every week and is talked of being on TE should they follow through with filming it.

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Yeah, but this is something WWE's creative team should have pushed and developed. I mean Cesaro is talented, and I doubt he'll go as far as the examples below, but all Austin was was a bad-attitude brawler. The Game version of Triple H was just good at wrestling and ruthless. Not difficult 'characters' to portray.

Austin was incredibly gifted as a character wrestler. Which is how he managed to move into comedy heel so effortlessly as well. HHH has fucking boatloads of charisma, which helps. Cesaro is a terrific wrestler, and not much else. Which is fine. He'll make a good living in the midcard having good matches most of the time. I won't complain about that. He'll make those wee jumps to the upper midcard now and again as well, which is also fine.

Cesaro will find it difficult to portray even the simplest of characters. Because it's just not his thing.

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Actually I think I read that the Rosebuds are all just indy wrestlers from each place they go to.

They are sometimes. I'd imagine a few people will be constants and they'll fill it with local guys (like they did when they were in England, a few Scottish guys were among them).

but all Austin was was a bad-attitude brawler.


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8Mile isn't far off what is what essentially made up "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. He brawled around the arena and stunned folk. That was his schtick. Oh, and he didn't like authority. He was the every man. But that doesn't mean that he didn't play the role wonderfully. To suggest otherwise would be doing a great disservice to one of the all time greats.

EDIT: Actually, interesting to note that Austin used to be a brilliant technical wrestler, but it was when he became a brawler and beer drinker that he became a star.

Edited by NewDomDom
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John Cena droned on about what a good guy he is and all the shite he does for charity etc.

Then he threatens to beat up an old non wrestler who has never physically harmed Cena.

Good one John.

The classic Hogan was the same - if you watch back through his WM and Summerslam matches especially, it's amazing how often he belts someone with a chair, or cheats in some other way, while being the "hero".

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