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Fantastic raw up until the main event.

Bryan and ziggler had a fantastic match as did ambrose and cena.

The Look on Lesnars face during that segment was awesome.

As normal the crowd were friggin insane. The W**k pheasant sign making a second appearance cracked me up.

Sad thing is that next week the crowd will be back to its normal boring self unless its in chicago or UK

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Chupacabra, on 31 Mar 2015 - 22:51, said:

Anyone else sick of Rusev? Bored of the shite USA vs Russia pish, they've stretched it far enough. Can see it being some sort of draw in the US for the hicks though, which is a shame.

It's definitely over in the US with more than "the hicks" as you so classily put it.

I'd rather not see it though. WWE might well see that the gimmick can't work for much further. It's peaked with the Cena stuff. Time to wind it down or get rid completely.

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Thoroughly enjoyed Raw. Loved how everyone stood still trying not to laugh when the fans had their Mexican wave.

Cena v Ambrose was awesome. Really liking how the Ambrose character is progressing. Him and Rollins are really stepping up to the mark.

Having Lesnar suspended helps explain the his absence.

JBL and co disappearing hurt because the table was pushed over was pretty poor.

Agree with most of the comments about the main event. I really struggle to see how Big Show and Kane maintain ring time. both are incredibly boring characters and show can't wrestle. he does have slightly more mobility than the great Khali i suppose

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Big Show and Kane can be half decent if handled correctly. Kane was brilliant with Daniel Bryan and really helped push him to the next level. Show's just been overused to the point of tedium.

They're done in the roles they play just now, two complete borefests but suppose Vince sees them as the steady hands to keep things ticking at main event.

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Big Show and Kane can be half decent if handled correctly. Kane was brilliant with Daniel Bryan and really helped push him to the next level. Show's just been overused to the point of tedium.

They're done in the roles they play just now, two complete borefests but suppose Vince sees them as the steady hands to keep things ticking at main event.

Nah man, that was a dreadful angle. Kane, who's been more or less a perma-jobber for the last couple of years, is suddenly recast as "the Devil's favourite demon" and is going around chasing after Bryan and his wife and we're supposed to believe he's a frightening prospect again! It's not 1997. All it involved was Bryan looking like a beta and Brie Bella shrieking.

A waste of everyone's time, especially Bryan's.

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Nah man, that was a dreadful angle. Kane, who's been more or less a perma-jobber for the last couple of years, is suddenly recast as "the Devil's favourite demon" and is going around chasing after Bryan and his wife and we're supposed to believe he's a frightening prospect again! It's not 1997. All it involved was Bryan looking like a beta and Brie Bella shrieking.

A waste of everyone's time, especially Bryan's.

I was more meaning the tag team than that pile of nonsense!

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There's no doubt that the Team Hell No stuff helped Bryan massively. Big Show is the worst of the worst, he should be doing PR stuff for WWE but that's about it. Kane still has the odd moment but not in his current role.

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Aside from Bryan vs Ziggler and the stuff with Brock and Rollins I thought it was a tame effort for a post Mania Raw. Distinctly average.

Vince was clearly like 'no blood tonight lads eh?'

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Aside from Bryan vs Ziggler and the stuff with Brock and Rollins I thought it was a tame effort for a post Mania Raw. Distinctly average.

For 2 hours it was standard post-mania madness, then the last hour left a really sour taste.

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Haha! I apologise. Team Hell No were good fun.

I think Kane and Big Show still have a purpose to play but they shouldn't be anywhere near main events.

I am the tag team champions!

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I'm going to be controversial here, I don't think Ziggler and Bryan generally have good matches together. Maybe it's because I expect too much as each guy is able to steal the show on his own, but I've never really been fully satisfied by a match between the two and we've had a good few of those over the past month and a bit.

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